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Duke Togo

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Everything posted by Duke Togo

  1. I'd watch Macross 7 again before giving another second of my time to Robotech.
  2. I finally got around to seeing this. Simply put, it was an incoherent frigging mess without a single redeeming factor. I wouldn't even bother to discuss it further, as it's not worth the time or effort.
  3. I'm not big on potato salad. If this was a kickstarter to back making homemade macaroni and cheese, I could get behind it.
  4. Switch at will? I thought it was a one time deal. Perhaps a manga reader can clarify it for us.
  5. Yeah, it's portions, but what does it stand for? I assumed it had some relation to DNA.
  6. So it's like Macross, Gunbuster, and Xenogears mashed together. And Sephiroth. I guess they just wanted to work him into the story. I dug it, but what's up with the talking bear? And it would be nice if they explained what ENA is. Oh, and the subs on Netflix need some serious retooling.
  7. I've seen this docu. Certainly, the man was passionate about what they had developed, and the pre-production work does look fantastic. But if you know the filmmaker, the era it was to be made in, and the technological limitations that existed, this film would certainly not have been the end-all-be-all some film geeks have declared it to be. We'd of had a better chance ending up with something even stranger and goofier looking than Flash Gordon ended up being. In my mind Ridley Scott's Dune is the one we really missed out on.
  8. I spend too much time playing FPS not to get one (Though I am not FPS focused. I play them because my friends do, and I am not too shabby at them).
  9. The Scuf 4PS controller for the PS4 is available for pre-order. However, this initial version doesn't have trigger stops available or the planned button remapping feature.
  10. The movie has some good buzz around it, but it's certainly not playing where I live.
  11. Missed my point. The controller worked on the PS3 before, just not wirelessly. Just a little info for others.
  12. It worked before; the difference now is it works wirelessly.
  13. Normal is average; I'd hate to be average.
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