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Duke Togo

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Everything posted by Duke Togo

  1. I was also thinking Ripkey, Hicks, and some new form of xenonorph versus the company.
  2. Did you not look at the concept art, Kaneda? It's quite clear she's the main character.
  3. The alien isn't the horror here; it's the corporation. This is Neil Blomkamp we're talking about.
  4. They're probably just going to toss 3&4 out the window. I desperately hope they'll get Biehn on board. And with Ridley Scott producing, you can pretty much count on there being some connection to Prometheus.
  5. It'll be several months to a year before we see a solid fanedit of these three films.
  6. All film reviewers are internet reviewers. It's 2015, not 1995 (or even 2005).
  7. Positive profession from episodes 1 to 2. I'll keep watching.
  8. I'm amazed his site is still running. It about went bust a year or two ago. And he doesn't like anything; he's a kiss-ass, and likes whatever gets him in the good graces of the Hollywood elite. He's a fat frakkin' phony.
  9. 9 Star Wars games for $12 on Humble Bundle. Includes KotOR 1&2. Steam, of course, and Windows only.
  10. Cyborg Pirate Ninja Jesus totally predates this comic. Just sayin'.
  11. Which would only encourage them to continue to make soulless films while overcharging you to see it in IMAX 3D. This is why there is so much crap in the theaters these days.
  12. Yes, I get that. What I am saying is there seems to be an expectation that every movie they make has the potential to be the next Matrix, and it's just not going to happen. It terms of this movie, some very open-minded folks walked out of its screening en masse. Combined with the bad buzz that was already surrounding this movie, that really does not bode well.
  13. I'm going to make a very simplistic analysis of this: they hit it big with The Matrix because they used fancy camera effects they saw in TV commercials, stole heavily from anime, and crammed the movie full of cool-looking gun violence. It hit so big studios have been throwing a ton of money at their productions hoping they'd strike gold again. It hasn't happened. These are not people of great ideas or talent. To expect them to produce anythin remotely close to a classic film is a foolish expectation at best.
  14. The Sundance crowd isn't anti-sci-fi or some group of uptight film goers. If anything they're the opposite; they're the open-minded bunch who have helped put guys like Tarantino, Aronofsky, Paul Thomas Anderson, and Kevin Smith on the map. What happened was they were shown a stinker and they walked out on it.Oh, yes, you are right in one sense: the movie had no business being there. Was it a stunt? Was it a move of desperation to hopefully get some cred for a movie that has a lot of bad buzz around it? I dunno, but it sure stinks of those things.
  15. I read about this on slashfilm, and the movie sounds like a total mess. Not surprising given the people behind it. A huge chunk of the audience walked out halfway through the movie.
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