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Duke Togo

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Everything posted by Duke Togo

  1. WTF with the subtitles? They're for the dub, not the original Japanese.
  2. Directed by Chris Miller and Phil Lord (um, yeah, not too thrilled about that), and written by Lawrence and Jon Kasdan (which is good news).
  3. We already have a Rogue One thread, I'd suggest renaming this one "Star Wars: Han Solo" Edit: actually, you created the other thread, Dob. LOL
  4. CNN headline today: "Is Kit Harington's hair a clue to 'Game of Thrones'?" I think it's pretty safe to say talk of his return is way, way past "book reader" theorizing.
  5. I dunno, but there's a ton of talent on this new one.
  6. That's the rumor. I'm not sure anyone has actually ever seen it, though.
  7. To do what with? While its not as bad a prospect as Lucas getting his hands back on Star Wars would be, it's still not good.
  8. Just a guess: you're using an older Ethernet cable to hook up your PS4, and it doesn't support those speeds. You want a CAT 5e or CAT 6 cable.
  9. I missed the raven with Dany. Nice pickup. I was a little surprised we didn't see the white Ravens from the Citadel this season announcing Winter.
  10. I doubt Littlefinger knows. He'd have used that information already. Stannis is even more doubtful, but he has respect for Ned's character. I agree that the Sword of the Morning will appear in a flashback next season. Will it be like Cersei's in season 5, or will it be through Bran's greensight?
  11. No true. There's a breakdown of this somewhere, but I'd have to look it up. Some made it back North, some are still imprisoned (like the Umbers), and yes, some died at the wedding. I'd wouldn't be surprised if the document declaring this was in the hands of one Howland Reed of Greywater Watch.
  12. Prince Doran has definitely not been playing nice in the books, no matter what he says publicly. "Vengeance. Justice. Fire and blood."
  13. We assume he does, because he calls his bannermen to a meeting to make it official. However, the chapter ends there.
  14. Other things to remember: Robb likely legitimized Jon Snow and named him heir in front of the Northern Lords before the Red Wedding. Also, Ned Stark's remains are likely in the hands of Howland Reed, as they never made it North past Moat Cailin before the Ironborn took it.
  15. I don't buy Reed being the High Sparrow. I don't see Reed coming into play until things begin to solidify in the North, which may not be until "A Dream of Spring" (formerly titled "A Time for Wolves"). I'm not sure the High Sparrow will be around long enough to matter what his real name is. Cersei isn't going to take this humiliation sitting down. As far as Tommen being the valonqar, Maggy's prophecy alludes to her having to bear witness to the deaths of her three children, and then the valonqar shall kill her. My favorite candidates are the Hound and Jaime (I'm leaning heavily toward Jaime). For the record, I've never put much stock into the theory than Jon wargs into Ghost for an extended period of time. I don't think Melisandre will waste much time now that we know that things go badly for Stannis in the North. I also believe that this miracle of resurrection will come about in the same way it did for Thoros of Myr: crisis of faith leads to a great show of power on the part of the Lord of Light; faith is renewed.
  16. I can't even remember the last game I pre-ordered, and I haven't seen a game out of stock on a release day in a very long time.
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