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Everything posted by JsARCLIGHT

  1. Due to recent events that game has been changed to STAR WARS: Secret Weapons over Naboo so they can actually make money on it.
  2. If you knew the context that quote and pic are from you'd be laughing.

    ve-1 and vt-1

    No the actual toys have propper connectors... those photos are of painted prototypes from a toy show.
  4. You just keep right on drivin' with that thing...
  5. Hey, all gun owners have used one of Arnie's smart ass quips when shooting... it's what makes us gun owners!
  6. Scathing but true. Country and Rap are "you have to be there" music. By that I mean if you are not one of the people they are singing to or about then the effect is lost on you... unless you count all those stupid rich white kids that listen to rap, they are just insulting everything that music "stands for".
  7. I listen to a lot of different things but I mostly listen to: - '70s Classic Rock (ELO, Bowie, Golden Earring, Boston, Chicago, etc.) - Modern Dance/House (Daft Punk, Moby, Chemical Brothers, Crystal Meathod, etc.) - '80s Niche Music (Dead Milkmen, Midnight Oil, the Clash, Ramones, etc.) - '80s Mainstream (Police, Starship, Duran Duran, etc.) Things I will turn off if they are playing on my radio: - "Modern Rock" - Country - Rap and Hip Hop - anything that annoys me I'm 33, I grew up in the '70s and was a teen in the '80s and those decades had a profound effect on my musical tastes. I'm one of those old guys walking around saying "Music is not what it used to be" on a daily basis. I figure I like what I know and I know what I like... everything else is just rehash.
  8. When wearing platform shoes... (as Chris Farley said in Tommy Boy: "Him's just a widdle guy!" )
  9. Gashapon refers to any toy that comes from a "Claw Game" machine in Japan. Generally they are cheap, plastic, trinkety things.
  10. This thing: The "Orguss valkyrie"

    1:60 GBP-1 !?

    For those who are having a hard time seeing it:
  12. So if Agent snuck in an extra foot on Arnold, does that then mean that Tom Cruize is not really 4' 9"?
  13. Yikes! Agent one and his girlfriends are over 7 feet tall! ZENTRADI!
  14. ... you forgot about the Sixth Day and Collateral Damage... as much as hollywood has also tried to forget them.
  15. Ouch. That one guy that pre-ordered DN:Forever cringes every time you razz that game. My opinion: They are yesterday's news, old hat, passe and so forth. Much like a player trade to be named later they have been back burnered into oblivion.
  16. We treat you Reich! Seriously folks, if you get this pissed about trivial matters like a thread on a cartoon message board, no matter if it is political or not, you really need to put that pistol to your head and end it now because real life is going to be really hard for you. You'd best avoid any other forms of media like print, television, movies or conversation as people everywhere inject things like politics into everything... sometimes you can fight back other times you can't. Don't get all pissy and storm out in a hail of drama because one little thing urks you. Bide your time, wait and plan... counterstrikes can be so emotionally fullfilling.
  17. Ironically Arnold is not speaking in his normal Austrian accent in that picture, he is in reality speaking in Jersey Dialect as indicated by Agent One's use of the Grand Theft Auto font.
  18. Makes you just want to beat the hackers to death with your shoe, doesn't it? I'd like to see what sort of drop in hacking would happen if suddenly stuff like that was a death penalty offense enforced by a far-reaching and all-seeing Orwellian entity that would come for them in the night...
  19. Yup, been aired out in a few threads so far. You may be late to the party but I'll still let you have a beer.
  20. *Pink! Ping! Plink! Plink! Ping! Ping!* How many guns would you say, Gold 5? About twenty guns, some in the trench and some on the towers...
  21. I think you mean facist. There, that'll get her locked. Seriously though, Agent has posted absolutely no political stuff at all, other members have done that. By your logic Sci Fi Channel showing a whole night of Arnie movies tomorrow night is political propaganda, right? Ease up, bud. Most of us are making fun of Arnold here... I see very few if any support posts other than people saying they liked his movies.
  22. Yes, you are nuts. Please sedate yourself right now and climb into that straight jacket. An ambulance will arrive shortly to pick you up. Please package up all your macross stuff and send it to us for "destruciton".
  23. I'm hoping this pic is not seen as political, but it's just so darn cool! And what is that? Japanese? WTF? Edit to add: that is one butt ugly tie he has on. He may be able to kick my ass but for god's sake Arnie let your wife dress you!
  24. "Hmmmmm... these are all partisan pins. Don't you have any buttons that say "may the best man win"?" - Principal Seymore Skinner
  25. Don't you mean Twins, Junior and Sixth Day?
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