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Everything posted by JsARCLIGHT

  1. I have encountered a similair problem when trying to replace my old uploaded avatar from when the new board started. Every time I tried to upload a new one on the controls page it would fail... it would not give me a error code or a reason, it would just "not work". So I got in the habbit of uploading my avs to the testing section like times of yore. If someones could sorta help me find a way to fix it so it woiked right I's wouldn't be doin' dat.
  2. Actually it is more correct to say that Michelle Pfeiffer had a Galaxina haircut in Scarface as Galaxina came out in 1980 and Scarface graced the screen in 1983... ... I must now go shoot myself in the head for being the world's biggest geek...
  3. My kingdom for a better pun! One that is punnier...
  4. True but DVD for some reason has sparked a weird "cult" of movie buyers unlike any that VHS or Beta ever had. You see people re-releasing and re-buying the same movies over and over just due to a small amount of added material... you also see people repackaging older movies and making a mint at it just by adding bonus features. I remember back when Beta and VHS first came out on the market... sure people bought them but not in the numbers that people are buying DVDs... plus DVDs are the "eternal media" so people are more likely to buy them now knowing they will not degrate like tape.
  5. Yep... my cat and Kate Moss: both weigh 25 pounds, can bend into weird shapes and lick themselves clean.
  6. You have heard the american sound dub, right? Compare that to the original Aussie dialogue track and tell me you don't laugh every time you watch the americanized version...
  7. [comic book guy voice] "Ahem! This product is obviously flawed as it is a size medium and is common knowledge that most Macross fans are sizes large to extra large!" [/comic book guy voice] Seriously though, this thing is most likely made for Japanese fans who are of smaller stature and helmet size than us super size gaijin fanboys. I'm a fairly tall (6'), fairly lanky medium sized (190 lbs) american but compared to most Japanese I might as well play for the Lakers... Wouldn't it just piss you off to spend two grand on something only to discover it only comes in small, extra small and over the rainbow sizes? I have yet to see a pic of those things next to an actual person to boot so for all we know that thing could only fit on Kate Moss or my cat.
  8. Uuuuhhhhhhh... let's see here...... could beeeee.... MAD MAX?
  9. Luckaly this post came tonight... after I got home from work were all manner of ladder and feline exsist in work form... Ha HA! 667! The curse is broken! ... yet I am still... Branded! (anyone who wishes to start in with the Big Lebowski jokes can at any time)
  10. AARRRRGGHHHH! Oh well, time to make the best of it I guess... All but one man died. There at Bitter Creek. And they say he ran away. Branded!... scorned as the one who ran. What do you do when you're branded, and you know you're a man. Wherever you go, for the rest of your life You must prove, you're a man. Edit: Oh sweet jesus this is post number 666 too? Damn what a day...
  11. Any time the shipping alone on an item is $1,200 you really have to ask yourself if it is worth it... In this case FALK no. That thing better make coffee, do my taxes, play Teddy Ruxpin tapes and incinerate garbage for that price.
  12. Are people really getting bent out of shape because someone else has a member title and they don't? Geeze, how petty can you get... Seems to me that getting a title is surefire way of knowing the mods are watching you and what you post like a hawk... I think I'd sleep easier with no title now, knowing my posts are not disturbing enough to brand me for life.
  13. My fiancee has tried to buy me collectable toys before in the past and it always ends up bad... but you can't blame her because she usually buys things for me based on the horrid and always wrong info given to her by overinflated stock boys and dip-sheet electronics counter clerks. But what she does buy me (and get right every time) are things that other MW members might take offense to... very, very hard to find firearms parts and accessories. She is the one who found me an original XM177 series upper and barrel... and that is almost impossible!
  14. When you speak of Singapore you might as well lump it an most of S.E.A. outside of the Austrailias as the same entity. Almost all toys nowadays originate out of China anyway so technically Japan is considered to be the second step on the train and anything between China and there could be seen as the same "market of origin" price wise. But you have to think outside the obvious here, in my mind the true intent of this thread was rather "geocentric" meaning "how much cheaper are things in Japan compared to half a world away in the states or in Europe?". 3000+ miles between origin and point of sale can impact a price point like an atomic bomb.
  15. If the Fed and State Government has it's way soon all internet purchases in the US will have to charge sales tax... several companies are already doing it. Japan's 5% sales tax is nothing compared to Saint Louises' 7.55%... and a few other states/cities in this great land of ours have even higher taxes. Also look at it this way: Purchase in Japan of $100 plus $5 tax for a total of $105 That same item bought for $100 from Japan online with no tax but a shipping cost of $25 = $125 plus about a week wait (if not horribly longer) to get it. That same item imported to the US by a store or person and marked up a bit to $120 plus $12 shipping in the US = $132 plus you still have to wait sometimes up to a week. Any way you stack the deck an imported product will always cost 10% to 30% more than if you bought it in the land of origin unless the company making the item just really loves to stick it to their own people. The only way the numbers ever "balance" is if the parent company making the product releases the item internationally at a fixed price point (meaning it is the same "price" everywhere). Throw regional dollar fluctuations, exchange rates and possible trade tarriffs on to that and you get a very clouded international exchange figure.
  16. My primary objectives: - toys from the original SDF: Macross TV show, DYRL and Flashback... specifically the VF-1X series - toys from Genesis Climber Mospeada (or it's bastard cousin Robotech: New Generation) My secondary objectives: - DVDs of the above... which I already own, so that is pretty much fulfilled. In the grand money scheme of things Macross is more of a lesser side-hobby of mine as it only gets the bare minimum of money spent on it monthly compared to my cars, guns, books and movie collection.
  17. Better than them calling him Natuk like they were doing in the first two...
  18. 13.41223% - Geekish Tendencies Can anyone find the Midwestern Hick test because I'm pretty sure that only my wardrobe, diet, living arrangements, job and education will keep me from getting a perfect score on that one.
  19. I actually like the sound of that... It will be like Animal House and all us pleebs will be given our pledge names by the Frat.


    I can't seem to access that page in the link in the first post... Did HLJ yank the pre-order or is the link messed up? Edit: Huh... now it's working for me... darn computers and their loud rock music...
  21. I still have family in Kalifornia... they had the sherriff's deputies knock on their door and tell them they had ten minutes to get out of their subdivision when they saw that fire crest the hill of where they lived. Luckaly the fire did not reach them, those Santa Anna winds blew it the other way... only to devistate thousands of other people's lives. I will win no friends with my views on Kalifornia... that state is akin to a third world nation with the level of natural disasters, social upheaval, crazy elections, insane out of control political correctness, downright stupid environmental policies (I know several whole food and organic crop growers here in Missouri who cannot even sell their wonderful wares in Kali thanks to that state's ludicrous import laws on everything... even health foods)... my list goes on. But people still choose to live there. I say more power to them... ... just make sure the crazies in your state stay the hell away from me and my other backward, knuckle-dragging, gun owning, earthquake hating, ocean fearing, square-dance attending, tornado lovin', trailer park livin', moster truck drivin', rootinest' tootinest' midwesterners. (now we just need a cowboy hat wearing hick emoticon and I'm aaaaaaaaall set)
  22. I got my fiancee back home, in one piece, in NY a few weeks ago on ConUS leave from the middle east. No toy or present compares to that. ... and yes we were both very naughty this year.
  23. Weird... ... neat... ... but weird. Bayonets are a lost piece of military hardware that have been on the outs since Korea for most modern armies. The logic being: when the rifle runs out or the enemy is swarming your position in close quarters attach the bayonet. It's funny but even in the American Civil War, a war famous for it's use of the bayonet, bayonet combat deaths only amounted to less than 2% of the total combat deaths. In modern American military history (wars since WW2 and Korea) the bayonet has been adapted to be more of a general purpose knife (like the one Monty has attached to his GU-11 there) and were used as such. A good bayonet was usually used to open C-rat cans, cut wire and in the worst of all situations stab someone. I myself would like to see some sort of leg or arm mounted sheath that that bayonet goes into for storage. That would be pretty boss. I can upload or email you some pics of my M8A1 and M7 attached to my SP1 if you need them for reference... ... or you could just call me a kook and move on to something else!
  24. oooh oooh! Add me too! I'd like to see how assy people think I am... you never know. With my bizzare sense of humor and poor sense of taste and timing I might be as hated as Hitler on here and not even know it!
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