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Duke Togo

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Everything posted by Duke Togo

  1. A clause that limits what Disney can and can't do to financially exploit the franchise? For $4b, I find that unlikely. And Lucas has been pretty open about the fact that he just had to let it all go when he sold to Disney. But, whatever the case, it's not happening anytime soon.
  2. Given the amount of money to be made, I wouldn't be surprised if they at some point decided to reboot the prequels within the next 25 years. For now I assume they'll carrying on doing what TFA did: generally ignore the inconsistencies introduced prequels.
  3. A friend of mine and I decided to watch this one evening this past fall with a few bottles of wine. We made it half way through before she demanded the remote and forwarded through the rest of it at high speed. It's a lot worse than people say, which is pretty bad to begin with. It doesn't even have that Showgirls charm.
  4. Anthony Daniels tweeted out that he just read the Ep. 8 script yesterday, which means whatever revisions Rian Johnson made were likely more minor than what was being reported. This was as had been guessed here, as principle photography was only delayed by a few weeks. I'd be surprised if they script change wasn't related to the news that came out in early January that the two female roles they were trying to cast were cut to one.
  5. The Clone Wars took place 22 years BBY. The new generation of Jedi Luke was training were wiped out by the Kylo and his Knights of Ren, and the new Jedi Temple was burned to the ground. Whether or not any of the other students where included among the Knights of Ren is currently unknown. Ben is 30 years old as of TFA, and it's estimated the fall of the new Jedi Temple occurred when he was 15 or 16, in 20 ABY. The Rebellion against the Empire officially ends 5 years ABY with the Battle of Jakku, and 27 years after the Clone Wars. Ben Solo is born sometime in the year and a half before the Battle of Jakku. This gives Luke roughly 15 years to train new students if he started right away. That leaves 14 years since the destruction of the new Temple that no new Jedi have been undergoing training. Note: For the record, Alec Guinness was 62 when he filmed the original Star Wars
  6. The Republic was powerful enough by itself to stop the First Order before it really even got started, but chose not to. It's the reason why the Resistance exists: they saw the inaction of the Republic as an opportunity for the Imperial remnant forces to regroup and grow strong. It's the rise of Nazi Germany on a galactic scale, along with the appeasement and blind inaction that went with it. For many the Jedi are a myth.
  7. In another dimension? How many forums are left?
  8. No, not at all. I'm saying you don't seem to have been very engaged by the story of 7. I also strongly disagree with you over what makes a compelling hero. I was a lit minor in college and have been fascinated by mythology and mythological stories since I was a little kid. You aren't going to change my mind on what makes for a good hero. Again, Empire is held in such high esteem because it adds complexity and depth to characters born out of a fairly simple template. For instance, Vader just being pure evil isn't anywhere near as compelling as Vader being a fallen Jedi Knight and father to the hero of the story. Luke disappoints Yoda and then goes on to lose his duel with Vader, and along with it his hand. Faults and failures add to the characters, not subtract.
  9. You're entitled to your opinion, and you don't have to follow the films from here on out. Free country, dude. Being you've only seen 7 once and you haven't been able to remember basic story points discussed within the movie, I'm not even sure why you're in here discussing 8. It doesn't sound like you were engaged by 7.
  10. Up until the movie, civilization wasn't depending on him at all. It was going along just fine. And no, I don't believe most people could withstand what he's gone through and still want to stand up and fight. He's a farm boy who had destiny thrust upon him. Ever since then he's known nothing but war and death, mostly at the hands of his family. Of course he walked away, 99% of us would as well.
  11. I'd like to put you in his shoes and see how you handle it. I'm sure you'd be real gung-ho to go after your nephew after already having squared off with your father in a duel to the death. It's called complexity, and it makes for more interesting and compelling characters. It's why Empire is a better film than Star Wars.
  12. Here's the thing, myk: Scully isn't a skeptic anymore, and I think the story loses something when she's walking around with her alien DNA. She has bought into it because she's living proof, and that's just less interesting to me. And why do they still call each other Scully and Mulder? They had a kid together. You'd think they'd be on a first-name basis.
  13. The_foul pretty much hits it on the head: he can't bring himself to face--and potentially kill--his nephew. He was put in that position with his father and can't bear to do it again. It's not that complex of an idea, guys.
  14. Principle photography in slated to begin on 8 in the next few weeks (around two weeks later than planned), so whatever changes that were made to the script were minor.
  15. Much better and more coherent than episode 1. Also, Akira. I'm thankful they're moving off the alien conspiracy storyline for episode 3, as it was always my least favorite facet of the show. I'm much more a fan of the monster of the week.
  16. It is a bit of an incomprehensible mess which totally fails at world building and establishing its logic for the audience. There was a moment where I thought it was going to go super-meta, and Mulder was going to realize they were actually part of a fictional TV show. But no, it was nothing that interesting. I hope the other five episodes are better than this.
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