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Duke Togo

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Everything posted by Duke Togo

  1. My best friend sold his PS4, 3 games (1 was free), and a 2nd controller for $950 on eBay. Made ~270 profit.
  2. WSJ: How Volvo Created the Jean-Claude Van Damme ‘Epic Split’ Video
  3. His script work is generally pretty putrid. A movie like this from him would be par for the course.
  4. Everyone waiting for a price drop should look into the past history in console price changes. Historically speaking, drops are usually only seen in the first year if the system is doing poorly. 2-3 years for a price drop is more realistic.
  5. That's F2P, right? What do you think of it?
  6. Yup, don't deny it. It's just fun with friends.
  7. On myself and one other person in my CoD clan in active on the PS4 right now, and hrs playing the campaign first. CoD solo sucks.
  8. I'm so torn about MGSV. Hayter IS Snake.
  9. See you in 3 years
  10. BTW, PSN is down. Too many former Xbox owners trying to log in on their new PS4s.
  11. That wasn't shocking, Kojima.
  12. Kojima has been teasing a "shocking" announcement for the PS4 tonight.
  13. JCVD, the perpetual guilty pleasure actor
  14. I'm not even sure I'd call him a villain. He's Malcolm X to Prof X's MLK.
  15. CoD Ghosts is getting a release day patch. Apparently the single player was only running in 720p, and it's getting patched to 1080p.
  16. It charges while the PS4 is turned off. That certainly helps things.
  17. Your point? Go hard or go home.
  18. You're not ballin' unless it's a 1TB SSD.
  19. Amazon decided to give me a free game, so along with CoD and BF4 I snagged Black Flag (aka a real game).
  20. It's microUSB. PS2 is the only console I've ever owned (going back to the Atari 2600) that was backwards compatible. It's not something I personally expect.
  21. No
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