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Duke Togo

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Everything posted by Duke Togo

  1. I'm hoping for something that reverts Zentradi to their war-like ways.
  2. I could be wrong, Jasonc, but I recall everyone going bonkers over Frontier footage when it came out.
  3. The Zentradi mecha in the trailer could be a total red herring. It could be from video footage, a training simulator, or even a video game within the show itself.
  4. Wild guess: the NUNS show up on the planet as a defensive force against... something... and come into conflict with the local colonial government (monarchy?) that doesn't want them there. Seems topical and could fit what we've seen so far.
  5. The trailer leaves an impression that is decidedly not "Macross," but that doesn't mean the show is bad. Delta might be excellent, but how that trailer feels is why several of us are skeptical. And even if it's good, I'm sure there will be more than a few of us (possibly myself included) who will be turned off by the show if it departs too far from what we consider the essence of what makes a production "Macross."
  6. Just as long as the evil pretty boys aren't a boy band and we're not seeing Valkyries duking it out with speaker pods.
  7. Have you actually seen Robotech 3000? Because it looks nothing like that.
  8. Please tell me this isn't a show about an idol group dueling it out with a boy band using Valkyries. Because I have zero interest in that.
  9. That would require pirates and ships, which it doesn't have.
  10. The prequel era designs could not be more out of step with the original films. They don't look like Star Wars and they don't feel like Star Wars. Everyone makes their own choice; me, I've chosen to disregard the prequel era.
  11. Sounds like a story from MW
  12. I only remember the bomber episode. And the opening, of course.
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