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Duke Togo

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Everything posted by Duke Togo

  1. Wait, what? The interviews I've been reading with Miller talk of two movies: one which the script is finished for (Mad Max: The Wasteland), and one which is currently in novella form. Haven't read anything about prequels or direct sequels involving Fury Road characters.Edit: minor correction, their are (or will be) prequel comic books
  2. I wanted to share some comments/thoughts from part of an e-mail I sent Joanna Robinson of the "A Cast of Kings" and "A Storm of Spoilers" podcasts:
  3. There seems to have been a concerted effort to cut down on the number of supernatural elements in the show. I don't know if this is budget related, or they thought a more grounded series would reach a wider audience.
  4. Sansa doesn't have to die to become Lady Stoneheart. LSH is just s vengeful character. I think it's way more likely Sansa goes Rat Cook here. Though, I'm aware they may just get out of Dodge a la Jeyne's escape in the books. They're certainly set up for it.
  5. They're batting 1.000 with these films so far, so I'm ready for another.
  6. That's one of those episodes you don't forget. FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU But, the North Remembers, and this Mummer's farce is almost at an end.
  7. Mad Max has made $109 million globally since release. It's doing just fine. I have no doubt that next film will be green lit for production.
  8. That's a horrid trailer. I've seen the wonderful documentary on this event (Man on Wire), and I'm not sure why we now need a drama about it shot in 3D.
  9. And how much of the movie does one miss when they have to keep getting up to take a leak from all of that beverage?
  10. i think we've mentioned it before, but Spielberg and Gary Whitta have tried to get ahold of these rights to no avail.
  11. Ok, I learned a new term today: "Men's Rights Advocates." I dunno WTF that means, but anyone boycotting Fury Road has got to be about as dumb as a bag of hammers.
  12. But who cares, really? It's rated R versus PG13. Also, the list of lesser films that beat out greater ones at the box office is long and undistinguished.
  13. In a recent interview with Jeff Goldsmith, George Miller revealed he has a screenplay for the next Max film already written (titled Mad Max: The Wasteland), and a third story in novella form that is currently untitled. Edit: Miller said in another interview that he considers Fury Road to be post-Thunderdome, but that he really can't keep it all straight in his head and that the movies where never meant to be seen as being set points in a chronology. Personally, it seems to be a better fit post-Max 2. I assume when he was trying to shoot this in 2003 with Gibson post-Thunderdome was a given.
  14. Ok, I'm curious if anyone else felt this way. For a good chunk of this film (atleast the first half) Charlize Theron's performance of Furiosa reminded me A LOT of Gibson's Max. Something about the look in her eye and her expression, how she dealt with what was going on around her. There was one shot in particular, a close up through the driver-side window, where it really struck me.
  15. Lacks senseless destruction and a dark, brooding atmosphere. I spotted multiple people smiling. 0/10
  16. Over 100 reviews in, still running at 99% fresh. Only one negative review; how's that person looking right now?
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