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Duke Togo

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Everything posted by Duke Togo

  1. The trailer looks horrid, and I have no interest in this movie. I'm here just to vent about Neeson.
  2. Why is Neeson being type-cast? After all of these years, it's as if they've decided he can only play "Taken" roles.
  3. Because what the world really needs is another preachy, pretentious, James Cameron movie. Am I right?
  4. http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?showtopic=35468&view=&hl=&fromsearch=1
  5. I've never seen The Boondock Saints. True story.
  6. It's a matter of perspective. The actions of all of these characters directly feed some central motive, and you "root" for then to achieve their objective. This is not true of William Foster. That's the whole point of the ending of the movie, really, and it forces you to reevaluate the thoughts and feelings you had while watching it. In my book, Jack Burton will always be a flat out hero.
  7. FF7 isn't Justin Beiber or Lady Gaga; FF7 is the Beatles or Led Zeppelin. You confuse what is momentarily popular with what has sustained influence. You may not like it (just as some people don't like the Beatles or Led Zeppelin), but it doesn't change how it is universally viewed. And to your complaints about everyone being the same, well, that's been status quo since the introduction of the Jobs system in FF5. I actually kind of agree with you on this one, but its been the way of things for 20 years.
  8. Indeed, LOL. You know me, usually I go on and on about this stuff, but I think "WOW" sums it up pretty nicely.
  9. I disagree strongly with William Foster from Falling Down. The revelations at the end of the film completely destroy any notion of his actions being just or righteous.
  10. 8 had a great intro (essentially, you're training, if I recall correctly), but the rest was such a boring slog. But man, nothing was worse than 2. I'm surprised the franchise continued on past it.
  11. Ok, I am going to be "that guy" (and yes, I know I do this a lot): the hipster hate on FF7 is a little ridiculous. You cannot ignore the signifigance of the game and its impact on the gaming industry. It may not fit your tastes (which is fine), but to call the product mediocre, overhyped, or even bad is simply ludicrous. Personally, I've played and completed Final Fantasy 1-12 (excluding 11) and Tactics; I've beaten many of those games multiple times. My first experience with the franchise was the original on the NES. For my money, FF7 was the last in the series that actually felt like a proper Final Fantasy game to me. Sure, 9 came close, but it goes off the rails on the last disc. 10 isn't too far off the mark, but its a clear move away from the traditions of the series. 12 is grand, but has a host of problems and could have been named anything, really. I put the question forth: have any of you played 2 and 3? The originals, not the remakes? (I emulated them back in the day with english landguage patches. Yeah, I'm that guy, too). You cannot truly understand a bad FF game until you've played the original 2. And 3 is among the very best in the series, absolutely not to be missed. But hey, that's just me. I still consider the original NES FF is my favorite of the franchise.
  12. I'm story complete in GTA V, and currently sitting at 88% completetion. I haven't had a lot of time to play lately.
  13. Non-Civ fans tend to like Civ V a lot more than Civ fans do. In a way, it's good they've brought new fans to the series, but a lot of us old timers hate the game and feel like we've gotten screwed, lol. A bigger potential audience for Civ VI is never a bad thing, though.
  14. Xbox One's Top Marketer Brags to Advertisers about Kinect's Abilities Of course they are going to use Kinect to monitor user habits and then turn that into advertising revenue. News, but not news?
  15. WOW... I'm floored. I need a drink.
  16. Demolition Man is a good movie. It probably shouldn't be, but it is.
  17. As someone who was with Jack Ryan from the very beginning, NO, NO, NO. Jack Ryan is not James Bond or Jason Bourne.
  18. Sure, he hasn't written anything worth reading in 15 years, but this is way too young for him to go.
  19. Continuity with scenes shot earlier with him not wearing a watch (but later in the story). It's that simple.
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