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Duke Togo

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Everything posted by Duke Togo

  1. So, it's a kids' show? Which is disappointing, but fine. If kids watch it and like it it's a win for Star Wars.
  2. Looks like there was a partial leak on TikTok. About a half-hour's worth of footage. It's since been taken down, but obviously some stuff floating out there.
  3. Based on the episode preview, we're clearly getting a battle. And I'm thinking had they gone 10 episodes we could have gotten the one to follow, and started the 3rd season with a big bang.
  4. This was a really good episode and I'm not ready for this season to end next week. Without going into spoilers, season 3 looks to be jam-packed with major events. I can't even imagine how they're going to budget all of that.
  5. The show had to come up with something for Daemon to do while at Harrenhall, since there's very little written about it. So, they've had Daemon working through his demons while there, with some witchy help from Alys. I suspect that
  6. I started the new season and I'm not sure I'm feeling the show anymore. I've come this far, so I'll finish it out, but I'm definitely ready to be done with it.
  7. The story is based on two in-universe "histories" and snippets of things in the Ice & Fire novels. The story as we know it isn't considered to be something that can be trusted as accurate.
  8. I now see how this story is going to play out over four seasons. The pacing of it. I'm not sure I like what they're doing with Daemon. Based on this episode. Season 1 Daemon pretty much fit what I saw the character as, but I'm not on board with where they're taking him now. Assuming they continue in this direction with him (which they may not!). To be specific, I don't like the idea
  9. You know, I thought this was going be a story from the Sith perspective. Or, at least, from the dark side. I thought that's how they were selling it, and we got all of one episode of that. Outside of the one Sith-centric episode (which I really dug), the show has fluctuated between ok to forgettable. Sure, it's better than Boba Fett and Obi Wan, but that's a low bar. Outside of Andor, the Star Wars shows have really felt hamstrung. Even Mando as it's gone on. Not just by their runtime and budget, but by the small part of the sandbox they're actually allowed to play in. The Feloni-ization of Star Wars. Everything must tie into the same story, mostly in support of Clone Wars in some way or form. They have a huge SW EU/RPG nerd showrunnung Acolyte and they could have done something really interesting there. Something new, something that's outside of the Feloni box. But instead we got another show really seems to tie back into the Anakin/Prequels/Clone Wars story.
  10. Hell of a cast. Really looking forward to this. And I really hope it has a good script.
  11. So, the vibe I'm getting from the trailer is that Pedro is playing a good man put in a bad situation. He doesn't seem like the antagonist.
  12. Rewatched the trailer and WTF is with the modern music? What a poor choice.
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