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Duke Togo

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Everything posted by Duke Togo

  1. I pretty much figured all of this out watching the trailer. And Johnny Depp is pretty much the kiss of death to any movie he is in these days. He hasn't put forth a good performance in a good movie in years. Probably a decade.
  2. It's kinda turned into one of those Robotech threads. There really isn't anything to talk about until some real news comes out. They might be better off just locking it down for the time being.
  3. I have a very specific view of what old-school Macross is like. I've been watching all flavors of anime for 30+ years, and I don't lean in any specific direction.
  4. I know A1 well enough to know he's not being bigoted. This is definitely not the place for this discussion, but I am pretty sure what he is referring to is an overall lack of strength (read: manliness) in M7. The Gar is not strong with it (not that Macross ever really is, outside of Guld). We're old-school fans who want that old-school flavor. And please, the M7 wars took place a very long time ago on these forums, and we're way past that. If it's brought up its more tongue-in-cheek if anything. Nothing to see here folks; move along.
  5. The new movies take place some 30+ years after RotJ. It's not like we're stepping into the Thrawn Trilogy here. I'd have to believe things have advanced greatly since we last saw everyone.
  6. TheForce.net posted about this story being reported by TheNational.com. Supposedly, it features pictures of the filming going on in Abu Dhabi. Their conjecture as to what we are seeing in the pictures is totally off base, but any serious fan will likely recognize what it is we are actually looking at. It looks legit, but fair warning: minor spoilers may be contained within. For those who still may be puzzled as to what exactly the object in the picture is: As I am going to be avoiding major spoilers as best as I can, I won't be posting any in this thread. But they are something to be aware of now that things are underway.
  7. I've said this before: you almost have to avoid this thread all together because the book fans love spoiling what's going to happen. I NEVER open the spoiler tagged stuff in this thread, because chances are it's going to be a book spoiler.
  8. No no, not Secret Wars; Secret War. Completely different storyline that ran its course abouty a decade ago I think. Essentially, Fury goes underground to bring the fight to the bad guys.
  9. Oh, come on now, you know that eye patch will come back once Fury has things going again. The stage is totally set for Captain America 3: The Secret War.
  10. Yet he trusts Black Widow and the dude he passed while out for a run? Or even Fury, for that matter? Hell, Stark is the only guy you can trust, because he's the one guy you know who isn't anyone's tool and who doesn't bow to authority.
  11. They had to replace one actor--with a better actor--because the original actor left to go do a movie. His loss, not ours.
  12. Well, not so much that... It's just the obvious call to make. A. He'd definitely help, and B. He'd be a big help. His computer skills alone...
  13. BTW, did anyone else think this when the shite hit the fan: if he just contacted Tony Stark right now, this would go a whole lot easier.
  14. TheForce.net: Star Wars Episode VII Has Begun Filming, With Casting Almost Complete I've been holding off posting any of the (strongly) rumored news in this thread because I figured we were so close to the start of filming what was the point? Well, we have some official news coming out, so I guess it's time to get back at it. Preliminary shoots (officially confirmed) have been taking place for Episode VII (rumored to be in Iceland in Morocco), with principal photography to begin sometime in May (rumored to be May 14th). Casting is mostly done, but they still have a few more roles to decide upon yet (also officially confirmed).
  15. Well done and highly entertaining. I may still like the first one more (I REALLY dig that World War II stuff), but I'd have to watch them both again. That said, I think its a better paced and more balanced film than the first. If I had any complaint it would be that it seemed excessively violent, which I wasn't expecting or looking for from this movie.
  16. Amy Hennig Joins Visceral Games as the Creative Director of their Star Wars Titles The long time Naughty Dog employee who was the creative director and writer of the Uncharted series will now be the creative director of EAs future Star Wars titles.
  17. I honestly have no idea what to expect here. The safe bet would be on the new series feeling like Frontier did, but Macross productions have varied greatly in tone over the past 30 years. Personally, I'd like to see them step back to the Megaroad era (this does not mean the 01) and that early time of exploration and colonization. I miss that design aesthetic.
  18. It had a "female" astromech droid that was colored pink... Yeah, I fast-forwarded through it until the Republic Commando showed up.
  19. A few years ago I tried to watch season 1 of The Clones Wars, and well, it didn't go so well. I don't believe I even finished it. I can't recall if I posted about it on here or not, but the experience for me was something like watching the worst parts of Episodes I and II over and over again as an episodic TV series. As the years went by I was confused by the fan base that seemed to have grown around it. When things kinda blew up over its cancelation, I thought perhaps I needed to give the series another try. Boy, am I glad I did. Thanks to the glory of Netflix, I was recently able to binge on all 6 seasons. Getting through season 1 again was tough, but season 2 certainly proved that it was worth the effort--and it only got better from there. It was great to see so many plot holes and glaring narrative gaps finally filled in. And some of the story arcs were simply riviting. It wasn't all roses, though; the occasional lapse into season 1-type storylines were utterly painful to sit through (4 episodes of droids in season 5 and 4 episodes of Padme goes to the bank and Jar Jar saves the galaxy in season 6 were particularly bad). Also troublesome was the sheer amount of retconning going on that became somewhat frustrating at times (of both and the movies and the EU, but I suppose being that TCW is EU it's to be expected). Another thing that nagged at me was the character model change (season 2? or was that season 3?) that left Anakin looking EXACTLY like popular Star Wars voice actor Sam Witwer, down to his very facial expressions. Everytime I saw him I couldn't help but notice it. I'm sad to see this show go, as it clearly had the narrative legs to carry it through to its conclusion. Even for its stumbles, they got so much right that the series is just something that should not be missed by any Star Wars fan. There is so much I could and would talk about here, but I feel those moments have passed with the discussions that has come before as each new episode aired.
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