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Duke Togo

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Everything posted by Duke Togo

  1. Yeah, Ultron isn't a bad movie by any stretch, but if I were making recommendations it would be Ex Machina all the way. Some movies deserve to get crapped on. Ultron isn't one of them (though, it does deserve some criticism).
  2. I'll add another: Alex Garland - Ex Machina Q&A Host Jeff Goldsmith interviews writer-director Alex Garland about Ex Machina on "The Q&A with Jeff Goldsmith" podcast. Spoilers, of course.
  3. Beat me to it. After Winter Soldier it really seemed like they were firing on all cylinders, but after Ultron (including this Civil War news), it's starting to look like the wheels are going to come off the bus.
  4. The entire teaser is all CG. Wake me up when they show some actual footage.
  5. Ok, finally saw this today. First off, no Star Wars teaser, but instead got a Batman v Superman trailer. TOTAL FAIL. Anyway, the movie, it was definitely entertaining--and even good--but not as good as the first one. It seemed like a much longer movie crammed into a smaller space. Ultron as a character was silly. His personality seemed way out of place. For the entire cast, many of the quips and jokes seemed off; right intent, but wrong line or delivery. Also, the dream sequence stuff was silly and unneeded, we know who these people are. And what was with that shoehorned Banner/Widow romance? Dafuq did that come from? Oh, and didn't Tony Stark "quit" at the end of Iron Man 3? And he quits again here? Well, until Civil War, lol. But hey, I liked it, though. And I kept getting this vibe from it like Marvel was showing DC how to do a proper Superman movie, if you catch my meaning.
  6. Cut the show down to just its intro, and it'd be perfect. Too short, you say? Ok, well, you I suppose you could cut it down to "Fleet of the Strongest Women" and it would still be pretty good.
  7. Bounty hunters are cool. He was mysterious. His outfit was cool. His voice was cool. His ship was cool. He had a rocket pack. Then RotJ happened. (The prequels don't exist for me any more, so IDGAF about AotC). Now, if this anthology film can establish him as a Mandalorian, he'll totally be cool again.
  8. Business as usual, minus Kojima. The stock exchange thing really isn't news at all.
  9. Working in gaming on the development side is murderous.
  10. Um, no? We're talking about video games and how businesses operate.
  11. I wasn't trolling at all, with any of it. I stand by everything I said.
  12. So the show finally brought R+L=J to the screen, and in a big way. I wonder how many show watchers caught it?
  13. Generally speaking, I don't believe in ore-ordering or buying expansion passes. If the game is that good I can afford to buy DLC as it comes without the discount.
  14. My point, JB, is that people have always invested money in video game development in the hopes of making a profit when it's released. Even the devs themselves, who are doing the creating while investing their time and hard work, are doing so because they were paid for it or hoping to be paid for it. Look, I feel the same way a lot of us older games do about mainstream gaming, but I also have a lot more gaming options than I did when I was a kid but with less time to put into it.
  15. Here's the thing, JB: Rock Band is pretty much just another Guitar Hero, but with more stuff. Yes, I know, same devs in a new studio, but still they made a like game because the original was selling like gangbusters. I don't find it as interesting as Rocksmith, purely in terms of what they were trying to do with the game. And yes, the cost of game development has certainly impacted the variety of games we see. 100% on that. With costs being what they are companies are far more likely to follow trends and take less risks. But this doesn't mean it hasn't always been about the money, it just means it's harder for new ideas or different game types to find their way to the mass market.
  16. Both set out maximize profits. If you think they weren't you're seriously out of touch. With Rock Band they sought to offer a superior product to Guitar Hero in the hopes of drawing away that user base and making money. If you also think Japanese devs have some great artistic integrity that Western devs don't, you also have no clue about what their game market is like. At all. I find this conversation almost laughable considering we're in a forum focused on Japanese entertainment. Just thinking about how great Japaneae devs are makes me want to rush home to play Dynasty Warriors Extreme Legends 28 or Monster Hunter Super Zeta 13. On a 3 inch portable screen. Or whatever. Please, take the rose-colored glasses off.
  17. It's always been about profits. How exactly is it that you think businesses work?
  18. The Forever War has been in development hell forever. It was the Robotech movie production before there was Robotech.
  19. It's simply another tale set in that world. It's not a reboot or a remake, or really a sequel or prequel of any kind. Miller defines it as a "revisit."
  20. March, you and I may disagree a little, here...
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