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Duke Togo

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Everything posted by Duke Togo

  1. Seto, I used to be just like you, man. The "100% Pure Macross" slogan was my work a decade ago. I was as militant as they came. But it doesn't matter anymore. And as far as piracy meeting all my needs, I have no idea where you got that from. Yes, perhaps you waited for the official Frontier blu-rays (adding fansubs and reburning them to disc) before ever watching the series. I didn't, and neither did anyone else here. Hell, I streamed it live from Japan. I've also imported Bandai and Yamato valks in the past circumventing HG's blockade on Macross toys. And then there are the DVDs and books I own. But hey, Harmony Gold doesn't let us have any of that stuff, right? Can't get it and can't see it. Must have pirated that Gold Book.
  2. I get it, Seto. You hate HG with a passion and want nothing more than to see them fail. But I'm telling you, let it go. It's not worth it and it doesn't matter anymore.
  3. Peer reviewed studies. And file sharing goes far beyond torrenting, and has a far longer history. I'm sure many of us here remember the days of trading bootleg VHS tapes of anime that came straight off of Japanese TV when there was no US anime market. I also own SDF Macross, II, Plus, and the complete 7 set on DVD (yes, 7).
  4. Studies on downloading and piracy show these few Macross-loving Robotech fans who are afraid of downloading fansubbed material not available in their country to be in a very small minority. It also doesn't mesh with the behavior of anime fans that's I've seen over the past 30-something years. So, too bad, so sad for those 12 fans.
  5. A whole dozen people? Wow, that's a lot. Is there anyone on Macrossworld who hasn't seen Frontier at this point? Anyone?
  6. Anime fans are uncomfortable with downloading fan subs? Since when?
  7. Some of the fantasy built around the possible failure of this KS is just as ridiculous as that which exists surrounding the supposed greatness of Robotech on their own forums. None of it is grounded in reality.
  8. Hasbro designs that look like Evangelion designs? Yeah, that's not going anywhere.
  9. No one is getting fired over this KS. If it fails it doesn't mean Macross products will be finding their way to retail stores in the US. If it succeeds or if it fails, nothing really changes. Success is not likely to lead to a series, and failure does nothing to upset the status quo. Oh, and there aren't going to be any lawsuits over mecha design.
  10. People who saw the hour-long opener for the show have generally had a completely different take on what they've seen than what we are getting out of the trailers. Perhaps we should just wait to see it before passing judgement. Fail trailers can be fail.
  11. You can depend on people you know in game more than those you don't--especially if voice communication is involved.
  12. First time can be messy if you aren't in a pre-formed group.
  13. By chrome you mean the unpainted metal which looks nothing like chrome? What's next, are we going to start complaining about how unrealistic space travel is in Star Wars? I mean, come on. Hell, the X-wing design itself makes no sense. Wtf does splitting the wings do in space? How does it maneuver without thrusters? It's Star Wars, it's fantasy.
  14. This X-wing isn't smoother or shinier. It's one of the original concepts from the 70s. Everything about it screams old school Star Wars. As does the fact that built a complete, 1:1 mockup of the Millennium Falcon, inside and out.
  15. Level 22 mobs. They're there to keep you out of certain areas. Level 8s are too low of a level to damage them.
  16. Yeah, they're level 22s. Immune to all level 8 damage.
  17. You mean the level 22 mobs?
  18. This show has first season Clone Wars written all over it. Nigh unwatchable/
  19. http://www.dorkly.com/embed/41311/babys-first-lightsaber#!blVYzB
  20. Then they self-fund it. So what? This isn't a win/lose situation.
  21. Baby's first lightsaber?
  22. I totally know you. Look out your window.
  23. Star Wars premise isn't stupid, it's a fantasy piece built upon mythological traditions. Lucy builds off of a false premise, not unlike basing a movie around the concept that the earth is flat. What's worse is the trailer alone is going to lead people to quoting this false belief. And that's plain stupid.
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