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    New Edwards
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    Pointy things that go fast

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Cannon Fodder

Cannon Fodder (1/15)



  1. ^^ Thanks.. welp. i guess i'll be along with everyone else waiting for re-release of new FP/strike..
  2. so i've been out of the macross collecting game for years...decided to make a comeback tour. will the new arcadia 1/60s fit the older version 1 Yamato 1/60 fast packs (the one with the detachable legs to fit into nose cone) or did the version 2+ yamatos totally screw with the sizing and attachment points?
  3. Chebosto

    Latest Custom 1/48

    nice used to work at the 418th.. too bad the 418th only does cargo planes.. roftl.
  4. update on my situation: i got my replacement part from BBTS.. thanks Joel & Crew ! i'm curious if they have these special ordered from Takara, or is there just a donor MP03 ? heh. well thanks again. my SS is now complete and everyone here @ work likes it.. however they dont like the mechanically scanned array.... we're on AESAs now!! sheesh..
  5. i mean. its 1 thing for a part to be completely missing? but to have the installer put on two left pieces , and its physically noticable is another. yea. igot a an email from BBTS last nite saying they're gonna be sending me the new piece. whew. yea star scream is a definate desk model from now on.. its just too fragile to play with it / transform multiple times, i've already gotten some slight white stress marks on where the wing hinges up.. sigh..
  6. Wahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! QC issues up the wazzooo after waiting since like april pre-order from BBTS, i got starscream yesterday. when i was about to transform it, i noticed they gave me TWO left pieces next to the intake! anyone else have this problem? see the attached file, its the little piece you're suppose to flip up and behind next to the "conformal fuel tank" area/white outlined gun.. i'm so pissed. what should i do? i emailed BBTS, but i havent' gotten a reply yet.
  7. i like how you can paint something black or in dark colors and call it "stealth" what, UN Spacy has RAM absorbing paint now? hahaha.
  8. you got to be kidding me, they went with a Jungle Cammo Theme? UGH.
  9. we need a high Viz!!! but perhaps a UN Spacy Logo instead.. ? heh. here's a good 'low viz' of an operational f22
  10. hahah.. i hope you're not wishing that a cute girl is going to come up to you and say "wow. your massive Macross collection is sooo hooott... what's your name?" cuz that's pretty sad.
  11. so... what are you going to do with 88 1/48 scale Valks? you should make a stop motion movie or something. you could have bought a new car with that money.
  12. haha. funny topic.. Macross toys is my other hobby to take $$ away from my real money pit: my Car. i thought. well ok. i spent quite a few bucks on my Z, so why not spend some money else where? so i resorted to macross toys, my first true toy obsession. But now i'm done collecting Macross toys, (the last one i was waiting for was the 1/48 GBP). i guess i'll be trying to find something else... (i have 1/60 Strike VF1S, 1/60 GBP VF1J, 1/55 Super VF1S, 1/48 Strike VF1S, 1/48 GBP VF1J) well. since we'll never operate a 1/1 scale Valkryie.. might as well operate a 1/1 scale 350z hehe
  13. BUWAHAHAH. my Gf sent me an xmas gift using my BBTS account.. sigh. false alarm.
  14. hmm.. i got a shipping notification from BBTS for my GPB today... interesting..
  15. I've been reading the forums for quite some time, and this time i thought i'd just chime in. It's $5. That's a burger. I read about people getting four copies of this. three orders of that.. i mean, do you really need all that many? i guess if ur super hardcore, then one in each mode but that just seems like a waste of money when you could get just one of a specific model and just cherish that one. the more you get, the less 'meaning' each additional copy will have. You'd save $300+ if you just stuck with one 1/48 scale than buying three. That's alot penny counting there.
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