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Duke Togo

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Everything posted by Duke Togo

  1. Pat and Uxi, you aren't getting what I am saying. I have no problem with him ending their story. I am saying he went about it the wrong way, which is why its still debated today.
  2. Most of you know I buy into the whole "story has been told, leave it be" argument, but I got to thinking recently... would Kawamori have been better off saying they settled somewhere distant in the galaxy, and that is that? By saying they disappeared, he is stirring up some controversy. People will debate it and continue to discuss it because he left them with an ending that is a mystery. Fans want to solve mysteries, its in their nature! Hell, he probably should have just left Flashback 2012 as the ending, and not said anything else. They flew off to explore the universe, THE END. Not like he can follow up now anyways, with Hikaru's voice actor being dead.
  3. Seem to be the two episodes I can never find. Can anyone help?
  4. It's not even an Evil, as it's not "biological" enough to be Um, its got a backbone. You have to admit, Keith, it looks an awful lot like Natter-Valgo.
  5. From the Macross Compendium: PC 2870 A Protoculture survey ship stops temporarily on "Earth." By genetically reconstructing the native life, it plots the emergence of a sub-Protoculture adapted to the planetary enivronment, "Humankind," to prepare for future colonization. During its return to its home planet, the survey ship is destroyed by military ships opposed to the Stellar Republic. Records of Earth and Humankind are eventually lost. This is Pre-Protodeviln. Though, this really changes little, as the AFOS could have visited Earth later on, while the native life was still "evolving" along the path it was pushed too by Protoculture.
  6. If I recall, according to Mayan lore, the head becomes the wife of the first human, before returning to space at some point. Following the design in The Galaxy Is Calling Me, this would be no different than Gavil seperating from the beast (which would then die) and living on Earth. The Protodeviln in this case could have fallen for this *singing* earth creature (song is already been shown to have a strong supernatural influence in Zero), much as we see them turn in Macross 7 because of the power of song. Gotta be Protodeviln.
  7. Watch Episode 2 and The Galaxy is Calling Me back to back, and you'll see exactly what I mean. That thing in its chest is WAY too big of a coincidence. Its clear as day in The Galaxy Is Calling Me.
  8. I agree, but it certainly does look an awful lot like it.
  9. Finally got around to watching Macross Zero Episode 2 (gotta love ffdshow!), and I couldn't help but think looking at "AFOS" that is was a Protodeviln. Reminds me of Natter-Balgo/Valgo combo from M7: The Galaxy Is Calling Me. The thing on/in its chest, the wings, Gavil as its head... got to thinking about that Mayan legend deal, with the being coming from the AFOS's head. I dunno, maybe this has been done/said before, I don't read here as much as I used to. I'd like to hear what you guys have to say about this.
  10. Macross Compendium lists it as "Milia", and that's good enough for me.
  11. I cannot imagine ever paying a monthly fee to play a game, especially one with no end.
  12. I am going as Hamtaro.
  13. I dunno, all Shirow seems intent on doing these days are popping nipples and juicy crotches.
  14. Here's more... http://macross.anime.net/macross/story/chr...2013/index.html Because of the increase in hereditary children's diseases due to the overuse of cloning, mass cloning is terminated.
  15. http://macross.anime.net/macross/story/chr...2010/index.html Mass cloning of people as well as animals and plants through the use of Protoculture technology begins. Start of nature reclaimation project. Earth ecosystem rehabilitation begins
  16. I was "censored heavily" several times for posting quotes and links to an interview in which Carl Macek denounced Harmony Gold and his work on Robotech. There reason they stated was that I was making "personal attacks", against whom I do not know. I assume I still have an membership on the boards there, but I don't bother anymore.
  17. Classic anime, one of my favorites, and one of the best ever. Its about time.
  18. OVER-RATED clap, clap, clap clap clap OVER-RATED clap, clap, clap clap clap OVER-RATED...
  19. What's the latest reaosn given why DYRL?" hasn't been release Stateside? Last I heard it was something along the lines of no one knew who owned the rights, or the people who did weren't going to give it up...
  21. I always thought "K" as for "Karnov"!
  22. There is no excuse for you not ot buy the official release from AnimEigo. You are disrespecting the amount of time and work they put into it to make it available for all of us, and you are disrespecting those of us who put out alot fo money to buy the official release. Bootlegging domesticaly available Macross products is not welcome here.
  23. I am fairly certain Lucasfim has backed off of the "Special Edition only" stance.
  24. So, once again, we get to watch this thread go around and around in circles until either the Techies are banned or some big breakthrough happens.
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