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Duke Togo

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Everything posted by Duke Togo

  1. Well, who knows who takes over from here. I wonder if this project was just taking way too long. They can't have been on schedule.
  2. If you're running around in the ground, you're doing it wrong.
  3. What makes him a bad director? I'm not a huge fan of his work or anything, but he's hardly incompetent. The problems I've had with his work have almost always been story related.
  4. I have yet to see a single X-related movie that was worth a second viewing. I am beyond skeptical about the praise for this one.
  5. "Listening to the fans" would likely have left us with another forgettable film a-la Pacific Rim, and they wouldn't be fast-tracking a sequel. Godzilla has it's share of problems (Aaron Taylor-Johnson perhaps the greatest among them), but it's heart is in the right place and it got the essence of what we love about the Big G right.
  6. A1, if you didn't get the "cites" on this page, I'd weep a little for you.
  7. I really, really want this movie to be good. I almost need it to be good. This and Godzilla were the only two summer "tent pole" movies I really needed to be good. Godzilla delivered, now this has to. Please, please please be good.
  8. They took the Jaws/Alien approach--it's the slow burn. The problem is Aaron Taylor-Johnson can't carry the film through it's second act. He has zero charisma and shows no emotion. Where Roy Scheider's Brody shines in Jaws, Aaron Taylor-Johnson's Brody fails in Godzilla, and it's glaringly obvious. Still, the slow burn pays off in spades in the third act.
  9. Awesome. I actually teared up with the first roar. And then again at the end. I had a huge smile on my face through a good chunk of the movie. Sure, most of the human characters are forgettable and inconsequential (not surprisingly, Ken Watanabe is the best of the bunch, and he doesn't waste his screen time), but we aren't there to see them. I cheered and laughed and really enjoyed it. Miles better than Pacific Rim. That was totally me several times in the movie.
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