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Everything posted by JsARCLIGHT
I'll have to check it out... I myself am waiting for my pre-registered copy of Vietcong: Fist Alpha to show up sometime this week or next (it was due out today). That alone will keep me satisfied for another two or three months.
Add to that the "insane" (by hollywood terms) low budget of the movie and you have money in the bank. These teen romp/slasher/comedy movies they churn out are easy on the bottom line, go from script to can in a few months, usually feature no-name actors that work for food and have a ready-made brain dead american audience waiting to pay $7.50 a ticket to see them. Say goodbye to hollywood. Say goodbye my baby.
That it helps for oral se.... ehhhhhhhh Hay Hay, kids!
Very, very high shelves... with glass display cases that lock. Seriously though, buy the kids "their toys" that look like daddy's toys and let them smash those into the pavement. Children can sometimes see logic if you appeal to their inherant greed. Tell them they have "their toy" that is just like daddy's "Big boy toys" and if they take good care of that one when they grow up they can get big boy toys too. ... and if that doesn't work there is always the locking high shelf thing...
Seeing all these similair sigs make me want to go get out my Hypercolor t-shirt, my vision street wear shoes, my dancing coke can and my furby. One clone is flattery, two clones is pushing it, three or more and you have a star wars movie.
I got my tax workup from my accountant a week or so ago. Filed the paperwork this week. I'm a stickler for getting my taxes done ASAP so I don't have to fight for accountant time and stand in line. My tax paperwork was almost nine pages this year... Needless to say, Dubayah was right: the rich do get richer with him around. When I get my check I'm planning on banking most of it, spending some of it and getting around to finally buying that top hat and monicle...
Any way you slice it this stupid movie made $17 million it's opening weekend... which is a little over double it's production budget. I'm also guessing that the studios spent no coin advertising it as I have yet to see more than that first commercial I saw weeks ago. Sad truth: no matter how crappy a movie is, if it makes money then hollywood loves it. Even sadder truth: If it makes enough money, they make another...
Useless. Airsofts, no matter how "hopped up" are still toys. (Yes, no matter how much some people will argue airsoft things are toys as they serve no practical purpose, are mostly made of plastic and in several countries are marketed towards children and adults to "play games" with) Most of the super powerful ones that I have seen (600+ fps) are horribly inaccurate, lose power quickly over distances and cannot even break the skin through clothing. Airsoft is all bark and no bite, the guns look intimidating but when it comes to home defence when your life and the lives of your loved ones are in peril I place my faith in my .45, not in a toy. Because most home invasion robberies are perpitrated by armed thugs, not your run of the mill scrawny teenager with a razor blade. I'd rather face a perp with a real piece than a toy because that toy will still get you shot either way because it looks like a real gun... the only difference is with a real gun you can at least fire back with the same if not more power than the perps are shooting at you. "Low lethality" devices are good and all but they are used when it is possible to take someone down without the use of deadly force... in the case of an armed home invasion you are usually put in a kill or be killed situation and that is no place for toys. I fully understand people buying airsoft because they cannot afford, don't want or are afraid of the real weapons... but if you ask me, never place your life in the balance with one of those toys. If you think that there is a chance you will ever need to defend yourself (which to be honest is very very rare) then I'd advise buying a real gun and keep it locked up under your bed just in case. A nice home defense shotgun can be had for under $175 nowadays, those have increadible stopping power but will not penetrate walls if you live in an apartment or large house... and all it takes to own one of those in every state of the union is being 18, having the money to buy it and filling out the NICS yellow sheet (background check). All I'm saying is don't ask a toy to defend your life. I'll just back out of this thread again as I doubt you guys want to hear me lecture you about defense and the "way of the gun" any more than this.
Just for the sake of my own concience and for pet owners everywhere, please don't shoot the animals. I own one Airsoft pistol, a cheap spring cocking Beretta that I use to plink soda cans off the couch for fun... when the thing is not being tempermental and jamming or freezing up. It came with a neat little sticker on it rife with engrish informing me not to "shoot at the creature". You do bring up a good point about Airsoft though that even I as an outsider noticed: the price. Airsoft AK-47: $300... real working Romanian MAK-90 at the gun store: $300. Bag of Airsoft BBs for that gun: about $15... 50 rd. box of cheap-ass Wolf 7.62 for the real gun: $15 Weird.
I'm into Powderhard. AKA real guns. If you need tech specs or history I usually know the answers... but as for Airsoft all I know is that they are fake, plastic, light and fragile. (ducks the thrown chair again)
For about a month the modelling company that "found" Ashton in a bar had their shop in my old office building and I got to talk to them for a bit about him... they told me in no uncertain words that he was your typical goof-off drinking buddy sort of guy. They also said he remembers his friends and those that helped him along the way... he even went so far as to bring my friend Richard's WILDCats Maul doll onto Regis and Cathy Lee (or whoever Regis had as his wench that year) as a joke so Richard could get a video tape of his doll on national TV. I've never personally met Ashton but I have heard good things about thim none the less. I don't like his acting style or the movies he is in but unlike some other Hollywood ass pilots I will not mention Ashton at least has shown me what sort of person he is in real life.
I recognise the gun in the first pic (the first game pic Chowser posted) with the supersize Gamo in it, I was talking about the crazy orange gun in the hands of the Halo-ripoff looking guy in the lower left pannel of the last pic posted. That orange gun looks possibly it could have been an original Mospeada small arm if it were not for all the junk glommed onto it. Mospeada weapons have a very "clean", almost surgical organic look to them. That orange pistol/thing/super soaker that non-Mospeada armor wearing guy is holding just looks a bit too complicated compared to the other series guns.
a better question is: "Just what the hell is that guy in the lower left pannel?" That is no Mospeada weapon, helmet, armor or colors that I have ever seen... ... as they say in the media business, this is the first clear sign that the design model may not be what we think it will be. I guessed that they would have to make up a bunch of stuff like the plot and add a bunch of things to flesh out the game. That gun/guy/armor must be one of the "in house" creations like the YF-1R from the first RT game. I myself will just stare at the ride armors and babble "at least they are trying, at least they are trying, at least they are trying..."
Wooooo! Another VC fan! Fist Alpha shows up next week, are you getting yours? As for this game I'll say what I said last time there was a thread like this: FPS games live and die with me on two fronts, gameplay and guns. If the game is like any "classic game" then it should be easy to pick up and play but deep enough to keep you engrossed in it until it's done. The play mechanics need to be fun but not overly easy or goofy. An my pet peave: it must have a nice selection of various guns and accessories with which to blast the baddies. Nothing ruins a good FPS like a sucky selection of guns or a bunch of "clone cannons" that sort of all do the same thing just with different damage levels. Using Mospeada as the basis, this game has a wealth of small arms from the art books that they could draw on... Galant pistols with several mod options like suppressors, stocks and such, Wolf 9mm pistols with suppressors, larger carbines and rifles, limpet mines, those micro missle launchers and then you still have all the Ride Armor guns and accessories like targeting computers and the like. If handled properly this game could be a blast to play... but if the first Robotech game is any insider look into the quality level that this one might have I'd rather play a Hello Kitty game than this...
My 1970 1/2 Z-28 Camaro. Technically it is both a toy and a holy grail as it is one of the rare "half-year" split bumper cars. Everything else I own outside of some pre-ban guns are easilty attainable on the open market and not considered by me to be anything near "holy grail" status like an original Bandai 1/55 Elintseeker or something...
Retail Half Life 2 pirated in Russia
JsARCLIGHT replied to Tristan Lindo's topic in Anime or Science Fiction
It's cheaper to immitate than innovate... and video games are a business after all. If they were some sort of strange non-monitary performance art piece then we would see more variation and individuality... but alas it is a genre bound by the chains of capitalism. People keep buying the same old things so they keep making the same old things. The trick is to fix the consumer and not the commodity. -
Colonel Sanders leads Robotech into 2004!
JsARCLIGHT replied to ComicKaze's topic in Anime or Science Fiction
William! Move your head! Look at the size of that boy's head! Shhhh! I'm not kidding, that's like an orange on a toothpick! Shh! You're going to give the kid a complex. Well, that's a huge noggin! That's a virtual planetoid! Has its own weather system! Head! Move! -
Roy's death in the show is UN Spacy propaganda... He really died in the saddle (if you know what I mean) and Claudia dragged him out of bed, put some clothes on him, posed him on the floor with his guitar and ran to get the MP's... All to protect the man's reputation.
Colonel Sanders leads Robotech into 2004!
JsARCLIGHT replied to ComicKaze's topic in Anime or Science Fiction
Well It's a well known fact sonny jim that there's a secret society of the five wealthiest people in the world called the pentaverate that control everything... including the newspapers... and meet tri-annually in a secret colorado mansion known as the meadows. So who's in this pentaverate? the queen, the vatican, the yettis, the lockchilds, and colonel sanders before he went tits up. oh how I hate the colonel, with his wee beady eyes and the smug look on his face... Oh, you're gonna buy my chicken, OH! dad, how can you hate, the Colonel? Because he puts an addictive chemical in his chicken that makes you crave it nightly, SMARTARSE! -
Retail Half Life 2 pirated in Russia
JsARCLIGHT replied to Tristan Lindo's topic in Anime or Science Fiction
Well Bsu, I used to work for a short time in mass media commercial advertizing in Texas... to sum it up it was always feast or famine and I like to think that the video game market is like that. Just look at that dork John Romero... he was on the top of the world, a millionare and a prize computer geek... and the idiot blew it all. He turned out to be more showman than actual producer and he got what he deserved. I'd rather work in the shadow of a deadline on an average budget than live like a king for a 22 month development cycle and then have to look for another job after that living on my brother's couch eating ramen out of an army helmet. -
Retail Half Life 2 pirated in Russia
JsARCLIGHT replied to Tristan Lindo's topic in Anime or Science Fiction
I for one am not surprised. Vaporware has become the norm lately... all the games that I was looking forward to like HL2, Men of Valor: Vietnam, Medal of Honor: Pacific Assault and Doom 3 kept getting pushed back more and more. I have all but given up on "streetdating" of games as some of these companys have basically established track records of never meeting their release dates. At least the boys at Id have done the noble thing: they have not even bothered to release a street date because they probably know they would have welched on it several times by now like Valve. But what can we do other than bitch like whiny school girls that our dates are late but we still buy them with gusto when they actually come out? I wish these developers had the work schedules I get put under... living in the fantasy land of making video games for a living with huge budgets and nebulous due dates like some of these companies have must be a dream job from heaven... but we all remember what happened when things like that exsisted before, right? Anyone else smell another tech bubble waiting to burst? -
If Ali Sama's gets booted then everyone who has something similair should have theirs booted too. Why single out one person who has a questionable avatar? When you start calling people's "questionable" avatars not right then at what point can we can interpret the rules to include other things that a handfull of people might find offensive like quasi-country or quasi-politico/religious avatars? What if there is some cranked up ricer out there that finds my camaro avatar offensive and demands it be taken down? And I have heard rumblings that N.O.W. is planning a commando op to remove the Agent's av by force... I say as long as there is no overt nudity or sexual acts then nothing has been done wrong. The avatar is merely "suggestive". You see things like that on the steets and in nightclubs all the time. I would rate that avatar PG-13 at the worst. If it goes then everyone who has one even remotely similar must have their taken down as well in all "fairness". Edit: MW rules state this: Section III: Never Allowed ... #2. No vulgar text or pictures. Vulgar language and images will be edited or deleted. A moderator will consider what is vulgar. ... By my judgement Max sort of gave the unheard nod to Bobe-pat's new jiggly avatar so could that be seen as some form of state-sanctioned approval for this trend? I'm not trying to be a crap disturber here but when you have one arm of the "governing body" quasi-approving this sort of thing and possibly the other side not then we need some better and clear definitions of what is allowed and what is not in the rules. (I'm not trying to drag other people into this argument, just state what I see as the "facts") ... now why do I feel I should change my sig to "MacrossWorld's ACLU Compliance Supervisor"
Random things you've picked out watching Macross
JsARCLIGHT replied to rewooh's topic in Movies and TV Series
... that and they would lose their gunpod, all the valkyries being right handed and all. -
Random things you've picked out watching Macross
JsARCLIGHT replied to rewooh's topic in Movies and TV Series
Strangest thing I've noticed is in Macross TV: Hikaru loses the left arm off of every Valkyrie he flies... (VT-102 left arm gets shot off with Minmay in it, VF-1J's left arm gets shot off by Kamujin and the VF-1S left arm gets blown off... along with the right... when Hikaru blocks some missles in Love Drifts Away). Does Kawamori have something against the left arm? Conspiracy! -
The macross world mascot should be Wally the empty wallet... ...oh wait, that is already the Yamato mascot. How about the Simpson's comic book guy with a macross world T-shirt on? Makes the most sense to me...