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Everything posted by JsARCLIGHT
Duke Nukem Forever is dead. It's a conspiracy of silence. If they remove the name from the release lists then all the people that preorded it will riot.
Vaporware is something that keeps setting release dates only to be pushed back again and again... or something that gets redone over and over, never to actually hit the shelves. Bsu's use of Duke Nukem Forever is a good example. That game was supposed to come out in what, 1997? Where is it? I saw a lot of screencaps and hype with no product... IMHO Both Doom 3 and HL 2 are vaporware. When they do eventually come out sometime after the great robot war of 2034 we will not be impressed.
To be honest, Doom 3 is just as vaporware as HL2... I mean, where is it in the sceme of things?
Arnold strikes me the same way as that kid we all knew in high school, you know the one... the guy who's been lifting since he was ten and is stacked with muscles. The same guy who in almost alone every day in the gym... lifting. He's on the football team but he can't do much because he's slow and immobile thanks to all that lifting... he's at all the parties and tries so hard to be a ladies' man but most of the girls won't even talk to him because he is so "ripped" that it puts most of them off. That same musclebound kid from high school who is dumb as a post somehow got a break... next thing you know he's doing what he did best: showing off for masses of people in competitions. Someone sees some potential in him, that thing the French call a certain je ne sais quoi? He tours countries showing off his muscles... That showing off easily becomes acting and over night he is a sensation. But his time in high school has left him slightly stunted in more ways than one... he is clumsy around women and his newfound fame has him putting his foot in his mouth a lot in his career. Fast forward to modern day... that guy from high school is now a multi-millionare living in a mansion, married into one of the most influential families in the country, driving a fleet of luxury cars and starring in some of the biggest blockbusters of our time. He still can't act to save his life but people finally accept him for what he is: a big musclebound dynamo. He has a face that people like, more from familiarity than actual knowledge of who he is in real life... we have only seen him on the screen. But his positive attitude is infectious and it opens doors for him in ways none of us would have ever had... We have all known someone like Arnold, the blessed behemoth.
What series finale still stands the test of time?
JsARCLIGHT replied to UN Spacy's topic in Anime or Science Fiction
Hell yeah. Rock and Rule, the unappreciated Canadian answer to Heavy Metal... I still sing "Ohm sweet Ohm" by Ohmar and the Daycares at the office to annoy people... I like that movie so much I had to track down the original LP! -
After some playing last night I have my professional character assassination of Halo on the PC ready: PROS: - Graphics don't look that dated, but have issues, more later - Plot is at least original and not your run of the mill FPS thin one - character designs are interesting - vehicles... more later - environment effects and design are also interesting, except for level design - sound effects in EAX are top notch CONS: (sit down this is a long list) - level design is terrible at worst and uninspired at best. - the vehicles, especially the Warthog jeep, steer like a greased cat on ice - the weapon selection in the game is puny and most of them are sub-par as far as FPS weapons go - your character moves like he has a lead ass and is slow as a sloth... yet somehow he can leap like 9 feet in the air? - the game lacks true 32 bit textures and relys on the same low-res ones from the Xbox which makes some things appear crystal clear while others are blurry and messy - limited list of enemies and weapons means you basically fight the same skirmish over and over and over again - The game really reaks of "simplistic console game" in all aspects MY VERDICT: Stay away. Stay far away. In fact, don't go home after buying this game, go somewhere else so you don't allow the suck to follow you back to your home planet. This game.... ugh... this game. What did all you Xbox people see in this thing? It's slow, it's stodgy, it's limited and it's annoying. On one hand you have the Master Chief with his constantly reactivating shields so you are never really in any danger who moves like a sloth but can leap ten feet in the air... combine him with a selection of truly useless cookie cutter weapons, vehicles that have oil on the tires so you drive like a drunk moose and level design so linear my cat could follow them leaves you with one thing: this was obviously a console game designed knowing full well it was going to be played in low res on a TV with a cumbersome controller and the game reflects that. Seeing as how the Xbox was filled with such suck titles at launch no wonder this game mopped up, it was an average game in a field of crap which made it look like the second coming. I'm sticking to my made for PC games from now on, no more ports for me. If you are a seasoned PC FPS player, Halo on the PC is tantamount to going back to kindergarten... the simple levels, simple weapons and limited enemies and options will not confuse or befuddle the slow minded but will bore the elite to death in seconds. Much like GTA 3 people tell me "well you should have played it on the console"... I have a feeling if I did I would have liked it more because then there would be excuses for all the bad elements in the game... My Score: a 3 out of 10 DON'T BUY IT! WAIT FOR HALF LIFE 2!!!
We get quite rowdy at the office. I got a book thrown at me today because a satchel charge I totally forgot I placed went off and killed 5 people who were having a knife fight... they all had the great idea to see who would win in a knife fight free for all in a clearing... ... when the SC went off and killed them all I got quite a lot of chin music... At that point the game momentarily changed from a free for all into kill the boss.
I'm tons of fun, I and the people I like to play with just dislike FOSH weapons and campers... we fight it out with machine guns, rifles, pistols and grenades in crazy hit and run moves... Come to think of it, we fight like Bsu...
That's why I play LAN games... - you know who you are up against - there are no FOSH weapons like "rockets" - everyone knows that I'm laying tripmines and satchel charges in all the campgrounds so we have few "snipers" - death is everywhere LAN games are great because you have balanced gameplay, today's game of Vietcong (after we hung up Halo for being a pile) had an even kill ratio, no one was "top dog". We fight with conventional weapons and grenades... most kills come from well placed grenades and booby traps as meeting engagements usually result in two players shooting each other to peices and someone else wandering in and popping them both. I get soooooooo pissed off at online games in which one little group of turds get rocket launchers or BFG9000 FOSH guns and just start camping and ramping everyone on the board... that and the snap shot camp snipers. The only time I camp is when I'm down to 10 bullets, 10 health and I surround myself with satchel charges with my finger on the trigger... I get you and me with one press.
Give me a sack full of grenades and enough body armor to survive long enough to run in close to you. JIHAD babeee! BOOOOOOOM! (In the office I'm known as king of tripmines and grenades) B)
Now you know how I get rid of my enemies! B) Anyhoo... has anyone else played Halo on the PC yet? I'm looking for some comments other than the ones I kept hearing at work today (that were sort of off-color and made me feel bad)...
I'm a co-owner (now) of a very hot media and advertising company in Saint Louis. We do package design, commercials, print media, you name it. I started here as a head-hunted team leader and have worked (and bought) my way up to the ivory tower. My current title is Executive Coordinator, but basically I'm the 1st officer of the ship... I see to it everything in the design wing gets done on time, on budget and in high quality. I have several awards under my belt including three local emmys, six videographer awards, five telly awards, three vision awards and four graphic design awards. Come to saint louis and drop my name at the RCGA (Regional Commerce and Growth Association) or at the Ad Club and watch people's attitudes about you change! (Hang on, my inflated head got stuck in the door again)
What?!? Can't the boss goof off a little? I run a loose ship, we work hard and we play hard. An hour out of the day for some LAN gaming keeps spirits high, work ethic in good shape and things running smoothy... where else can you go home and tell your wife that you killed your boss eight times today at work?
People have always told me it is a combination of the oils from your hands reacting with the plastic when exposed to lots and lots of sunlight. Best bet to prevent yellowing: don't handle your toys that much, if you do clean them up occasionally and store the toys away from direct sunlight. I keep almost all of mine in UV coated glass cabinets in the living room just in case. Better safe than sorry. Then again we are talking about plastic toys.. plastic, unlike metal, will not last forever so enjoy the toys while you can!
Just got done playing some LAN Halo here at the office. The verdict is in: Wait for Halflife 2
Sweet. The technology finanally exsists (CG) to make the dogfights look super good like the Mac Zero stuff.
Hey, hey Kids! I found a single copy of Halo for the PC on a rack in a Walmart of all places this weekend while I was picking up packing supplies for my eBay auctions. I bought it... Man... what a letdown... Why was everyone so hyped about this game anyway? It's a run of the mill FPS game with only one gimmick: vehicles... seems to me like a futuristic version of Medal of Honor, just without all the "wow" and "gee" things... well to be honest it has some interesting elements but they are two year old innovations that are long tired on the PC FPS circut. I agree with Super O, Why oh why did Microshaft release this game on the PC? Better yet why did they wait so long? If this game had come out when it was "new" then all it's flash and features would have been neat... but instead it just feels like a copycat "me too" title. I know it is not really a "me too" because it had a lot of these features back when they were new but when you release a two year old game into the market with no real improvements it shows it's age. Oh well, I brought it with me to work today so we'll see if the multiplayer can save this guy from oblivion.
Good for you. (My fiancee is regular army and is a little, uh, "busy" in a popular foriegn country right now.)
I buy what I want, when I want it... when the fiancee isn't looking. I have a good paying job, lots of side money coming in and and a savings and investment portfolio to carry me into old age. My problem is one that others have said: just how many identical things can you buy before you get burned out? With the SDF:TV and DYRL releases petering out my buying will go down... unless they find a new way to release them. But one thing should be said also, a lot of us guys and gals who now "have the loot" to buy all this stuff were once in your shoes too. Just ten years ago I was out of college with no job, no money, student loans coming due and nowhere to live. Just more proof that you youngsters should worry about making a name for yourself and getting settled in before buying the flashy cars, big houses and (this is the important one) buying anything on that credit card. I lived "within my means" for years... eating mac and cheese, sleeping on a mattress with no sheets and scooping pennies out of fountains to pay for gas. I turned out OK, you guys will too. Just stick with it and don't do anything stupid.
Alien vs. Predator Movie Next August
JsARCLIGHT replied to glane21's topic in Anime or Science Fiction
I'd vote for that... but only if it had Total Recall... recall... a-ha! a-ha ha! ha... ugh... -
In my mind that sounds like favoritism and others will see it that way also. People will say "so-and-so is called grand wizzard of the death division because he is friends with the mods". Rank is for the military, not for message boards. We all know who are the "good posters" and newbies will figure it out soon enough.
I always speak my mind, sometimes I feel the need to hold a little of the emotion back so people don't think I'm pissed to the farm and back about something. I have just personally seen the "member ranking" thing on another message board and it was all fine and dandy at the start but it created a rift between a lot of people and started more fights and trouble than it was worth at the end. Remember how pissy some folks get when you so much as mention simple post counts? Member ranks will make that even worse. Just my opinion though. Heck, everything works in theory... it's just that in practice you have to expect the worst from people. They sort of are. At another different website I visit avatars are a perk that only paying members get. Your johnny average occasional poster is not allowed to have one unless he plunks down some change (I will admit that that sort of thing won't fly on MW as Avatars have been free since they showed up). You also have to weigh the average post length against the ammount of possible crap that could be in a person's sigline and tags alone. My only question is where does the line get drawn in the sand? If we get member titles back then folks will start asking for something else... like ranks or member levels... and if you get those then people will start asking for pics in sigs. My point is that MW is MW, not www.SomeOtherMessageBoardThatHasThosePerks.com. Shawn, Graham and the Mods have to sign off on these things and to be honest if they had wanted them from the beginning they would be here... just my thoughts.
Well, they had to wait for XBox sales to stagnate... the sequal to be announced and be in produciton... the game to basically be festering on the $9.99 racks at stores... need I go on? Halo was the XBox to a lot of people and to take away the XBoxes' strongest unique title meant it had to be replaced with another. It's more business than it is technical work... they most likely had the game done with a year ago but they wanted to squeze those last drops of blood from the XBox before opening it up to "everyone else". I still wish that darn company would have been taken out by the Anti-trust lawsuits. I have no love for the "little guy" but you have to admit that things like this "delay" in porting happen just because they say they can.
I was avoiding saying my mind in this thread but here goes: I have been on a few message boards that have "member level" rankings and either one of two things always happens, people start getting uppity when they get titles like "great" and "master" in their name block and people tend to get even more standoffish about those things. No offense to anyone but post counting which generates a member rank results in only two things: spamming of the board so people can attain a "rank" and hand in hand with that the people "holding top rank" are not necessarily the most educated, influential or powerful... they are basically the people that won't shut up. Member rank, if something like that is used, should not only look at posts but look at how long the person has been on the board and allow the admins and mods to "demote" anyone that is just obviously posting to get a new "rank". Ranking is dumb. This isn't the army, we are technically all equals here... from the highest posting spammer to the single digit midgets. I for one want no part of post count ranking. On the other issue of this thread: member titles. We have gotten along fine without them for a month or so now, why do we need them back? Can't fit your personal ramblings in your sig? Tough. We don't need all these badges, markers, quotes, signs, pics and chevrons anyway... I'm not trying to be mean or combative but the previous incarnation of MW was one of two message boards I have been on in my entire internet life that had member titles turned on. We really don't need them. (ducks the thrown chair) Seriously. We need less ranking and personalization and more "community".