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Duke Togo

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Everything posted by Duke Togo

  1. Life is a series of 'hello's" and "goodbye's", I'm afraid its time for goodbye again... Oh, sorry!
  2. Sheeya, right, and the next thing you'll be telling me is that Roy Focker isn't really Roy Rocker!
  3. Your color is ALL wrong! Maximillian Jenius is all about blue and teal!
  4. Your sig looks like shite.
  5. Dude, your noggin is broken!
  6. All gone...
  7. I can't even edit my sig now, the HTML tags take up too much space???
  8. Wrong board for this post, I am guessing it will be moved... As they've said, Shawn is busy, and Graham isn't an "working" co-admin, he's simply our Yamato toy liason. Its just my opinion, but Shawn needs to find someone to manage things around here so he canlive his life and not worry about it. We need someone to run the website and the boards when Shawn can't.
  9. The Macross II Ownz is the biggest problem with it.
  10. Japan does not concern itself with Robotech. I meant Mospeada. Which has nothing to do with Macross or Kawamori... in other words, no
  11. Japan does not concern itself with Robotech.
  12. I bet Kawamori never does another show like that again.
  13. General forums lead to problems, and quickly become the focus of chat. The MW boards are here to talk about Macross, not Airsoft guns or your car. If you don't want to talk about Macross, there are plenty of other boards for you to post on. The Admins and Mods have kept this board focused, which s why it has done as well as it has. Its been asked a hundred times, and its been answered a hundren times. No, MW will not have a General forum.
  14. NO. We've gone over this a thousand times. Stop asking.
  15. I doubt we see him do anything, as the fight takes place near the end of the film. And now there is that rumored TV project involving Spielberg that takes place beetween Episode 3 and 4...
  16. Jesus, I never noticed that function.
  17. From TheForce.Net: EP3: Longest Fight in Cinema History Sat, Jan 24, 04 11:38:41 PM EST SG sends us the text of a sweet new interview with Nick Gillard the lightsaber master of Episode III. In an interview with today's Times Magazine (UK) he gives a few great previously unknown tidbits. Here's a clip of some of the best - including one awesome detail: How do you set about concocting a light-sabre fight? In the script it’ll say, “A thrilling light-sabre fight ensues.” That’s all you get. So then I talk to George Lucas and ask him how long the fight is and take it from there. Where do you get your inspiration? I got the Jedi style from all the great sword styles. Only about 12 people on Earth know it and can read the moves off the page. But I invented it, so I can beat them all, though Hayden Christiansen, who plays Darth Vader, is the toughest. The skill is mostly balance and having your feet in the right place. In the next film, Ewan [McGregor] has more than 1,000 moves, which are more complicated to learn than dialogue. The climactic fight scene is, at 12 minutes, the longest fight scene in cinema history.
  18. Don't give in to hate! That leads to the dark side...
  19. You REALLY have to have some balls to put an R2 head on the back of your car.
  20. Try fddshow. You won't have any problems watching it, as long as the file isn't corrupt.
  21. http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?...=ST&f=26&t=4843 You can't close a thread on Rainbow Brite, an animated show, and leave one up on Airsoft guns, which is neither animated, science fiction, nor any type of media.
  22. No, problem not solved. I don't want to turn signatures off. I don't see this as being all that different from not allowing pictures in our signatures.
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