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Duke Togo

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Everything posted by Duke Togo

  1. Transformers didn't steal anything from Diaclone; it literally is Diaclone (which existed solely as a toyline). As far as GI Joe stealing from SHIELD, well, the Marvel GI Joe comic established the modern mythos of the brand, and Marvel co-produced the cartoon series.
  2. Two discussions going on within the KS chat right now: a petition for HG to stop with their shenanigans, and yet another assertion that Robotech is successful around the world, and Macross, well, it's not doing all that well. What other fanbase is like this?
  3. Wait, Captain American finished his Legioss? I was following that thread for a while and I don't recall it ever being finished.
  4. Americans love a good redemption story.
  5. They don't have the talent to put together even a decent reboot. You can't go from something classic like the VF-1 to the shite they are developing now. Reboots aren't supposed to be a step backward (though, we know how often that works out, and those projects have a lot more funding behind them). They need to dump the creative staff, drop the message board, and focus on merchandising and licensing what they own. If they can show a healthy fan interest in Robotech merchandise, they may actually get that movie made (Hahaha, ok, maybe not).
  6. Dunno, a lot of time has passed. My point was I really don't see them as having any other options (and the MOSPEADA one isn't even what I'd call a "real" option).
  7. No, you're not sorry... not yet. BUT YOU WILL BE
  8. Oh, ok. Licensing. I'm also of the opinion that co-producing a real MOSPEADA sequel in Japan (with the intention to later adapt it to close out Robotech) is their best shot at doing anything. They don't possess the creative talent or experience to produce an a quality anime series on their own. They need to help finance a production and then later try to work on adapting it--assuming they could get anyone to bite on that (which is questionable at best).
  9. They can keep on keeping on for all I care. If it was being run like a real business (which it's not) this wouldn't go so well for them.
  10. And, of course, this is probably exactly what they'll do and say.
  11. Yeah, but it still says, "oh hey, we didn't really need that much, so here's another number that is a hell of a lot less than what we were asking for. Nevermind why we asked for so much to begin with."
  12. You can't change your KS goal or KS length. They'd have to put up a new KS.And really, if they put up a new KS for half as much, their initial ask for 500k would seem shady as hell.
  13. EXO, expect them to pick whatever option makes them look the shittiest. It's the blind leading the blind over there.
  14. Unless you want something dubbed you don't have to. You can order any product you want, and the anime and manga releases see regular translations. HG is irrelevant.
  15. Ok, so, I did a little research. The first use of "purist" that I coud find in relation to Robotech and the three anime shows it was built off of is from a usenet post on November 5, 1985 by Sean Rouse. Yes, you read that right, 1985. Harrmony Gold was getting a decent amount of flack for their "adaptations" of anime in the 80s, and the term purist was used on several occasions in regards to this. Though I never heard it first hand, it appears to have been a term in common usage among anime fans at the time in relation to the numerous butchered anime productions being shown in the West. The first time "Macross purist" was specifically used on the usenet was on October 23, 1992, by one "Predecrement David." Now, the infamous "lying Macross purist," and the now-common use of "Macross purist" as an insult, stems from an incident that followed the 2002 Anime Expo. The story goes as thus (as described by "skullone"): Before this incident "Macross purist" wasn't considered an insult or used to dismiss Macross fans. And now you know.
  16. Wow, that's great. Thanks for sharing the link.
  17. Oh, come on now. It's one brief shot, lol. I'm sure we'll see a lot more of him in future trailers, but you have to admit that's kinda strange.
  18. Wtf is a "Macross purist" anyway? I'm sure we coined the phrase here (and I probably embraced it), but it doesn't make a heck of a whole lot of sense. You're either an Macross fan or you aren't. Robotech used its animation, but it's Robotech, not Macross. They are their own separate entities. I love Macross, and I like MOSPEADA; I really have no interest in Robotech. One isn't spun off of the other, and they do not share continuity. It's a different fandom. I'm not a purist of anything. Hell, I'm not even 100% Italian. Everytime I see one of these clowns throwing around the term "Macross purist" as if it's a curse word, I just roll my eyes.
  19. Apparently whoever cut this together forgot the dragon was still alive. You know, the major antagonist of the first two films, lol.
  20. Yeah, this isn't our gig. Be a viewer, not a participant. It encourages others to do the same.
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