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Duke Togo

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Everything posted by Duke Togo

  1. Yeah, no way Rey is Ben's daughter; there's only 11 years difference between the two. Unless you mean Kenobi, and that is literally impossible. The simplest answer is likely the correct one: she is Luke's daughter, though I assume he is not the one who left her there.The Saga is the story of the Skywalkers. Unless Luke becomes the main character in 8&9, you need another, which is Rey.
  2. You can only put so much of Duke Togo's manliness in one thread. Though, given we're talking about Delta, I'd argue we may need more than usual.
  3. /Film: Star Wars: The Force Awakens Ending Details and More Revealed in Official Screenplay Well, some of our guesses were right, and some of our guesses were wrong (and some were in the middle). Great info here.
  4. Yeah, we discussed that earlier. Still, I'm sticking with what they said at SDCC. Of course, Rian Johnson may decide to change that, so I suppose anything is possible. If anyone would know about storytelling shortcomings, it would be George Lucas.
  5. Snoke is also not a Muun, and was originally developed as a female character. Both of which make Snoke NOT Plagueis. This is, of course, ignoring the fact that JJ has already acknowledged his mistakes with Into Darkness, including the Khan reveal, which he said he'd never do again.
  6. If they were the remains of Vader's armor, it's kinda odd he would keep them in an interrogation room. Nevertheless, I had the same thoughts. I haven't heard of it being mentioned in the novelization, so we may never know. I guess we'll have to stay tuned.
  7. I did answer them based on available sources, namely JJ Abrams and Lawrence Kasdan, both of whom were integral to the development of this new trilogy. They've said time and again that George did what George did, and that they would never trample on that, but that they were focusing on Star Wars as laid out in the OT. Their concern was to recapture that and build on it. Snoke is not Plagueis because they said he wasn't at SDCC. Never mind Snoke isn't a Muun and was at one point being developed as a female character. Midichlorians were hand-waved away, as they intentionally made the move back toward the more all-inclusive Force as seen in the OT. And Force ghosts are just another of the gaping plot holes Lucas introduced in the prequels, and I can guarantee you these movies aren't going to touch that mess with a ten foot pole. It's how dead Jedi could appear in the OT, so it's how they may appear now.
  8. Because the questions keep coming up. Plagueis, midichlorians, Force Ghosts... Would you rather I not provide answers to these questions and let some members remain confused?
  9. And remember, boys and girls, the prequels don't really matter anymore. They exist, but they won't be leaned upon for story content. I suspect this has as much to do with the continuity issues between them and the OT as it does with their unpopularity.
  10. /Film: Star Wars: The Force Awakens Deleted Scenes: 20 Scenes Cut From The Final Film The "General Leia and the New Republic" scene fixes my one major issue with the film; that is, what is the relationship between the Republic, the Resistance, and the First Order, and what is the significance of the Hosnian System? I'd love to see a faneditor reincorporate it into the movie after this stuff is released with the Blu-ray. It blows my mind that it wasn't including, as the movie itself isn't clear at all about any of those things.
  11. They're just going to ignore it. The feeling is that it is limiting and not in the spirit of the original trilogy. Whether they are still there or not is irrelevant, as the term won't be used again.
  12. Very happy to see another Sicario mention
  13. What do you consider to be a great movie?
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