From TheForce.Net:
EP3: Longest Fight in Cinema History
Sat, Jan 24, 04 11:38:41 PM EST
SG sends us the text of a sweet new interview with Nick Gillard the lightsaber master of Episode III. In an interview with today's Times Magazine (UK) he gives a few great previously unknown tidbits. Here's a clip of some of the best - including one awesome detail:
How do you set about concocting a light-sabre fight?
In the script it’ll say, “A thrilling light-sabre fight ensues.” That’s all you get. So then I talk to George Lucas and ask him how long the fight is and take it from there.
Where do you get your inspiration?
I got the Jedi style from all the great sword styles. Only about 12 people on Earth know it and can read the moves off the page. But I invented it, so I can beat them all, though Hayden Christiansen, who plays Darth Vader, is the toughest. The skill is mostly balance and having your feet in the right place. In the next film, Ewan [McGregor] has more than 1,000 moves, which are more complicated to learn than dialogue. The climactic fight scene is, at 12 minutes, the longest fight scene in cinema history.