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Duke Togo

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Everything posted by Duke Togo

  1. JediNews.co.uk: Star Wars Episode VII: Rumour Alert: Harrison Ford Is Back TheForce.net is running with this story, so I decided to post it. I kinda had the feeling Ford was dragging his feet over some issue or another.
  2. The new trailer is not well done at all. And it's doubly cursed by looking like a last-gen comic book movie rather then a current-gen. Of course, as we all know, a trailer does not make a movie. Oh, and Sunshine.
  3. I do hope you two are not referring to my comment. Is not the general consensus among the fan base that Kirkman's meddling in the show is a key factor in its inconsistency? After abandoning the show after season 2, I decided to get completely caught up with it the last three days. I've found some parts to be excellent, and others to be embarrassingly bad. Overall, I found it to be entertaining and worth watching again. But, given the atmosphere in this thread, I think I'll pass on discussing it further. Enjoy.
  4. True story: comic book writers aren't generally very good outside of their medium. Which, I think, says something about the actual quality of writing in comics books.
  5. J.J. didn't write Into Darkness. And again, we have the conflict between public statements and insider information: we don't know how much was actually scrapped. They're still casting, location scouting, and doing a ton of design work--you don't do this if you don't know what you are shooting. Despite the "leaks," I'd wager this isn't any bigger than what happened with Empire.
  6. Highly respected screenwriter. Word is they dumped everything back in July, including Lucas's story outline. They just weren't happy with it. They've literally started from scratch (or so goes the insider leaks).
  7. Stats don't carry over, and it comes out 10 days before the PS4 does.
  8. Big rumor/leak going around that CoD: Ghosts is only running at 720P 60FPS on the XBone, while at 1080P 60FPS on the PS4.
  9. What does the "GX" in the current line?
  10. I could literally post to this thread on a daily basis with rumors and conjecture, but have been trying to hold off. However, I did want to add this bit of info: for the past month, the rumors have been hot and heavy that we'd be getting some sort of announcement in October. Then rumors went around that we would get a brief teaser trailer featuring Mark Hamill. But so far, nothing... and then two weeks ago the Star Wars YouTube page posted the original teaser for Star Wars to their channel. Then a week later they posted the original teaser for Empire. Today they posted the Jedi "Revenge" teaser. Keep your eyes open, because next Wednesday we may have that teaser reveal for Episode VII...
  11. Plus, we're talking FPS here. It's one perspective in different environments with different weapons. Sure, some of the ancillary mechanics change, but its still just pointing a gun and shooting.
  12. Argh, I totally meant "Quake-like", and not Doom! CoD isn't inspired by the Quake engine--it literally runs on a heavily modified version of it.
  13. Ok, just to clarify: when someone says a FPS is "Halo-like," do they actually mean it's "Quake-like"? You know, in the way that people call certain MMO's "WoW clones" when in fact they are Everquest clones (including WoW). I've never played Halo, so I need some direction here.
  14. Xenoblade didn't need it, but yes you can set up the sensor bar on PC.
  15. You can play Wii games on your PC. True story.
  16. If by Halo you mean ME3 Multiplayer, then I would agree. If you mean it just looks like a FPS, then I say "DUH."
  17. PC Master Race FTW. Of course, it's only an MS timed exclusive, but no reason to wait for PS4 when one can go PC.
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