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Duke Togo

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Everything posted by Duke Togo

  1. I'm not buying that. Current word going around is they're having their first cast script reading soon.http://www.theforce.net/story/front/Report_Episode_VII_Table_Read_Today_Harrison_Ford_Has_Gigantic_Role_157664.asp
  2. I checked my game discs, and Kyle is still there. Btw, Kotaku has a pretty good write up on the EU/canon shakeup: http://kotaku.com/star-wars-lore-is-changing-heres-what-that-means-1568713480
  3. Denial is not just a river in Egypt. The EU has not been "film canon" in a long, long time--if ever. I have been conscious of this fact since atleast the mid 90s. This really is much ado about nothing. Considering how much of it comes off as little more than poor fanfiction (and it's a whole hell of a lot more of it than some people are willing to admit), this is no great loss. Even though it's really not a loss, since it wasn't canon to begin with.
  4. Hamill, Ford, and Fisher are all confirmed to be in London. The start of principle photography on Episode VII is very close! Interesting tidbit: Hamill is sporting facial hair.
  5. March got it right--most of this stuff is crap. And really, I'm not sure how any "fan" made it to 2014 without knowing the EU stuff has always existed outside of the official movie canon. This is good news: they're bringing order to chaos. Of course, all of the old EU stuff still exists; it's not like it's being recalled for destruction. If you want to go back and read all the books and whatnot, you're still free to. It was never canon to begin with, and in the grand scheme of things, it's all fantasy anyway. I've never heard anyone bitch about what telling of the Arthur legend was canon. Just saying.
  6. This would be a must-see movie if they cast Glenn Danzig as one of The Misfits.
  7. That was a part of an EU storyline many moons ago.
  8. If there was a fanedit that cut out everything but the combat scenes, then I would give it another go.
  9. I'm kinda shocked to see this here. Haven't seen this in ages, and I need to fix that.
  10. I think it's dull as hell, and I don't like the magic powers mumbo jumbo. Or the retcon. I really don't like retcons...
  11. Not feeling that clip. But it's only a clip.
  12. Who?
  13. Wait, there's a new Macross show?
  14. I'd say not loving Gunbuster is un-American.
  15. I pretty much figured all of this out watching the trailer. And Johnny Depp is pretty much the kiss of death to any movie he is in these days. He hasn't put forth a good performance in a good movie in years. Probably a decade.
  16. It's kinda turned into one of those Robotech threads. There really isn't anything to talk about until some real news comes out. They might be better off just locking it down for the time being.
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