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Duke Togo

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Everything posted by Duke Togo

  1. How's that? Do you consider DVDs a "paid beta" for Blu-rays?
  2. No one else excited by Hidetaka Miyazaki's follow up to Dark Souls, "Bloodborne"?
  3. Abrams has already said the lens flare is getting a serious tone-down for this film. And probably all of his future works by the sound of it. He realized it got a bit silly.
  4. I find your lack of faith disturbing. That said, perhaps it's time for you to put Star Wars behind you. You don't have to emotionally invest yourself outside of anything but the originally trilogy if you choose not to. I sure as hell don't watch the prequels.
  5. Again, we knew there was atleast one more major female role to cast. Now it's been cast, and then some. Likely there were scheduling issues and contracts to hammer out. They're settled, and here they are. Dynaman, you're entitled to think whatever you want, but your opinion does not line up with how Hollywood works.
  6. Principle photography started roughly two weeks ago. I believe the scenes being filmed in Abu Dhabi have been completed. Remember, not every cast member is in every scene, or even every location.
  7. Yeah, opinion or not, that's a ridiculous list.
  8. So basically unless you are invested in playing it's multiplayer side, don't bother?
  9. There's a difference? Besides, it's established his existence predates the dinosaurs. No humans then.
  10. Godzilla isn't a friend to mankind in this film. He's the apex predator hunting after his prey. Humans are no more important to him than ants are to us. We are meant to be but meer observes to his actions. This is actually where the movie stumbles: trying to make Kick Ass an actor and participant in the plot instead of an observer.
  11. I don't get the "kid friendly" part (when I saw it there was a couple in front of me with a child under 10, and he was terrified at several points in the movie), but were you really expecting Godzilla to be the bad guy? It's been 60 years, and we come to expect certain things out of watching the Big G, the biggest of which is that we come to cheer for him.
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