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Duke Togo

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Everything posted by Duke Togo

  1. Kinda like the Falcon traveling across the galaxy in a small period of time? Or AT-ATs as effective machines of war? Or any one of a thousand things Star Wars has always hand-waved away? It's Star Wars; it's fantasy.
  2. Well, now we know why they moved Star Wars: Avatar 2 is no longer scheduled for release that holiday season. Knowing that, they jumped at the chance for the money it'll bring in opening Star Wars then. The script re-write sounds like small potatoes, given that they've only delayed the start of principle photography by about two weeks. The rumors swirling around it were likely just that: rumors.
  3. I'm having trouble investing in Rebels. I'm on episode 11 of season 2, and I can't get past the continuity issues. The fledging rebel alliance has three Jedi along with A-Wings and a B-Wing five years BBY? And while I know and remember the Inquisitors being talked about in the old EU, how they're presented in the show creates even more problems when it comes to meshing with the story of the OT (never mind diminishing the importance of Kenobi, Luke, and Yoda, along with Vader and the Emperor, for that matter). The show isn't bad by any means, I just can't reconcile the issues it creates within the canon.
  4. The Revenant has some significant story issues, and Tom Hardy basically mumbles his way through the movie. However, the direction and cinematography are stellar, and Leo goes all out.
  5. If I had to guess, they're giving Poe a larger role, and possibly Phasma. The rewrites cannot be significant, as they've pushed principle photography back only a few weeks (it officially begins shooting in February now).
  6. The as of yet untitled Episode 8 is written and directed by Rian Johnson, and slated for release December 15, 2017. DAYS UNTIL STAR WARS: EPISODE VIII Lots of news on the next film in the new trilogy: The release date has been pushed back from May 2017 to December 2017. $$$$ Rian Johnson is revising his script, in what is said to be a move to reduce the role of further new characters and focus more on the trio introduced in TFA. Principle photography was set to begin in the next few weeks (end of January 2016), but has been delayed until February 2016 because of the script revision. Some filming with Hamill and Ridley was done on Skellig Michael island in fall 2015. Word is they will not be returning to the island due to the difficulty in shooting there, and they will pick up shots elsewhere and on a soundstage for further scenes on the island. Whatever they needed for physical continuity was gotten this past fall.
  7. Wait, and we talking about Twitter, or Macross World? My Twitter feed is mostly film and baseball news. It is whatever you want it to be.
  8. Great use of music, humor, and the best shots in the movie make for a pretty good trailer. They also probably showed way too much, and I question whether or not it's an accurate representation of the movie. I mean, it's DC, so I assume dark, gritty, and brooding.
  9. I still get puzzled by people saying that 7 is a remake of 4. While it certainly takes story beats from the entirety of the original trilogy, it isn't close to being a "remake" of any single one of them.
  10. Well, it's made pretty clear Vader had no idea he had a daughter. And why would he know Luke was his kid before being told his name? Especially since he'd never crossed paths with Luke before.
  11. It blows my mind this wasn't nominated for Best Picture. It's not a screw up of Drive proportions, but it's a pretty bad snub.
  12. It could use another pass as far as the clean up goes, and some of the darker scenes look a little rough, but otherwise it is a great addition to anyone's Star Wars film collection. It'll be interesting to see what improvements they can squeeze out of the picture in future releases. However, I assume those won't come until after they finish Empire and Jedi.
  13. Leia is also a major player in the Rebellion. But hey, I provide a logical explanation, but you want to go with some bizarro prequel explanation. Whatever works for you, dude.
  14. No it doesn't, and I'm pretty sure he was joking. And he pretty clearly cares about the Wookiee, because he's part of the bait to lure Luke. "Take the Princess and the Wookiee to my ship."
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