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Duke Togo

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Everything posted by Duke Togo

  1. No, what I mean is I had heard that in the new movie they were literally aliens, and they were dropping "mutant" from the movie title.
  2. I thought they weren't mutants anymore? Weren't they supposed to be aliens or something? Or have I just been out of the loop on this?
  3. Excellent
  4. It's supposed to adhere to the classic Peanuts world.
  5. Boxoffice take was nearly triple it's budget, and it was generally well reviewed.
  6. Delivering story through lengthy (but optional) audio files is lazy. And I addressed the dialog because it's part of the game.
  7. I've played every console MG game going back to the original on the NES, and I don't ever recall spending a significant amount of time sitting around doing nothing but listening to audio clips. And yes, Big Boss is different than Solid Snake, but the Japanese release is still using the same voice actor. Kojima blew this one, plain and simple. As far as the dialog goes, you apparently missed my statement of just having come from playing The Last of Us. But, whatever, it is what it is.
  8. A big discussion took place among everyone I gaame with about picking up Titanfall for the PC. Seemed like almost all of us were on board, and then none of us ended up doing it. I feel like 6 months from now most people will kinda chuckle at all the past talk of Titanfall being the most anticipated game of 2014.
  9. I broke down and got this game a few days ago. I couln't help myself. But it was jarring as hell not to hear Hayter's gravely voice coming out of Big Boss's mouth, and I am not sure I can carry on to The Phantom Pain. Anyway, as to the gameplay, I think a lot of the hand-wringing going on over how long it takes to beat is a bit silly. Yes, you can "beat" the main mission pretty quickly; it took me between one and two hours (kinda feeling out the area and the game). At the end of it, it showed me at 10% completion. Yeah, I barely scratched the surface of this openworld game, and I haven't touched the side missions yet. I saw maybe 1/8th of the base during the main mission, and missed a ton of stuff by just trying to complete the given objectives. There is a lot more to do and see than the basic orders you are supposed to follow. It's openworld for a reason. Oh, and without a doubt Ground Zeroes has the best controls out of any MGS game. It's a pure pleasure to play. The game looks amazing on the PS4, to boot. That said, all of these tape recordings and diary entries are a major step in the wrong direction. I don't want to spend an hour or two sitting around listening to all of this crap. Also, predicatibly, the writing is fairly over the top to the point of being cringe-worthy. Having recently come off a playthrough of The Last of Us, I felt like my IQ dropped 40 points listening to the characters of Ground Zeroes spout their nonsense. And again, there is the Sutherland issue which I really struggled with. His voice takes me out of the game everytime he speaks. I know who Snake is, and this isn't Snake.
  10. Apparently pre-orders for inFamous Second Son have topped a million world-wide. It's the first next'gen game to break the million mark in pre-orders.
  11. This movie knows exactly what it is and doesn't shy away from it or try to be something it isn't. Yeah, I'm down.
  12. Right, because this movie is a realistic depiction of anything...
  13. I'm on the fence about buying it. I saw it twice in the theaters, and man, I just don't think I'll be able to have that experience at home. Usually I buy a film like this on Blu right away, but this time I'm not so sure.
  14. Google "3D TV sales," and you'll find countless articles on the death of 3D TVs. Content is drying up, not expanding.I certainly wouldn't encourage anyone to purchase one of the few models left on the market.
  15. They still make 3D TVs? Thought the market died.
  16. I love that they're using a proper Godzilla roar for this thing. I get excited every time I hear it.
  17. Strider is a winner. Highly enjoyable and a great value.
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