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Duke Togo

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Everything posted by Duke Togo

  1. Yeah, definitely getting the feeling Luke won't be showing up until late in the game here. I also strongly suspect Finn has some training in using the Force and a lightsaber. Very interesting. But anyway, man, wow, that trailer is just amazing. Edit: The jump to lightspeed is the coolest thing I've seen in Star Wars in over 30 years.
  2. We really don't know what that thing is or who controls it. I'm not jumping to conclusions on anything. Also, it's the official movie poster, I am not sure we should be treating it as a spoiler. Unless you're going to shut down your internet access, turn off the tv, and not leave the house between now and Dec 18th, you're gonna see this thing. Well, it's certainly not as bad as Empire's poster.
  3. Now here is a version of Jurassic World I'd love to see. Look at that cast! Michael Caine, Raquel Welch, Richard Pryor, and Charlton Heston!
  4. When the 6S came out my local AT&T store told me to order it online, and they'd get it to me on release day for free. And they did. They told me they'd have 100 people waiting at the door when they opened, but there was no need for that any more. I assume we're at the same point with movie tickets now: order them online from the comfort of your home.
  5. Saw this today. It was ok. No better or worse than the 2nd and 3rd movies. Essentially Jurassic Park meets Aliens, without any remarkable performances and ho-hum special effects. This is also the least charming performance I've personally seen out of Chris Pratt. He squeezed more character out of his brief role in Zero Dark Thirty than he did over the entirety of JW. What a waste.
  6. I know it's supposed to be ridiculous and action-packed, but the particular style of action shown in the trailer is grossly out of place. I'm not commenting on the subject matter, I'm commenting on the execution. Plus, that music? Frakking shoot me. I guess this is what happens when you go from David O. Russell to Burr Steers.
  7. These sorts of films would probably be a lot better if they didn't have the incessant need to make them all wushu ninja actioners where everyone has the skills of Jason Bourne.
  8. Here is the original interview: http://www.timeout.com/london/film/daniel-craig-interview-my-advice-to-the-next-james-bond-dont-be-crap I think what he is saying is quite clear here: he's worn out from a grueling 8-month shoot and right now he can't even think about doing another one. He needs a holiday. It's nowhere near as negative as its being made out to be.
  9. Everything is proceeding as I have foreseen
  10. Calm down there, tough guy. Did you even read the article (obviously not)? Also, if you don't think he has fine any other good films you clearly don't watch many movies. If I went through what he had on this shoot I'd probably want to step away, too. Never mind he clearly has a lot of respect for the role.
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