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Duke Togo

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Everything posted by Duke Togo

  1. I just read this news bit about World of Warcraft losing 3 million subscribers, and the main gist of it is that players were unhappy with the lack of endgame content. But then I read in the very same article that Blizzard now enables players to create a level 90 character in a game world where the level cap is 100. It's stuff like this that blows my mind. Players skip 90 levels of content to reach endgame faster, and then complain about the lack of content. I mean, why even play the game if that's what you're going to do?
  2. Old systems sound like fun until you go to play them on an HDTV, and then you realize it just doesn't work very well at all. Unless you're buying specialized hardware, emulation is the optimum choice these days. Still, nice stash.
  3. Kinda close for a 50 inch, isn't it? Isn't 6 or 7 feet optimum viewing distance for a TV that size?
  4. This, times 1000
  5. Except Japan is a very small part (less than 10%) of their install base.
  6. Depends how much time you have to put into it. May I suggest picking up Bloodborne, as well.
  7. And fanedits, and alternate language tracks, and a whole host of things. As for CDs, I simply don't know anyone who uses them, outside of ripping purposes.
  8. Not being able to play mkvs is a far, far bigger deal in 2015 than not being able to play CDs. While certainly this doesn't apply to everyone, it applies to the vast majority.
  9. Kotaku - The PS4 Now Supports MKV Files Along with a host of other stuff with their new media player.
  10. There REALLY isn't that much wall-running. That gameplay was misleading.
  11. If Les Enfants Terribles are there, that means a young Solid Snake may make an appearance.
  12. Ok, there isn't nearly that much wall-running in the actual BO3 multiplayer. That's a spiced-up multiplayer video.
  13. This would have been more awesome had the news of this not leaked in the last few days. Still pretty awesome, though.
  14. Welcome to a new galaxy. Release date Holiday 2016. Everything seen in the trailer was captured in-engine.
  15. Could be a misdirect, but yeah, that sure looked like twin snakes at the end of the trailer.
  16. So, I believe at the end of book five Arya has gotten her vision back, Sam is actually at the Citadel (along with a faceless man), and hasn't Dany already wiped out the leadership of that Khaleesar with Drogon and taken it as her army?
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