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Everything posted by JsARCLIGHT

  1. You guys might want to think twice before making jokes about the deaths of over 3,000 people... someone on this board might have been directly affected by that terrible day. Just my opinion though.
  2. I have my set on pre-order with Kevin. I like only the VF-1 series, destroids and their line brothers from the oringal show and movie, I don't care much for the other Macross units from the various spinoffs... ergo I try to get all the nice looking releases of them I can. I'm guessing the original series stuff will begin to peter out this year which means my spending spree will come to a close soon enough.
  3. Mace Grasshopper ... I really wanted my true Metal Gear codename: Sleeps through Cutscenes.
  4. Two planes totally deserving of being forgotten that I love to death are the OV-10 Bronco \ Bronco 2 and the A-37 Dragonfly \ Dragonfly 2. Two totally forgettable, butt ugly planes that no one but me seems to remember... God bless those messes!
  5. I can only imagine my cat pushing that off my DVD cabinet onto the floor then playing with it's highly entertaining but easily scratchable brains... I can also imagine a houseguest waking up in the middle of the night, stumbling around for a light switch, flicking one on and then pissing their pants on my carpet in terror... I can go one step further and see myself opening wine bottles with that thing's maw... I guess it does serve some practical purposes... time to look for one on eBay in a little while!
  6. Was I right or was I right.... My prediction for the actual release: two days after I totally lose interest and buy something else to occupy my time. Cough Cough Diakatana Cough Cough
  7. I personally see no need for another low viz release... mainly because I'm not a fan of the first one. I own one but it is not one of my prized macross toys... actually it is one of the least prized ones... the only reason I'm holding onto it is because it is rare. It's sad but that is about the only reason I keep it... kind of like keeping that Planet of the Apes doll because it is old and rare and people say it is "worth something". This situation is the same as every other toy catch-22 that exsists: the toy is produced in limited numbers and said numbers sell out before the small demand there is for it is filled... demand keeps increasing but supply is exhausted so the asking price of the toy just goes up and up. If you ask me the demand for this toy is sort of like that for the old Bandai Elintseeker toy... it was made in low numbers, a lot of people ignored it when it came out and it is not that different than the other toys... but IMHO people want it now just because "they can't have one". Unless this thing shows up in Macross Zero or makes some sort of massive app I severely doubt it will ever be reissued or retooled into a different type (like a low viz 1J). Another question to ask here would be: what are the japanese fan's feelings about this toy? I would think if they did not like it as much as us that would be a serious knee-cap to seeing another one made as Yamato takes 99% of their toy making direction from their first market, the japanese collector.
  8. Saturday - went in to work Sunday - I watched the StupidBowl on my new TV
  9. Sounds to me like this story is just another case of Hollywood tandem development. The French writer even states that he shopped the idea around a lot before he actually got it printed... doing that in hollywood circles is just asking to have someone lift your ideas. It's been done thousands of times before... just as long as the subject matter they lift is nebulous and cannot directly relate back to something that pre-exsisted it and was a registered item (which in this case may be harder to tell) it is almost perfectly legal. Makes me think of that time back in the nineties when two totally different animation houses made two totally different computer animated movies about two totally different sets of ants at the same time... ... or how two different movie makers made two totally different movies about a giant asteriod smashing into the earth and it being saved by two totally different groups of two totally different space shuttle-esque crews at the same time... I'd say that if this French story can be proven to have pre-exsisted in some established form well before Pixar began development of their story and the French court can prove that Pixar knowingly ripped this guy off then I'd say we have a case... after all, unlike the whole Kimba the White Lion thing were the item being ripped off was decades old and quite well remembered by a lot of people this French guy is basically saying in his argument that "he thought of the story at about the same time the Pixar guys did but because his got released first in what to disney is a secondary market he deserves a cut of their much more lucrative pie". I reserve judgement on Pixar until I hear more of the story as the case in court unfolds.
  10. I went on GameStop just now to check on my copy of Vietcong: Fist Alpha (which also seems to have a magic slipping release date) and on the main PC Games page they now show the release date of HL2 in bold as 07/01.
  11. Hey has anyone noticed that the release date of HL2 has slipped to July 1st?
  12. I can't help it! MEOWCROSS!
  13. Oh wow... Who would have ever forseen tangible proof of the exsistence of god on a message board dedicated to an obscure '80s japanese cartoon? He works in mysterious ways...
  14. Charlton Heston just grabbed his chest, fell down on one knee and screamed: "You MANICAS! You BLEW HIM UP! Damn you!"
  15. Eddie the Eagle says: WHAT the SWEET MERCIFUL CRAP is WRONG with YOU PEOPLE!!!!
  16. You can call me Mr. Chips for all I care just as long as you call me...
  17. In everything in the world there are the lax and the hardliners... the lax have the attitude that it is all in fun and it's fun to have fun with no real view of consequence or collateral damage wereas he hardliners believe in the rule of law and not one step beyond because they know that A leads to B leads to C. I see Duke as a hardliner. He has been there before, he has seen the small indescresions become large ones that kill message boards. IMHO he is acting from experience and from a position of concern, not hostility. The problem is that less hardline thinking people see hardliners as a-holes or tattlers because they have hardline views... on the same ballpark hardliners see the lax as trouble brewing. What this all boils down to is this: Duke did not close that topic, he just voiced his opinion on it. The mods closed it. Direct some of your anger, if not most of it, at the mods and not Duke. If the mods thought the topic should stay they would have slapped Duke down and let the thread live... but they didn't which means they shared his concern this time... or maybee not we don't know for sure. Everyone is jumping Duke's pile because he had an opinion. He is entited to his opinion just like you are entitled to yours. Deny him his and then we can deny you yours. Duke and I rarely agree on things but I respect his views and hope he would respect mine... and that is what really makes a message board work: mutual respect... not name calling and trading barbs. We seem to be having a breakdown in that on MW lately. Let's just all step back from this, take a breath and move on. Duke did nothing wrong and he was technically in the right on his complaint... so let's chalk this up as another thread that got deleted and have some fun rather than a stone throwing match.
  18. I'm just being a realist... I'm like that sometimes... well... all the time actually... I never said that I personally would not like a nice english website, I was just saying that there is no reason at the moment for them to make one or even have partial english on their site. "English Version" is more of a gripe of non-target market fanboys... [taunt]Seems to me if you were a true die-hard Gaijin Fanboy you would already know japanese and be reading those pages aloud with no trace of an accent...[/taunt]
  19. People always confuse Japanese with Chinese... Japanese is primarily a phonetic language with easy to learn the pictograms... It's not as daunting as people make it. With a good japanese-english dictionary you could make good headway on instruction books in no time flat. I used to do it back in college with model instructions and it's easy when you put your mind to it. As for the website, constant updates and alterations mean they would have to basically make their site twice every time they updated it and retain people on staff for both versions... and let's also not forget my original point that that would in effect be wasted effort on a non-possessed market. Yamato is a business, not a fanclub or international site like MW. Their actions are fitting with their business model. As EXO pointed out, only expect an english site when and if they topple HG's control in the english speaking world and move in.
  20. Thank you for pointing out even more of my drunken typings for me to fix. I swear, the last few days I've been on here I've been drunk as a skunk and typing with my feet.
  21. I voted no. They have no reason to make an english language website other than to cater to lazy, whiny english speaking fanboys like us which are not their active market. I'm a businessman myself and I have to vote how I think they should act. (read my sig now)
  22. I think the real question is: How much of their target consumer base is english speaking as a primary language? Remember that Yamato is not actively courting the english speaking consumer, we are a secondary market that they do not "actively support". IMHO it would be a waste of money business-wise to make an english website for products that are not actively supported or on the shelves in retail stores in english speaking markets.... and just because importers have them on their shelves does not make it the same thing. What you are asking would be akin to a small american toy company with their toys only on american shelves having an alternate website in Japanese just because the occasional Japanese fan imports one of their toys to Japan... of course most japanese people have a basic understanding of the english language and can usually read most english language web pages. My thoughts are the same as they were before this fancy In-tro-net showed up: If you are a serious anime or japanese toy fan it would behoove you to buy a basic japanese-english dictionary and do some translating yourself to get a better understanding of the show/toy. After a while you would be suprised how much of another country's language you can learn. Don't put it all on the people making the thing you are interested in after all it's not like they are forcing it down your throat... we are technically going out of our way to get these foriegn toys imported to us. Complaining they are not EEN ENGRISH at this point is just plain greedy.
  23. Me spel baad when me post things kwik. Me have enouff moneey that me not need to spel rite. Me biy dichunary, lite on fier weth hunnert dolar bil and burnn it just too waach it buurn. Seriously though, in all actuality your tax dollars go to pay for stealth bombers, highways, pork projects, kickbacks and slush funds... I like to think that that MO National Guard F15 I see scream overhead every now and then keeping me safe is 1/10000 mine.
  24. BF:Vietnam is going to be a joke, totally in contrast to what that war actually was. If you want 'Nam, play Vietcong...
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