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Duke Togo

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Everything posted by Duke Togo

  1. Well, this episode was just delightful. I'm really enjoying this show. They've done a really good job with it. I've said it before and I'll say it again: they should be exploring different genres within the Star Wars universe instead of just giving us the same space opera stuff. Skeleton Crew and Andor are excellent examples of what can be done with the IP that doesn't stick to the script.
  2. It almost sounds like the best thing to do is avoid all of them, lol. But, if I really wanted one, go Beagle.
  3. So, I need to ask, is the Sentinel Riobot Ride Armor the gold standard like their Legioss is?
  4. I'm in the fence with the Tread. It doesn't have the same appeal to me that the super/strike parts for the VF-1 do.
  5. Ah, I only pre-ordered the Legioss. That's weird, though.
  6. When it ships
  7. Thanks, guys. I pre-ordered the Legioss. Not sure I need that Tread.
  8. So, I've been waiting to get a Legioss for years. Is the Riobot the one to get?
  9. As a 4K blu collector who has done this dance before, this really worries me.
  10. Numbers must be pretty good for it. I'm not sure I'd follow a second season, but we'll see how this one ends.
  11. Kudos to Gunn for recognizing you have to have the John Williams theme.
  12. The first two episodes of 3199 have been there for a while. Several months, at least. But they're up to six episodes now.
  13. I'll finish this season of the show, but it's not working for me so far.
  14. If I had one thing to change about this show, is that I'd make the kids more Goonies-aged.
  15. I'm digging this show. Pirate adventure, good times.
  16. This show is off to a good start. I like everything they're doing so far. So, it sounds like
  17. So that's what, an AI upscale by some guy?
  18. It's a soulless money grab that fails at everything that made the original so good.
  19. The question isn't why; the question is, why not?
  20. What baffles me is that while it has decent, but not great reviews, it has a really good audience score.
  21. I feel so let down by this movie. It should not have been made. This isn't as bad as I felt after I saw The Phantom Menace, but I'm actually kinda angry about it.
  22. I have my tickets for the 21st at 6PM.
  23. That's a good trailer, but I've been checked out on Marvel since Black Panther 2. I don't see myself re-engaging on this, especially with all of the content I've not watched that you'll probably need to be up on.
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