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Everything posted by JsARCLIGHT

  1. Have you seen Croupier? He was just dripping with suave in that movie. I'll admit he is a longshot but he at least can pull off Bond if you give him a chance... those BMW spots he appeared in were a total waste of his tallent, he was more or less a prop for the car (which was the real star). That would be quite PC but it would totally kill the "Bond Vibe". Bond is a man's man hard drinking pistol packing punch throwing bad pun blabbing secret agent, not a woman. Bond is a very sexist icon and filling those shoes with a woman would be a real no no in my book... anyway isn't that what we have Tomb Raider and She Spies for?
  2. BAH! Timmy Dalton may have been "closer to Ian Flemming's Bond" than Sean Connery but fer god's sakes Connery is Bond in my mind, everyone else is an immitator. The Bond of the books and the Bond of the movies are two different animals and when movie Bond came on the scene our man Sean filled out the role like a fat man at a buffet wearing elastic pants. No one can match Sean as Bond, they can only "create their own impression of Bond" for the audience to enjoy. Connery - Real Bond Lazenby - Sleepy Bond Moore - Grandpa Bond Dalton - Femme Bond Brosnan - Pretty Boy Bond
  3. They could always give the job back to Timothy Dalton and put him in drag driving around in a pink clown car and call him Agent double-oh 69 Jamie Bond. For my money Dalton was the [comic book guy] worst Bond... ever! [/comic book guy] I myself would like to see someone with a more brooding thing going on like Clive Owen get the gig... it would make for a more "serious" dark Bond. Edit: This publicity shot from Croupier has Bond dripping off of it...
  4. Just got home with my new TV hands and want to once again praise the folks responsable for these beauties. Just a slight snip of the pegs for fitting and they stick like glue and look just as good as the ones you get with the VF-1J Hikaru. In fact, look at the quick picture below... which Hikaru has the factory hands and which has the recasts? You just can't tell from three feet away!
  5. I just got my two sets of recast TV hands and all I can say is wow. These suckers look factory. Good show.

    Q-Rau is 1/60

    You die joe!

    Q-Rau is 1/60

    First person to break out the Sir Mix-a-lot gets a .45 slug in the chest.
  8. I'm not a big fan of the slipcover DVD case style but the overall feel and palate of the sets is neat... or neat to me at least. Very moody.
  9. I was on the fence about getting one of these but low and behold last night while stopping in a Wal-Mart in Kirkwood (a store I never shop at due to it's distance from my home, but it was close to the resturant we ate at) after dinner with my fiancee to pick up some milk. I stumbled down the toy isle to check and see if they perchance had some 12" Joe accessory packs and when I was diving through their joe toys my fiancee walked up behind me and said "look at this bigass honkin' thing" and proceeded to show me a 20th Optimus. Needless to say, I was impressed. Bought it right there on the spot. But now that I have gotten it home (and done the necessary dismantling of the box to even get the thing out) I'm not that impressed with it. Yes it has the shock dealies and the heft but the arms are all but unposable, the hands loose grip instantly and he drops his guns in minutes, the legs really only have one or two poses and so on and so forth and whosits with the whatsits... ... about the only thing that has impressed me on this toy is the tiny Megatron walther that takes down... admittedly some of the gimmicks like the light up matrix thing got a snicker when I first pushed the button and the jabber-jaw mouth button action is just plain goofy. All in all it's a decent toy I guess... maybee I was expecting a whole lot more for my $65. As far as toys on american shelves go it is one of the best ones I've seen but Prime is just not doing it for me... now I see why I did not buy one sooner when they first came out, turns out I'm just not as big a Transfan as I thought I could potentially be.
  10. Woah, double post... that is a first. MW seems really really glitchy today on my box.
  11. Disney really needs to get back in touch with a little something called their soul... you know, that thing they sold so they could become the cash cow they are today.
  12. The design of the VF-1 ranks as my all time most favorite anime/toy design of all time. Even when I saw the first ones back in my teens when Robotech aired I loved the simple elegance of the Valkyrie VF-1... the way it just seemed to "work" in all forms and from a lot of realistic angles. You can almost believe the design and the physics they pull off, like the sweep legs forward "reverse action"... the "gunpod attached to the arm for storage"... the head lasers usable in all modes... the arms usable in two modes... the properties of the jet combined with those of the robot. In all of animedom I have found no cooler and more functional/believable technical design... funny how my second alltime favorite is the Legioss fighter.
  13. It was very nice to hear that once again all the darlings won their little statues and that hollywood had their time in the sun yet again. I'm sick of the oscars and hollywood... bunch of ingrates patting themselves on the back. Bill Murray was robbed.
  14. Crazy? No. Ambitious? Yes. You gotta love a man with purpose and drive coupled with vision... ... as long as that purpose, drive and vision is not coming out of a dime bag.
  15. You know, I once saw a picture of a Llama for sale. The man had several pictures of the Llama and a description of how the Llama is personable and tends to only spit occasionally... guess what? I HATE that Llama. It costs like a thousand dollars and all it does is spit and crap. If somebody expects me to buy that Llama it had better clean up after itself, make me coffee, take out the trash, spell the names of the states and presidents right and transform into a Tapir on command. Freaking nature... where does it get off making that Llama that only does two things? And selling it for that price? And to top it all off it has a DEFECT! It will eventually DIE! The Llama I buy must be eternal... and low price and the coffee thing and the spelling thing and the transforming into a Tapir thing... See? You can bitch about anything after seeing a picture, someone's impression of it and a price tag. My only point is: if you want to bitch about something, do it after you buy it and it bites you in the ass. All this "first strike" pre-emptive bitching is just a wee bit strange... kind of like complaining about non-transforming poor spelling Llamas.
  16. Mine is on pre-order with Kev at VE.com. I'm not a fan of the Q-Rau but I need it to complete my collection... and if we all chip in and buy enough of them then perhaps they will make more enemy units for us.
  17. On their wednesday (I believe) shows Adult Swim turns their transition cards into sort of a mail server response and insult session were they show an email they got from a viewer and then answer/berate/insult them on the air. This week they showed an email from a guy who claimed to have seen tons and tons of anime and said that the Cowboy Bebop intro was the catchiest one he has ever seen and that the song stuck in his head... The AS people responded that he should "look into a japanese anime called Macross and that it had a very catchy theme song that he would not be able to get out of his head".
  18. Soooooo basically they are dropping the goofy kiddie-afied anime block and replacing it with an american made anime styled knockoff block. Fun fun fun. Cartoon Network only has my partial attention from 10pm to midnight for Adult Swim, almost everything else they air is kiddie drivel or a repeat of a repeat of a repeat. On a more positive note, did anyone catch the mention of Macross by the Adult Swim people last night?
  19. Hey! I'm a card carrying PAGAN! Welcome, brother! Here's a leaflet, come... join the family! We're a HOOT!
  20. Supply and Demand. Before Gundam graced our shores there was a diehard underground fanbase buying everything they could manage... but it was a tiny tiny amount of product being moved. Then Gundam came ashore... and it came ashore like the Marines with a marketing blitz that Ike himself would be proud of. Supply went waaaaaaaay up and during the blitz so did demand... now it is a few years later and the luster of Gundam has worn off on the american consumer just as it did for Pokemon, Furby, Tickle me Elmo and Cabbage patch kids. Gundam became a fad, they overhyped and over stocked it. Now it is suffering the consumer burnout trend that most boy's toys go into.
  21. IMHO most cartoons have a vaccuum of religion so the viewer can insert their own personal beliefs into the show. The cast could have been any religion on the face of the earth and it would not have effected the outcome of the story. What people believe and what they do are two different things... I have seen enough pre-marital pot smoking hard drinking porn reading cuss mouthed Catholics and Muslims in my time to fill a barn, according to their religions they are total sinners and going to hell but they are still nice people. My point is that one's religion does not make the man just as one man does not make a religion. All religions preach basically the same things anyway: love your neighbor, don't do bad stuff and be a good person in the eyes of whatever thing you praise.
  22. I think I'm the lone disliker of the VF-0... yeeesh is that thing butt ugly! It looks lopsided and gangly... and a little too "hippy"... Give me a classic VF-1 any day of the week above these new jangled angular knockoffs from Macross Zero, they ain't doing it for me.

    Yamato rumors

    DOH! ... well... ... still... I guess the 1/48 GBP might be a bit too mechanically complex for them to seriously persue without seeing how the sales of the 1/60 do first... ... and it's not like there was a 1/60 plain jane M&M release so what gave us the idea there would be a 1/48 release like that outside of the Hikaru release? ... and a green/purple/blue Q-Rau methinks is a question of the red one selling in sufficient numbers first as well... Not so doh then I guess...
  24. Doesn't suprise me. The government has A.D.D. when it comes to mechanicals these days, they drop programs and pick up new ones like cards in poker... makes me wonder why they spend so long developing things they will never use... also makes me wonder if some insider dealing got it canned for some reason, maybee old Tricky Dick Cheney had something to do with killing this warbird along with the F-14...
  25. Not quite. What it does is sort of hold the gun closer to the screen, and gives you a slight zoom. However, you move slower while doing this. Also, you can "hold your breath" while aimed, giving you a slight increase in accuracy. But you DO NOT use the actual sights on the firearms, as in Vietcong of CoD. Well poop that is the coolest part of the aiming in VC and CoD... And just for the record you move slow while aiming in both VC and CoD and the longer you hold your aim the "Steadier" your aim gets... but only when kneeling or laying prone, try to aim while standing and you might as well shoot from the hip. I guess to a gunslinger like me it is more "natural" to see the sights of the weapon in the game and shoot looking down the weapon than it is to "point and click" using a fakie crosshair in the middle of the screen. The crosshair is great and all for spray and pray shooting in games but it always leaves me feeling a bit "detatched". I guess that is why I'm loving the hell out of VC and VC:FA right now...
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