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Duke Togo

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Everything posted by Duke Togo

  1. I can't say I've ever seen what's going on internally within that fandom happen anyplace else. They're turning on one another, they see bogeymen everywhere, and the liaisons through which they can interact with their object of affection have an infamous reputation that is well earned. I take back what I said last week: if people aren't fired over this I'll be flabbergasted. How the hell do you run a business like this? Edit: someone post up a popcorn pic please.
  2. It's important to keep in mind that they were going to shoot this film with Gibson 14 years ago originally.
  3. What you get out of the various interviews with those involved is that this is indeed the same Max, but that each movie has had someone else (within that world) telling his story. Thus, it becomes a matter of perspective and storytelling, sort of how we have many different versions of the Arthur legend.
  4. http://madmax.wikia.com/wiki/User_blog:Benxander/Fury_Road:_sequel,_reboot_or_something_else%3F Pulls some quotes and references interviews. What I said on the previous page is as accurate a take as you are going to get.
  5. Their only avenue forward is MOSPEADA. They either embrace it or continue to flounder. Macross is a dead end for them. Who knows how a MOSPEADA sequel would be received in Japan, but it certainly would have as good of a shot as any of the other dozens of new anime productions we see every year. Of course, that's assuming HG were co-producing, and not trying to force their "creative talent" into the writing or design process.
  6. Am I way off base here thinking that their best option has always been to co-produce a sequel to MOSPEADA, and later adapting it to fit into their continuity (while throwing out everything not seen in the original Robotech series)? It just seems so blindingly obvious to me.
  7. They really didn't seem to have a better plan for it than the potato salad guy did. Outside of reading the guidelines it doesn't strike me that they did a lot of research into what makes a successful kickstarter, and they seem to be doing a lot of stuff on the fly.
  8. Those expensive collector editions are almost always a bad purchase--especially when it comes to MMOs.
  9. And life goes on. They (HG) all seem pretty aware over there that the problems are within their own fanbase. Well, yeah, the problems are actually with the creative leadership, but their lack of funding and backlash is mostly a product of unhappy Robotech fans.
  10. I appreciated the reference, not so much the implication.
  11. A couple of MWers trolling McKeever about his former misadventures on this forum that got him banned. And this right after he essentially told the people whining about Macross fans to STFU.
  12. Ok, who's going over there and trolling their forum staff? Seriously, we're all a bit too old for this sort of thing, no? Doesn't make you any better than Captain Neck Beard and his Basement of Wonders.
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