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Duke Togo

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Everything posted by Duke Togo

  1. Leo has six projects in development, and none of them are Robotech. Keep dreaming.
  2. I had assumed the micro transactions were for multiplayer only. That stinks.
  3. My name is Duke Togo, and I approve this thread. Also: Front Mission Translation Project http://frontmission.info/wiki/pmwiki.php/Main/HomePage
  4. They're in stock every day online. I've posted the link in this thread. At this very moment, Amazon has it in stock.
  5. Got this from Netflix earlier this week. The story is pretty nonsensical, but Wolverine being Wolverine is pretty kick ass. Plenty of moments where you think "Man, you shouldn't have done that, Wolverine is going to frak you up, now"; sure enough, Wolverine does. The character felt right to me. I was entertained. I wish I could have seen the director's/unrated cut. I hate to say it, but this may be the best of the X-Men movies (you could debate First Class with me, and I might not disagree).
  6. You all smell and have bad hair. I hate you all!
  7. Now hold on a second, Sam Jackson flying kites might be worth a watch.
  8. The first one was fantastic, but this trailer doesn't really grab me.
  9. There is nothing flawed about judging people as individuals and as not part of a group. And I read your posts just fine. I get it, some of you come from regions that view people of wealth as being inherently uncaring individuals. Your prejudices don't make you right. The movie plays up classism and beats the audience over the head with a viewpoint that is based upon prejudice and not fact.
  10. It's called a typo, it happens when I post from my phone. And no, it doesn't magically make it so, but I am still right, as you go on to prove below... I wasn't insinuating that ONLY the U.S. gave, but thanks for further proving my point. Right, just like it isn't a strecth to say you have a fondness for sexualized pre-pubescent girls because you watch anime. Or that because there are a disproportional number of African Americans incarcerated in the U.S. that all African Americans are criminals. Shall I continue? And here we agree.
  11. I'm not sure there is anything else to say about it. Did they really charge 4 bucks for it?
  12. You lost me in the first five minutes. What else is there to say? You want people to listen, yet you turned off this listener before you even started to talk about the meat of the comic. You say I'm not your audience, and that's fine--no loss for you. I'm not even sure why you're even still engaging me on this subject. And I'm not exactly anonymous; there are people here who know who I am, and I post from time to time on the Facebook page. But hey, we all agree the comic is crap, right? I don't see the problem here.
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