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Duke Togo

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Everything posted by Duke Togo

  1. I'm not sure I ever bought into that. My impression from the books is that the person who may be him has left all of that behind. I guess we'll see
  2. Lots of news the past three weeks or so. A slew of high-profile castings, sightings, and even scene reports. I've actually stopped reading most articles because some of the news coming out started to look like spoilers beyond what we already know, and that's a no-go for me. I will add this tidbit: Kit Harington did a Belgian magazine interview recently where he admitted to being under contract for atleast a few more seasons (but wouldn't say how many).
  3. The Nolan rumor is now being reported as being false.
  4. That's not correct, at all. I'm not sure where you're getting you info from, but it's wrong.
  5. Given how well it's doing and the positive press the Taken King is getting, I don't think I'd call Destiny a train wreck. It's clearly quite successful. But it's a departure from what it looked to be before release. Me, I haven't played since the spring and have no plans to play again.
  6. If you aren't playing online multilayer games you don't need PS Plus. I don't get the anger.
  7. I've avoided all spoilers, but it certainly sounds like there's a chunk of the game being held back for DLC. Total conjecture on that, but from what I've been hearing it's a real "WTF, that's it?" sorta deal. No resolution and no ending really. The game just stops.
  8. I'm reading the story is more of a mess than usual, the ending is flat out bad, cutting the story short, but the gameplay is bloody brilliant and more than worth the price of admission. Might pick this up later this month.
  9. It's pretty easily the best film of the year so far (which is saying something considering how great Ex Machina is), and the best action film to come out in a decade. Maybe two. One of the great action films ever. It's just frakkin fantastic.
  10. Game isn't looking so hot, and the recent blu-ray release stinks of an impending double-dip with more features.
  11. I give it a solid 7/10. My issues are beta issues (balance, bugs, server issues). It's miles better than Advanced Warfare. I had a lot of fun playing it, and am seriously considering picking it up when it releases.
  12. Do you think he realizes no one has watched or talked about his movie since it came out? They're producing a trilogy of movies for a property that has no cultural presence during a time when there is a growing backlash against CGI-fests.
  13. BTW, these films are no longer called "Star Wars Anthology." They're now called "Star Wars Stories." If a mod would be so kinda to update the thread title.
  14. For my money, the Captain America films are the best Marvel has to offer, and Chris Evans might be the most perfect casting for a superhero role I've ever seen. I'd be fine if all they made were Cap movies. I'm burning out on the Marvel movieverse (Gaurdians and Ultron didn't really click with me), but I'm jazzed for new Captain America movies.
  15. He had a say in it, then it was decided they wanted to go in another direction. This was post-sale. And P. L. Travers ended up having very little say in the making of Mary Poppins (despite how the Disney movie about it has tried to spin it), and she was actually quite upset with how the film turned out and furious at Disney for how she was treated.
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