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Duke Togo

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Everything posted by Duke Togo

  1. You know, there is no way Jesse remains free. His fingerprints are all over everything, including the hand gun and cuffs in the building.
  2. If you didn't watch it at the time and understand where they went with it, you missed the moment. But, it doesn't really matter here. The ending here was very well done, as was the entire final season. On the flipside of the coin, Dexter's final season was such a mess I haven't even watched the final episode yet. Breaking Bad shows you how to end a series, while Dexter shows you how not to.
  3. I'm not sure any show will ever top the Newhart ending. But it was a great episode, and a satisfying ending. It fit with the show and didn't seem out of place. Everything it needed to be, and nothing more. Truly excellent work by all involved.
  4. Which couldn't possibly bring the same power as an enthusiast PC. And why have an enthusiast PC if you aren't going to game with it?
  5. Campaign is totally free, and that's all I care about.
  6. Which the overwhelming majority of computer owners don't do.
  7. Ace Combat Infinity is back to basics, has a completely free campaign mode, and includes some pay features for its multiplayer mode (though, if you're patient, you don't need money there either). I'd link the interview but I'm on my phone and lazy.
  8. By whom?
  9. You ever watch someone die from cancer? Killing yourself is preferable.
  10. Outside of gaming needs, there has been little reason to upgrade to newer PCs in the last four or five years. For the vast majority of computer users on the planet, five year old dual core PCs get the job done for all of their needs. The same goes for most businesses. That's the reality of current technology. Check out the major tech sites, and tell me how many if them are giving heavy coverage to the coming SteamOS. And no, gaming sites don't count.
  11. Just like Google Drive has replaced MS Office. Oh, wait...
  12. What PC manufacturers are on board to ship laptops and desktops with the SteamOS installed? Which of the device manufactures, such as AMD, NVIDIA, Creative, Logitech, etc, are going to dedicate developers to produce and update device drivers for their range of products to work for the OS? What major software developers are planning to port their products to the OS? Will you be able to run software such as Microsoft Office suite or Adobe Creative Suite? Right.
  13. And we're still nowhere closer to that time.
  14. Finally saw this through Netflix. Entertaining movie that looks really good, with an unfortunately horrid story. Nevermind it's literally built out of scenes taken from a dozen movies we've all already seen, they telegraphed almost the entire plot in the trailers. And even if you didn't pick it up then, you would have figured it out in the first minute or two. I won't even bother to address the plot holes (probably the worst offender I've seen this year). Worth watching for the design elements. Reportedly they used a lot of physical sets for this movie, which shows (in a good way).
  15. It upscales to keep it from looking like you're watching the tv underwater. Do note that if you don't play these games in "game mode" on your hdtv, they'll be largely unplayable due to input lag and frame rates. Even in game mode, there will likely be issues.
  16. I've seen this movie already. A bunch of times. Not a single bit of originality there.
  17. Shooting while driving in GTA V is horrible.
  18. I'd argue against watching the second season of Rome. It's like four seasons of material condensed into one. First season is amazing.
  19. House of Cards (Netflix only) and Game of Thrones.
  20. GTAV should be arriving for me tomorrow.. Unless Amazon blows it again.
  21. I think a lot of people misunderstand how I approach film, and how I use (or don't use) reviews/review scores. It's not as black and white as most here might think, and my movie collection might surprise some people (or maybe not ). I like Harlock. There isn't a whole lot of news coming out about this movie right now, but what I have read gives the impression that the story is less than stellar. That said, I'm playing wait and see with it. As far as Keith goes, we may not agree with it comes to Macross, but I certainly trust him when it comes to the Leijiverse.
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