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Everything posted by JsARCLIGHT
Saint Louis, MO. I'm one of the heads of a gung ho marketing and design firm. We work hard, we play hard... it not only keeps morale up but makes for a more lighthearted atmosphere to get things done in. Every time I mention the shenanigans we do at work people get the impression all we do is goof off... to a degree they are right. My job is like college: ten hours of back breaking work then a couple hours of party followed by another ten hours of back breaking work. We just moved our office so we could expand a bit more and possibly next year I'll be looking for another person to join my personal hand-picked design team. Requirements are: you must be a design professional with at least 5 years professional work experience, you must have one kick ass pro portfolio and you must have the mentality and work ethic that fits our team (no cowboys or ego trippers allowed). I pick the people so if you fit, give me a ring.
I mainly play LAN games at work. The internet is overrated. I only like playing multiplayer when the people I am playing against are in the same room (or down the hall) and you can yell at each other, throw pencils, gang up and make bets. Some of us are just not that good at video games, we play them with friends to have fun... not see how many people we can kill or how much money/experience/loot/reputation we can make playing the game. To me, counter strike is old hat. We played the hell out of it a long time ago. Better things have come along now and we are playing them. Heck, we are having such fun with TRON 2.0 right now we may not notice any other games show up! You can keep your terrorist hijinks, Lightcycles rock!
Heh heh heh... Sectaurs. I remember when those things came out. The mall toy store had them hung from the ceiling with fishing line and had that crappy holloween spider webbing everywhere. Those things had some neat packaging and paint finishes. I also remember they had "ninja turtleish" plastic molded weapons and rubbery belts and bandoliers. I still can't get over the fact that the big things were just fancied up gloves though... Edit to add: Doh I forgot to answer the questions this thread posed... They where made by Coleco (yes the people that made the Colecovision). I'm not sure if they had a show but I do remember their neat commercials that where presented like mini-shows with one toy commercial continuing into the next. I remember when they first came out, I was watching the GI Joe Mass Device movie on TV on a lazy winter weekend and got to see all the Sectaurs commercials from start to finish that ran during that movie... damn, I can remember a toy commercial I saw in freaking 1987 or so but I can't remember where I put my car keys.
Keep the personal attacks to PMs if you please, that kind of shenanigans will get you banned... fast. RT Purist: Do you only come here to start crap? I have yet to see one intelligent post from you. If you want to be taken seriously then refrain from the personal attacks and state your points at least semi-politely... otherwise piss off. I don't care about the whole Robotech/Macross/their related toys nonsense but you are not winning any friends with your glowing personality.
Boss. ... and here I was thinking it would be a crappy christmas this year.
Errors I've caught so far: Organizational Chart: - Strategic Armored Corps Division says "second lieutenant's arming doublet" but shows the sergent's one - Mountain Squad Division says it's mecha is the "Protozor" - Strategic Armored Corps Division Squad 15 shows Andrejz' armor as a lieutenant rather than a sergent - The completely do not name the Desert Squad's unique mecha, the Basilisk, instead saying "Also has a mecha" Character & Mechanics I: - The description of the Auroran is worded to show the three versions of it (telling you to refer to pictures top, middle and bottom), but they only show the battroid. - Calls the Walker Cannon form of the Spartas a "Gerwalk" and then in the same paragraph calls it the Walker Cannon ... these are the only ones I've caught so far, I'm sure there might be a few more hiding in there somewhere. I just find it terrible as some of these are rank amateur editing mistakes that anyone who as watched the show would notice and the others are just signs of a rush job and no one familiar with the material checking the booklet.
You know what? I spoke too soon again. Has anyone that has the set read through the booklet and caught all the errors? Did anyone who knows anything about the original show even bother to proofread this thing? I took it from cover to cover just now and caught a minimum of 5 glaring "obvious" errors.
Watched the last episode on disc one tonight. I like the package, better art and layout than the craptastic Mospeada set, at least they bothered to track down some original art for the cover rather than making it up. I've run into a few bugs on my disc one so far: The subs have hung up twice. Meaning the subs are going along just fine and then all of a sudden they stop on one line and you have to totally stop the disc and restart it to fix the hangup. It's akin to "Bootleg Lag" and it's fix is the same. All in all I like the transfer. On my Wega with component inputs running through a dolby 6.1 system the picture is crystal clear and the sound is even... albeit the sound might as well be mono as the first five episodes had about as many surround sound effects as the Great Train Robbery. The picture does have a very blue-green tint to it, but then again it seems everything from that era had that tint (Mospeada, Orguss, etc.) The subbing is top notch as are the translations and as others have said the instert makes the maze of Southern Cross military structure a bit more palatable to the uninitiated. Oh and I know I've said this a gabillion times already but: Southern Cross is not Robotech Masters, who knows you just might like it. Hell, I gave Macross 7 a complete watching so you owe it to yourselves to at least see the original once before giving up on it.
Proud to be one of MW's elderly. I'm 33.
Sorry to see you go. Always remember we'll have your back if you need us.
Gentlemen, the wars of the future will be fought by very tiny robots... in space... or possibly on a tall mountain somewhere. But our duty will be to build and maintain those robots...
Will the orange shirt be a regular, or Hypercolor version? Ugh Hypercolor... that is like so... 1990s... I'm going more for the 1984 Miami Vice Don Johnson look.
I usually like to dress in a matching outfit with my fiancee and go to one or two holloween parties... but she is a little busy out of the country right now so I'm only going to one: my office party. This year I'm going with a easy right out of my normal clothes set costume: I'm '80s guy. I'll just wear that really really tacky white suit I still have in my closet with the sleeves scrunched up and a bright orange single color t-shirt underneath with my deck shoes and no socks. Cheap, huh?
Now wouldn't this sort of thing confuse people even more? Now you have the legit Macross boxed sets, the several bootleg sets, the Robotech sets and now the bootleg Robotech sets? Oy. I must say that Robotech is about the last thing on the face of the earth I expected to get bootlegged.
oh god oh god oh god oh god....
JsARCLIGHT replied to Commander McBride's topic in Anime or Science Fiction
Commander McBride, I feel your pain. In Texas in 1997 I lost a brand spanking new Miata to a semi on the interstate. Totaled... Mashed... Gone with a capital G. I was lucky to be alive. (other nastiness soon followed but I won't get into that). A police report was filed and I was judged to be "in the right" in the accident because the semi fled the scene leaving me in the ditch. I had no points on my license and my own insurance did not go up because the cops tracked down the semi and the trucking company's insurance paid for my totaled Miata (a price which of course did not cover the real value of the car) and my quite steep hospital bills. Goodnight sweet MX-5, may flights of angels carry thee to thy rest. -
Official - Weapons Banter Thread
JsARCLIGHT replied to Mechamaniac's topic in Hall Of The Super Topics
I know this is getting sort of off topic, but if anyone has seen any of the original Flemming Bond novel covers they all tend to feature a different gun on each one, ranging from revolvers to russian pistols. -
Official - Weapons Banter Thread
JsARCLIGHT replied to Mechamaniac's topic in Hall Of The Super Topics
Although Bond is assigned a Walther PPK as his new official handgun earlier in the film Doctor No, he uses a Browning 1910 .32 caliber to kill Dent. This gun may have been substituted because it allows for easy connection to a silencer. Edit to add: That's where I got the Browning in the original post I made -
Big Trouble In Little China.
JsARCLIGHT replied to DestroidsRage's topic in Anime or Science Fiction
I saw Holloween 1 in the theater back in the seventies when I was a kid... I about peed myself watching that movie. I guess thanks to all the slasher flicks that came after it seems a little cliche now... -
Official - Weapons Banter Thread
JsARCLIGHT replied to Mechamaniac's topic in Hall Of The Super Topics
Ooops, there I go confusing all the different guns Bond carried again. But he did carry a Browning 9mm in one movie and a S&W Magnum .44 in another! -
Big Trouble In Little China.
JsARCLIGHT replied to DestroidsRage's topic in Anime or Science Fiction
Roddy Piper mashing aliens is a classic, but my vote for favorite Carpenter movies are: 1) Halloween 1&2... you can't watch just one or just two you have to watch them both back to back, but don't watch any further... especially not three... 2) Assault on Precinct 13... classic, who doesn't want to gun down a little girl asking for sprinkles? 3) In the Mouth of Madness... yes I am the only person on the face of the earth that liked that movie. -
Official - Weapons Banter Thread
JsARCLIGHT replied to Mechamaniac's topic in Hall Of The Super Topics
Well then in that case lets hook him up with a nice Walther P22 comper and he can plink cans all day! My point was that the PPK is an outdated gun, you can get something just as small and conceilable with a better round chambering, lighter weight, better shooting feel/response and higher magazine capacity. The PPK, as Graham said, is more cultural icon than functional. I have shot a few, they are jerky and cumbersome... not as intuitive as some other small guns. My pick for a small baby gun for plinking targets or threats is a nice baby glock... 26, 27, 33, 36 you name it they are all small, pack a whallop and are easy on the hands and even easier to shoot. But if you just have to go Bond then at least get his new Walther P99, it comes in a healthy .40 S&W chambering! And does anyone else remember that James Bond protested it when M ordered him to start carrying the PPK rather than his Browning? He was downright insulted by the gun! -
Official - Weapons Banter Thread
JsARCLIGHT replied to Mechamaniac's topic in Hall Of The Super Topics
Meh, the .380 ACP (or 9mm Kurz for you German sprekenzies out there) is a weak round. Sure anything can kill ya but it won't necessarily "stop" someone. I'd say go for something with some ass behind it like a .40 S&W or a .45 ACP. They make lots of small C&C guns in those nice heavy stopping calibers these days. -
Inbits, all the way. The Inbit have a "hive" and "single mind" thing going for them, they are all on the same page and come at you in swarms with no personal concepts of the individual. That means an Inbit will gladly smash himself into your ship just to kill you to prevent you from harming the hive or the Refles. The meager SDF-1 Macross barely avoided doom by playing on the Zentradi's weaknesses... the Inbit don't really care if a japanese school girl sings or not, they'll kill her and everyone behind her... if they bother them. One massive difference between the Robotech Invid and the Mospeada Inbits are that the Mospeada Inbits really only sought evolution and survival rather than "protoculture" and unlike their Robotech counterparts they showed signs of being like bees or ants in that they would leave you alone unless you threatened the hive. Also unlike their Robotech counterparts the Mospeada Inbit were interested in making Earth their new home and spent a lot of time rebuilding the planet's ecosystem and returning it to a state of "clean". If not for the humans with their noisy machines always wanting to fight I have the impression that the Inbit would have just kept to themselves.
Official - Weapons Banter Thread
JsARCLIGHT replied to Mechamaniac's topic in Hall Of The Super Topics
The Dum Dum bullet (outlawed by the Hauge / Geneva Conventions for being "brutal" and "cruel" in their use in warfare) actually gets it's name from the British arms factory in India were it was invented in the late 1800's. A "Dum Dum" is basically any type of bullet with an exposed lead core or other means that allow the bullet to shatter or fragment upon impact and cause massive internal damage to the target. People always think Hollowpoints are Dum Dums but they are not, Hollowpoints "expand" on impact causing a wider wound channel. Sometimes there are bullets in the modern world that are boarderline "Dum Dum" like the NATO 5.56 round, which is a jacketed normal nose bullet that has a tendancy to fragment when it strikes bone or other hard material, thus increasing the wound channel. -
Official - Weapons Banter Thread
JsARCLIGHT replied to Mechamaniac's topic in Hall Of The Super Topics
Another Glock man, Salut brother! And the GP100 is a darn nice revolver, especially the heavy barrel .357 version. As they say all the time in the movie "Payback": Nice Balance! ... as for your wish list, you can get civilian legal H&K SL8 and USP and have them dolled up to look just like the G36 and UMP, just lacking the extra features like folding stocks and flash hiders. I know a guy here in Saint Louis that does those conversions, they are pricey (then again so are the guns) but they turn out really nice.