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Duke Togo

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Everything posted by Duke Togo

  1. Actually, I'm not so sure the Moon is still the Moon as we know it.
  2. I've been calling it an MMOFPS, but that's being generous. I'm a veteran of three true MMOs, and this pales in comparison feature-wise. But that's all good with me. About third of my CoD clan (20 members signed up for the Destiny Clan as of the week before release) has set up shop in Destiny, and we should have ourselves a good time.
  3. They did account for it, and took it out of the equation by introducing the Traveler. Super-future technology terraforming FTW.
  4. There isn't anything about this game that strikes me as lazy. Characters have the ability to double jump--and some even hover--without the use of jet packs or visible propulsion systems. Mastering gravity clearly isn't an issue. Hell, the Traveler helps turns Mercury into "a garden world." Again, these aren't worlds as we know them now.
  5. The Traveler has turned much of we know about science on its head. Mars, Venus, and likely other planets have been terraformed. The "Golden Age" that is now in the past of Destiny was technology sufficiently advanced enough to seem like magic to us. The opening cinematic has your skeletal remains resurrected by the Ghost voiced by Dinklage. So, gravity on the Moon? Yeah, this isn't the Apollo Moon landing.
  6. It completely ignores the first two movies (which were amazing). They might as well have not even have happened.
  7. They blew it with 3.33. I'm not even sure I'm going to bother with the final film.
  8. After owning Dark Souls 2 since the spring, I finally have gotten around to playing it. There's something about it that just doesn't seem right, though. I think it' may be the bizarro level design (spatially it doesn't make much sense). And, holy cow, do weapons break quickly. I'm very early on in the game, though. Coming up on my first boss, I think. Plenty of time for things to change, but as it stands now I don't think I'll be platinuming this one.
  9. Goldfinger. From Russia with Love. On Her Majesty's Secret Service. And yes, I think Dalton's Bond films and criminally underrated. He's the proto-Craig Bond, and closer to Flemming's Bond than a lot of what we've been given.
  10. Harmy's Star Wars is up to version 2.5. Empire just hit version 2.0 a month ago. Jedi is still stuck at version 1.0 and is awaiting materials from a group called Team Negative 1, which is restoring and remastering 35mm reels of all three films. Their work is really what everyone is following. They've bought several reels of each original movie and have been working on all three for the past year or so. Those will truly be the versions to have once they are done. Amazing work. You can check all of this stuff out over at originaltrilogy.com.
  11. Doing some reading online, it appears to me that someone over at that comic book website got confused about what they heard regarding the OT. The not-so-secret news is that they've been working on a new 4K scan of the Super Lucas Editions that came out on Blu a few years ago. I'm assuming someone didn't ask the right questions and came to assume something else was going on.
  12. Second (edit) correction: Fox owns the rights to distributing Star Wars in perpetuity; Empire and Jedi they hold until 2020. Unless Fox is involved and getting a significant piece of this pie, this probably isn't real. This story is barely even a rumor.
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