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Duke Togo

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Everything posted by Duke Togo

  1. Count me among those who thinks Cersei manipulated Jamie into going to Dorne (the necklace story is either a ruse or a plot hole, because we've seen more than two of them in the show, despite what Cersei told him) to get him out of the way and perhaps punish him for letting Tyrion go. This also possibly sets up Jamie as the valonqar.
  2. You misread just about the entire movie, Renegade, and your conclusions are all wrong.
  3. It not just the action figure that's the issue; the horrid color pallet on every special edition release (including the blu-rays) is way, way off from what they were originally, and heavy on the blues.
  4. We don't even really know the cloak is black. It could just be the lighting. As I said before, there are people to this day who swear Han's Hoth parka is blue (it's not; it's brown).
  5. Horrible. If it was possible to drop my interest below zero, that just did it. if the Superman movies didn't make it obvious enough, DC hasn't a clue what they're doing.
  6. Alpha Weltall all the way
  7. Is there really no Babymetal in this thread?
  8. Absolutely fantastic, thought provoking, and intense. Outside of people who just flat out don't like sci-fi, I'd say if you don't like this film there's probably something wrong with you.
  9. Do we even know that the cloak is actually black? Could be brown made darker by the light levels in the shot. I mean, hell, there are still a ton of people out there that think Han's Hoth parka is blue.
  10. I'm not quite sure how they contradict it. And I couldn't care less whether it was covered in the EU or not. Most it was was hardly at the level of fan fiction, and a goddamned embarrassment. And better yet, none of it means anything anymore. People of talent are tackling this story, and I'm jazzed for it. And, btw, the original trilogy pretty much followed the exploits of a group of pilots. So yeah, Star Wars has done that before, too. For the record, I also owned and loved Tie Fighter, and golded the hell out of Rogue Squadron. Lots of love there.
  11. Clarification on the Hamill lines: What we mainly hear in the teaser trailer is the original voice recording from Jedi, but, as already discussed, re-ordered to fit what they wanted. The reverb you hear on those lines is what Hamill recorded in the last few weeks. They had to re-record it several times because Hamill kept doing it past tense, not present.
  12. From /Film: Very interesting, I like it. Also news of note, John Knoll, 30-year ILM veteran and Chief Creative Officer of the company originally came up with this idea and pitched it before the switch-over happened. After Kathleen Kennedy took over, she made this film's production a priority, and thus the spin-off films were born.
  13. Hamill said he kept reading it as "My father had it," which was obviously wrong, forcing them to re-record it several times. Clearly, they want to directly recall that scene from Jedi. That said, I think we're also supposed to get the feeling that he's talking to someone new, not Leia. Double meaning to the use of that quote. I have my own theories, and I know there are spoilers out there that I have avoided like the plague, but I can't wait to see how it all plays out.
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