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Duke Togo

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Everything posted by Duke Togo

  1. I'm really an assman, myself, but, the avatar is kinda tacky. Might be different it it were say, anime related or something similar, but just having a chick's tits bouncing is kinda lame.
  2. I don't have a Macross toy collection because I have a fiancee. She is of rare scale, and was very hard to get, LOL.
  3. Actually Roy, Max, and I ARE going to start a boy band. And... I ME! I'll outsell you all, you bastards! Make way for THE DUKE!
  4. Where's the love for Gunbuster????
  5. Well, its not anime, but it is animated... I could see an argument either way.
  6. I'd be happy if just the main page was updated...
  7. More porn by the looks of it.
  8. Open game, this doesn't belong here. ROBOTECH SUCKS!
  9. I have a hard time watching something by Masamune Shirow that doesn't feature his designs. Half of the reason why I like his work is because of his artistic style.
  10. Yes, I know, I figured I'd just keep it going...
  11. Don't forget the part were he starts giving birth to Aliens...
  12. I haven't personally played it, but from what I understand, the new Castlevania game is supposed to be pretty damned good.
  13. Cause, you know, there was no such thing as a "civil war" before Gundam came up with the idea!
  14. I don't know about the rest of you, but I am getting wood.
  15. Yeah yeah, Civil war! BAD IS GOOD, BABY, DOWN WITH GOVERNMENT!
  16. weird , I don´t recall mentioning any pro-M7 catchphrase Its a joke... It means, "I didn't mean it" Minmay taught you that? Yes... Minmay taught me the word...
  17. I'd like to see another "challeneger to throne", so to speak. Whether internal or external, we haven't seen a serious threat to the UN Spacy, Earth, or the Macross since the original series. Mass destruction, high drama, the future of the human race hanging in the balance. Space fleets racing in from the colonies to save Earth, fight the enemy, whichever whatever. A civil war would be rather interesting, too. We haven't seen that yet. And we still have the Supervision Army which has yet to be heard from...
  18. Or that big battleship that turns into a huge-ass robot with naval ships for arms? Well, as bad as the reason was in the original Macross, atleast they had a reason. Macross 7 does't have any real reason for transformation. And don't tell me for targeting, that's pretty lame.
  19. weird , I don´t recall mentioning any pro-M7 catchphrase Its a joke... It means, "I didn't mean it"
  21. The secret of Protoculture is being hidden by the Prior de Scion. Its the subject of Dan Brown's next novel, "The Basara Code".
  22. Depends on who you think of as a troll. I stand corrected.
  23. *just wants his "Golgo 13" member title back...*
  24. This reply proves just how TOTALLY clueless you really are. I didn't even bother to read the rest. Even Robotech fans know thats not what was going on in that scene. I don't see how anyone here can ever take you seriously, I know I won't from now on. Better yet, I won't even bother to respond to you.
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