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Everything posted by JsARCLIGHT

  1. If that is what it is supposed to be it looks nothing like it... plus the proportions are all off. Nothing on that weapon looks anything like the pictures you posted. Sure it somewhat resembles the top one if you screw up all the proportions, squint your eyes and use your imagination... It's like Yune forgot to draw the whole other half of the gun. Both of those guns appeared in the series and where quite large full size main battle rifles. And you would still see that pistol grip somewhere under her arm or even with her shoulder, along with the muzzle of the gun which would easily be visible on the other side of Jeanie given the angle the thing is drawn at. The gun on her back is a very, very short weapon... about the size of a STEN or an Ingram. If it was a longer weapon you'd see it sticking out on the other side. All I see is her helmet... which she is gripping like a pro basketball player. Plus if you have ever shot a real weapon with a wire stock you know they are in no way "recoil suppressing", more like "shoulder destroying". If you have a pic from that book with a shot of a wire stock on a southern cross weapon I'd love to see it as wire stocks kind of went out of use in the 60's. And what is holding that gun on her back? All the weapons I saw in southern cross had slings... this one is just sort of glued onto her back. The only items that magically "glue" onto the back of the armor in that show where the backpacks... Yes I am nitpicking but it is mainly because this is another Tommy Yune pic that is more pulled from his butt than from the original designs. I understand artistic license and all but at least stick to the established tech.
  2. the missle pod you are thinking of was on the Imai kit and was sort of an external detatchable missle rack. I only remember seeing it once for a fleeting second in the animation... but the models and the line art always showed it.
  3. I know this is a total nitpick but that wire stock on the weapon she has is totally weirding me out. I was not aware there where any infantry weapons in the southern cross arsenal with wire stocks... plus that weapon should most likely have a pistol grip riiiiiiight there where her shoulder is and it doesn't have one. So I'm guessing it is a future laser STEN gun with a scope.
  4. Check the thread a few positions up, the "New Official MPC Thread". That is where all the info and pic links are at. I'm in the running to get one as well but that $100 price they are quoting you is ass. Get in touch with Kevin at Valkyrie Exchange as list price for these things should be $79.99. Even with shipping it is not $100. Plus there is much speculation that that price point will come down soon after release. I myslef am still doubtful but we'll see.
  5. The only two games based on movies that are worth a darn in my book were Super Star Wars and it's sequel (which was a better game) Super Empire Strikes Back, both for the Super Nintendo. I could not put those games down back when they first came out. Do... or do not... there is no try...
  6. There is not much I can say until I see solid product rolling off assembly lines. We all remember the Sunwards website place holder... perhaps this is just a HG "retaliation" in like sort. They are moving forward with their agenda just as Yamato and BW were. All I smell in this whole thing is perhaps another pending legal clash. Then again I myself am torn with all of this... on one hand you have a nice high quality R1 release of DYRL with the promise of extra features and good subtitles... but on the other hand you have the promise of another HG blockade rearing it's ugly head. I have no quams against HG holding whatever rights they want in the states and distributing whatever butchered or unbutchered material they have... it's when they start telling me what quality products I and retailers I support can and cannot import is when I get all bent out of shape.
  7. Uhhh... what about some of the games out there than get horrid reviews but still sell a good number of copies? I've seen a few titles in my day that sucked big time but people still bought thousands of copies... a lot of "launch" titles come to mind. Plus, to me and a lot of people I know, most games are "bad" games. Putting all their oomf behind the reviews is almost like what hollywood does in putting all their focus on the opening weekend box office takes and place. It could be the greatest movie of all time and have a cult following but if it is not boffo at the box office in the first week then hollywood tends to pull a lot of it's backing of the picture... unless it is an "oscar contender" they are trying to push. This could be a good thing but it also has the makings of a very bad thing.
  8. My local Best Buy stores blow for video game selection and even if I would have tried to check for those titles they would either not carry them, be sold out or just not be on the sale floor. Best Buy's around my neck of the woods have very nice buildings... with very rude employees and very empty shelves.
  9. Hey, my 1970 1/2 Z28 came with dealer AC thank you very much! ... but the clothes were ass. You got me there.
  10. What I find funny is this sort of thing happens so often and people don't know about it. I used to know a box monkey (pitcher... or whatever dumb term they call the people that basically throw your packages around) at UPS and he told me stories that would make you buy your packages a plane ticket rather than ship them with any service. Basically what it comes down to is if you read the fine print on almost all shipping company's terms of service agreements they in no way hold themselves responsable for destroying your things. In most cases they turn it back on you and make you somehow to blame for their smashing your stuff. Taking UPS as en example, they have so many cop-outs in their TOS that you would have to pack your package in armor, wrap it in kevlar, hire armed guards and a armored truck for it before they will admit fault for damaging it. Then you have to jump through more hoops than a trained poodle to get your insurance claim settled. Pics of it damaged, pics of the box, pics of this, pics of that... and to top it all off they have one of the best cop-outs known to man: "why did you accept the package if it showed signs of damage?"... sheesh. Add to this the fact that these carriers are so cost oriented that they even shove and kick your packages into trucks and planes so they can fit more packages in to make more money per transport... then charge you the consumer a fuel surcharge for that flight. (puts on Che berret) Rise up my brothers in glorious rebellion against the shipping demons!
  11. So basically they are telling us to wait as they re-release and re-release not buy anything for about another year until everything has been released and then choose what we want from what is out? Retards. That reeks of Terminator 2 syndrome. You cannot fault them for trying to make money but they are pretty much saying they are going to go King George on this franchise and try to milk the fans for all they are worth in a short timeframe.
  12. Speaking as someone who wears almost exclusively dress clothes... even when in the shower... I prefer hard seams on pants. Some pants come with that multi-fold pleating around the beltline that makes you look like you bought pants that are ten sizes too big and you are crunching your pants together. Also as a fashion rule pleats add weight and height to the wearer. Flat front pants lessen the "length" look of a person's legs as do pants with square lines at the knees like pants with cargo pockets. Also pleated pants tend to only look good when worn with a formal shirt and tie (this is more opinion than fashion rule). The tie adds to the vertical feel of the dress and increases your "tall" look. Being a tall person myself wearing pleats and ties all day adds to my look and people think I am much taller than I actually am.
  13. My last post in this thread: I had no idea I was going to get Nuremberged on this issue. I just wanted people to stop thinking of me as some elite favored person because I am not. If you remember clearly I was a very vocal rabblerouser at the head of a vigilante group on here a year ago. I highly doubt that a sheep disturber like me could so quickly move into the hearts of the mods. I got hit with a custom tag and yes, I did not ask for my unwanted custom tag to be removed mainly due to that at the time it was all part of the joke. Everyone seemed to "get" the joke and they saw the thread and it seemed everyone was getting them... at least everyone that appeared to be "daily players on the MW stage". I notice more and more of them every day and the new ones seem to not be jokes any more but more or less hand picked ones. That did not bother me either as I just assumed that people would PM a mod and ask for something. Obviously some folks view this as some sort of equal rights issue and to be honest when you are on the other side looking in it is not a big deal, most of the time because you don't notice or don't really care about the issue at hand. To me, this issue is about three little insignifigant words placed in my profile by someone else that I did not choose. To me it is a cattle ear tag. It carries with it a sense that the mods are watching me to a degree but that they are just trying to have fun and liven the place up. To other people those three little words are a sign that I am favored, pampered, catered to and special. Buy the level of response some folks have put into this it makes me feel bad to have this my profile. I was just playing along with the joke on the jokers... having fun. You know, what this board is supposed to be about. The mods were having fun, the jokers were having fun and everyone seemed to be getting along fine. This whole issue is about perception and how you see things on the board. People see three little words that they don't have and for some reason they instantly say "unfair!" whereas I look at them and remember the jokes. Being on here every day I see the jokes and know the stories behind them so to me it is all part of the show... but to others it is taken as a sign of contempt and privelage. Any system that gives rewards for any action or participation will likewise be complained about. Just look at what is happening to children's sports... there can no longer be "losers" and in a lot of cases score is not even kept any more to appeal to everyone's "feelings". There will always be the haves and the have nots. If this issue means that much to some people then do like we did: play the game, joke around and become part of the supposed "inner circle". We have not done anything against the rules of the board and we have done nothing to hurt other members but from the reactions in this thread you would think we did. I still say all or nothing, even if people will not believe me because I am part of the elite conspiracy.
  14. If you go back and re-read my posts and those of the other "elite uber bastards" you will see that none of us are really defending anything or trying to keep anything. We are all basically saying "this situation is out of our hands and we choose to enjoy it rather than piss and moan about it". If custom titles went away that would fix this whole thing right? Then ask the mods to do away with them. But it might not happen... because this board is not a democracy. There are no "rights" or equality granted to anyone. The law is made by Shawn and Graham and enforced by the mods. What we can do and what we have are handed down by them and then alone. If the mods choose to do something, ban someone, give someone a title or remove their post count that is their whim to do. They are omnipotent here, not us. I learned that lesson a long time ago as did a lot of other people. We either flow with their waves or crash against them, and crashing against them does not really do much as in the end they will 99.9% of the time be "right" no matter what we say or do.
  15. Marketing is in the same bag as licensing to me... I'm a marketing person, I work with the license to make the product. So when I said "License" I also meant the marketing that follows behind it. It is too easy to market a licensed product anyway as you generally sell based on the license. Harry Potter, Star Wars, GI Joe... they sell themselves. Erector does not, you have to "push" Erector. I bet if Eagle Force had had a TV show and a blitz it might have been the rival of GI Joe... but then again Star Wars was sort of the opposite of GI Joe.
  16. I really wish I did have the favoritism of the mods then I could post all sorts of stuff I know would piss tons of people off and get away with it. If this thing has all of you so worked up then I'd say do what you accuse us of: PM the mods, ask for a custom title and get it. I don't know the mods from adam, we don't hang out, we don't talk and outside of an occasional back and fourth in a thread we never even say boo to each other. If they favor me then it is their doing not mine. I and the other "elite scumbag mommie's favorites" on here don't see this as an issue... then again it is perhaps that we see it as the joke it was intended and not as some sort of unattainable badge of holy greatness.
  17. But you have to admit that 1978 changed the toy world forever. All my toys until that point were, for lack of a better word, dolls. They had cloth clothes, fuzzy beards, tons of accessories and were huge. The toy world turned on it's ear with the dawn of "action figures". That was also the point where toys transitioned from imagination driven to license driven. Some companies like Kenner went from nothing to kings of the toy isle in one year... not because of their innovations or designs but because of their licenses. Mego made a lot of mistakes but they were still victims of the "Brave New Toy World" that dawned. Licensed toys before 1978 were there yes but they were not the whole kit and kaboodle. Post 1978 almost every wildly successfuly toy line has been a license... and it has only gotten worse as time has gone on. Nowadays it all about what license you have and not about what innovations you can make. Most companies opt to just purchase a license rather than spend time developing and risk loss on a unique property. Those that do risk their own inventions sometimes hit it big but most of the time they rot on the shelves. It all comes back to kids today wanting what they see on TV and not necessarily wanting good toys. But none of that has to do with Eagle Force... which still rocks.
  18. Exactly what I have been trying to say for this entire thread. Leave it to the calm simplicity of Agent One.
  19. Speaking of post-production filter effects... Does anyone know if they plan to include more of that sort of thing in the new movie? I have not seen anything in the commercials to show they are... the blown out sun baked look for the desert scenes and the crazy black and white streaky "hammerhead bug vision" from the first movie were sort of kitchy and neat... kind of like predator vision from predator. Guessing that the hammerhead things are not in the new movie their unique vision most likely will not be present...
  20. The video on PB was intended to be washed out. They ran the whole section when the actors where "under the suns" through several filters and post processes to give the film this high desert sort of washed out sun baked feel. So unless the copy you had was messed up and made this worse that was the way the film was supposed to be in a lot of spots. I myself liked the stylized sun baked look the early scenes of the movie had, it really put the "heat" on the feel of the movie.
  21. A little from collumn A, a little from collumn B... add to that a touch of senility and a healthy dose of booze. My only point on the "rank" thing is that it on some level promotes spamming of the board. The mods have obviously determined that they can keep a lid on that sort of thing or they would not have started it up. I'm just having a very hard time figuring out why people have an issue with "custom titles" and there is this inferrence of "elite" status on those that have one. We don't have access to them... and so what if we don't have access to them, no skin off my nose. I'm here to mess with people's heads, talk about nutty stuff, make some jokes and generally waste time... not set up camp, polish my post count, lord my status and time on the boards over people and puff out my chest for other people to envy and admire. This whole thing is just another circular argument like a lot of the ones that happen in this section. A very small minory feels wronged somehow, another small minority is sort of indirectly blamed or pointed at and the majority is indifferent. And now back to my normal inflamatory humor! (those with uptight personalities STOP READING NOW! ) ... A large group of Iraqi soldiers are moving down a road when they hear a voice call from behind a sand dune.... "One U.S. Marine is better than ten Iraqis." The Iraqi commander quickly sends 10 of his best soldiers over the dune, whereupon a gun-battle breaks out and continues for a few minutes then silence. The voice then calls out... "One Marine is better than one hundred Iraqis." Furious, the Iraqi commander sends his next best 100 troops over the dune and instantly a huge gunfight commences. After 10 minutes of battle, again silence. The Marine's voice calls out again.... "One Marine is better than one thousand Iraqis." The enraged Iraqi commander musters one thousand fighters and sends them across the dune. Cannons, rockets and machine gun fire ring out as a huge battle is fought. Then silence. Eventually one wounded Iraqi fighter crawls back over the dune and with his dying words tells his commander... "Don't send any more men.... it's a trap.... there's two of them!" Please address all hatemail to: JsARCLIGHT care of this station.
  22. Yes, you are right. And yes, I did type that paragraph at 1AM my time while low on sleep and high on wine. This whole situation is still just a fart in the wind... it is a bunch of whining over nothing. There is no favoritism, there is no "elite" and there is no conspiracy to prevent people from having titles. Folks are just complaining because they think Mommy bought Timmy a new toy and did not buy one for them, or that is the way they see it in their mind. I think people are complaining because they perceive people having some status or some feature they themselves do not have. Guess what? We have no access to this "feature" ergo we are in the same boat as everyone else. Did I want my custom title? No. And to all the folks complaining about this: You want a custom title so bad, you can have mine. I'll just use my secret insider elite commando I'm-better-than-you diamond encrusted secret society decoder ring to call the mods and make it happen... because you know, I'm all up in that and so connected that they ask "how high" when I and the other elite commando snobs of the board say jump. And Max has pointed out a new angle on the "rank" system that I did not see before: Now everyone has a degrading "custom" title!
  23. Holy CRAP! Eagle Force rules! I thought I was the only person that remembered those!!! I had a bunch of them, as they were around before GI Joe came out. When GI Joe came out I started collecting them instead as they where better toys but DAMN! Eagle Force! Yet another reason Mego was the king of the toy isle... ... until those damn upstarts Hasbro and Kenner came in with their licensed toys...
  24. I remember this same thing came up the last time "custom member titles" were brought out and dragged around the track. From last time my thoughts are basically the same as WDC's in that you either have full control over your title or none at all. The new system of "rank" IMHO is the worst of the lot as now, as others have said, we may see people spamming the board in order to boost their post count so they can "go up in rank". And as from before the mods said they would put the kibosh on that if it started happening. I myself am sort of indifferent to the whole member title thing. If anyone remembers I did not want a title slapped on me by the mods for fear of being "branded for life" like some members only to be branded for life. I could care less if it is there or not. I can understand how some of those custom titles got out of hand... does anyone remember Keith's "Don't listen to me" custom title? Anyways the folks with the custom titles around here are mainly the jokers, the knucklenobs and the goofballs. The real serious contributing member cadre often don't have custom titles. However now with the employment of the rank and title system a lot of those same people who are, shall we say, the "vets" of the board have now been sort of placed in the same basket as some of the newbies and lurkers. It's almost impossible now to tell who is a old hand and who is a relative newcomer as most of us have the same join date from when the new board started and now with the rank system almost everyone (even Shawn) seem to be on the same 1,2,3 or 4 chevron system other than a few mods. I myself am not too keen on the rank system that popped up, what, today was it? I think it may pan out to be a neat feature and it may cause controversy. But then again what in this world does NOT cause controversy? Then again, things like custom member titles and rank markings do not instantly equal "my opinion and posts hold more merrit than anyone else's", they simply are indicator's of a person's "committment" shall we say to the board. If a newbie has a problem with someone having a custom member title because they have been here longer, made friendships and "gotten connected" then perhaps that should be incentive to hang out, make friends, play nice and one day they will also be a neato "elite bastard". I mean, it's not like people like me are walking around with sticks or umberellers in our mits puttin' on the ritz and lording this junk over people. Only fools and braggarts do things like that and I don't see anyone doing that. People having problems with perceived "favoritism" may just be lashing out out of jealousy. I mean, when I was in high school I was one of the hot rods of school. I was a dive team champ, had the looks and somehow became one of the school royalty. I did not ask for it, I did not want it... but it was sort of put upon me. People hated me for that... they hated me for something that was more their doing than my own. This situation may be just like that, high school all over again. There are the mods, the creeps, the jocks (cough cough Agentone cough cough) and the "nobodies". Just like any little society or microcosm those things have happened on here to some degree and may always happen on here. But that is just human nature and my opinion, take it at face value as such.
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