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Duke Togo

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Everything posted by Duke Togo

  1. No. And it's pretty well known that he and Spielberg fought with Lucas over the script, in a fight that went more than one round.
  2. While the tornado in the movie is quite clearly a digital effect, the truth is the overwhelming majority (80%) of effects/stunts in Fury Road are real and practical, not CGI. While I know Mad Max is one of those film "sacred cows" for many of us, I truly believe we need to wait and see with this one. Some people are treating this like some Uwe Boll or Paul W.S. Anderson turd; I mean, come on, this is still George Frakking Miller we're talking about here. I think we can hold off a bit before declaring it the next "Crystal Skull."
  3. Slashfilm: Harrison Ford Calls ‘Blade Runner 2′ “The Best Thing I’ve Ever Read” I sent him [the script] and he said ‘wow, this is the best thing I’ve ever read.’ It’s very relevant to what happened [in] the first one. I’m not just doing a sequel with lots of action and see how far we can go with the special effects, because you can’t really. [With] Blade Runner we kind of landed on a somehow very credible future. And it’s very difficult to change that because it’s been so influential with everything else. Ridley is currently debating whether or not he'll direct. Edit: Should we not change the name of this thread to "Blade Runner 2" or "Untitled Blade Runner Sequel"?
  4. Yeah, the flaming tornado is a bit ridiculous. I mean how unrealistic is that? I mean, seriously... Oh.
  5. Hamill said in a recent interview that the droid is not CGI, and is infact a real, working prop: And when they were demonstrating how they did this thing, live on set because its not CGI, thats a live prop I was just amazed. They let me play around with it. [Laughs] I was running it all around at the creature shop up in Pinewood. Im telling you, its an absolute delight. Just a thought: some of what we think is CGI (like that Falcon/TIE sequence at the end of the trailer) may end up being real models that have been 3D scanned and then manipulated with computers to produce some of what we see onscreen. That the droid is a fully-working prop is pretty awesome and totally surprising.
  6. Have you not seen the first three movies? If you don't have fun watching those, this isn't the franchise for you.
  7. My only complaint is how orange everything is. Max looks like his liver is failing... And before someone complains again, 80% of the special effects in Fury Road are physical/pracitcal in nature.
  8. Console gaming has been like that for years. Hell, PC gaming has been like that for almost 20 years.
  9. Actually, it's not the use of entertainment media to convey a message that bothers me; it's the unintelligent, cartoonish, cliched, and heavy handed use of entertainment media to convey a message that annoys the hell out of me and turns me off.
  10. Right, because that's exactly what I was trying to say. Everyone missed it but you. Secretly, I'm a xenophobic imperialist. But now you've unmasked me. You have anything else brilliant to add to the discussion, dear?
  11. The special edition of The Abyss is just a teaser of the preachy BS he stuffed down our throats in Avatar. Avoid it like the plague.
  12. They're bringing back the two actors who were the worst part of the original. Great news...
  13. Let's be honest, that pretty much describes every movie Peter Jackson has made for the past 15 years.
  14. Could they have chosen worse scenes featuring Chris Pratt? I don't think that's bad line reading on his part; I think they're just really bad lines.
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