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Duke Togo

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Everything posted by Duke Togo

  1. Ridley has stated he's not directing BR2; he's only producing. Not sure how I feel about that.
  2. Finally got around to watching this. In a word: mediocre. I wouldn't waste my time watching it again. A pale shadow of the original.
  3. I'm in full avoid spoilers mode right now, and doing a fantastic job at it. This is the first time I've even looked at this thread in a while. I'll probably see you guys again when the first trailer hits, lol.
  4. Considering Neanderthal DNA makes up 2% of the genome of people of European and Asian descent, I'd say pretty viable.
  5. Five-manned Atheon with some clan members earlier this evening. Absolutely smashed his face in. It's amazing what proper levels and good gear does to that fight.
  6. One of my clan members deleted two legendary snipers by mistake. He also deleted an exotic bounty as well. Yeah, can't make that up.
  7. Kotaku just put up an amazing review of Destiny. It's the most spot on one I've read: http://kotaku.com/destiny-the-kotaku-review-1637735501 Also, I've now gotten the bounty for the exotic shotgun. These exotics really should be more rare.
  8. I play to play with friends. I have fun in a group, whatever it is. Right now it's Destiny.
  9. Yeah, so, the Bad Juju automatically reloads when you kill a mob by pulling the ammo out of thin air. It's unlimited ammo as long as you can consistently kill stuff.
  10. Bad Juju is fairly lackluster, due largely to its small magazine size and low impact. I'm not sure it's much good for anything more but your run of the mill trash mobs, and it's totally unusable in PvP.
  11. We've been running the Level 24 "Vanguard Tiger" Strike playlist. Easy enough and lots of Vanguard marks and reputation. The Xur part works out well for me, since I don't feel like grinding THAT hard to get it done. Still, I will have it finished Friday evening. And yes, I did beat the weekly Strike to kick it off.
  12. I'm working on the Bad Juju exotic weapon as well. 11/25 Strikes so far. Hoping to have the other 14 and the Crucible component done by Friday evening.
  13. Except Exotic stuff is stupid rare and stupid powerful.
  14. Yeah, it's an MMO. It's not "other online features"; the whole bloody game is online. Just saying. Not to everyone's tastes, of course. But, it is what it is.
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