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Duke Togo

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Everything posted by Duke Togo

  1. It's the brine. It's so highly corrosive. There are a ton of articles about it online. Sure, it's brilliant at melting ice (and keeping it away), but it destroys both cars and the roads they travel on.
  2. Filthy? Oh, come on now. I live outside of Pittsburgh, and we've got sand, brine, and salt all over the roads pretty much 24/7. That's filthy. In comparison, your car is pretty much showroom, lol. I was forced to take my car to a touchless car wash last week because it came down to leaving this crap to sit on my car or risk having the sealant stripped off my car by chemicals the car wash uses to hose down the car. And you really don't want to leave this shite to sit on the car; brine is especially no bueno.
  3. My problem is that you've got the director and two of the stars behind Bridesmaids heading up this thing, and that was a shite movie. Granted, I think most comedies these days are pretty bad. All female is fine with me, just not with this personnel.
  4. I just can't get excited about non-Marvel movieverse Marvel movies.
  5. The "human condition" is our essential experience of being human and the journey through life we all take. We're talking the good, the bad, and the ugly of it all. It really doesn't mean anything else but that.
  6. Not so "new," but would we want it any other way?
  7. I've seen Lindelof crap on too many things to say this isn't his mess. He is the master of defying all logic and leaving gaping plot holes with little explaination. Why he continually gets hired is beyond me.
  8. Everything I've read about Roddenberry and his involvement with Trek in the 1980s paints a picture of a franchise that would not have survived the decade under his creative control. To deny this is to be ignorant of what actually happened during this time period. Hell, he even fought against Khan, which was made largely in defiance of the narrow vision Roddenberry had for his universe. There are plenty of interviews out there with Khan writer/director Nicholar Meyer that spell this out pretty plainly. And yes, it needed a reboot because the original cast was a dead end and the time for the TNG cast had come and gone without much of a fuss (outside of First Contact). The pervious two TV series had failed pretty miserably, and BSG cracked open TV sci-fi in a way that made Trek as it was obsolete. It needed to be turned on its head, and the reboot did that.
  9. The problem with Into Darkness is that the script is a bloody mess. There is so much nonsensical stuff going on that I think it's pretty unwatchable past the first viewing (which has its own entertainment value, but little more). This is totally unsurprising given Lindelof's involvement, and has far more to do with him than the reboot as a whole. I think too many people want to throw out the baby with the bathwater here, and simply don't want to acknowledge how much Trek needed that initial reboot movie (or how successful and popular it was). That said, Reboot 3 certainly isn't looking so hot right now.
  10. Digging this. Want more.
  11. I still haven't watched anything since finishing Endless Eight. I really need to get back to business and catch up with Haruhi.
  12. He went full Lucas a long time ago. I think he and James Cameron have both been replaced by pod people.
  13. No one is signed on to BR2 yet. And this "quote" came out of Ridley's mouth, not Ford's. Why would Harrison Ford talk up the script to the man who gave it to him?
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