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Duke Togo

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Everything posted by Duke Togo

  1. Star Wars premise isn't stupid, it's a fantasy piece built upon mythological traditions. Lucy builds off of a false premise, not unlike basing a movie around the concept that the earth is flat. What's worse is the trailer alone is going to lead people to quoting this false belief. And that's plain stupid.
  2. If we only used 10% of our brain, we'd be in a permanently vegetative state requiring machines to keep is alive. Unless someone has an existing brain injury, we're all using 100% of out brain. Just saying. Stupid premise is stupid.
  3. If they owned the rights they'd be distributing them.
  4. Yeah, was clearly a 3D showcase. There was nothing relevant about Avatar's story.
  5. Well, I'm pretty sure Bond movies are way beyond needing a hook at this point, outside of the franchise itself. But yeah, that's pretty much what's wrong with this KS.
  6. It's an advanced version of the x-wing. We see this with fighter jets all the time. No great mystery. The group developing this film aren't the type of people who do that sort of implied retocnning. Hell, they built a full scale Millennium Falcon, inside and out.
  7. Lucasfilm has a history of taking what the want from the EU and discarding the rest. That said, this thing is really close to the McQuarrie concept, and I'm assuming that's what it's based on.
  8. They're going to turn them into giant, red space lobsters, which apparently have some unknown relation to Protoculture. #seewhatididthere
  9. Is it possible that this KS is getting more attention here than anyplace else on the internet?
  10. PvP is pretty laggy right now.
  11. It's an MMO; it's meant to be played with others.
  12. So the answer to "Why are the spawns so bad in Ghosts?" is "Keith is a newb."
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