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Duke Togo

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Everything posted by Duke Togo

  1. I buy into the whole "Macross II is outside of the continuity of Macross" argument. For the sake of argument, the world of Macross II doesn't seem to have grown all that much since the end of Space War I. I doubt they could bring the sheer amount of firepower the the UN Spacy of the main continuity has.
  2. No, I won't. I paid for it once already, I'll be damned if I am going to pay for it again.
  3. Personally, I think Shawn should work with Leb here to do a general reworking of the site. Get things back up and running.
  4. While we have God here, I would like to ask him just WTF he was doing in 2001 in the 9th inning of Game 7 of the World Series. He get up for a pee break or something? Hey, wasn't there some rumor of Pioneer getting the rights to Macross Zero?
  5. It is good to see God is a Macross fan, though.
  6. OK who is this joker? Personally, I don't think calling God a joker is that good of an idea.
  7. http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?...t=ST&f=26&t=153 Happy reading!
  8. Like that?
  9. First off, please put it back. Secondly... The definition of a tattletale is "a scandalmonger or gossip" or "a person who tells tales about others". To tattle, which is to gossip, and tale, which is a story or narrative... I don't think reporting an off topic post has anything to do with this. Just wanted to pass that along.
  10. Mechmadness was worse. They actually went out looking for "girl" boards to harrass.
  11. Its a Japanese toy, its within the rules, and it has precedence. Care to try again?
  12. No, it shows you are desperate to attack me any way you can, and your example is a joke.
  13. As does this..
  14. The thread was off topic, and was locked. End of discussion. Its still beyond me why the thread was created in the first place, if they knew it was going to be locked. I think that really says alot.
  15. Cyclones are so under appreciated when it comes to transforming anime mecha.
  18. One of the times I got to talk to Shawn over the phone back in 2002, I brought up the subject if it were ever stressful maintaining the site and forum. He told me that he enjoyed it (as in running Macross World and the forum) and that it was stress relief for him. Ya, but the problem is it isn't being maintained. Not that I hold it against him, its only a website, its not life. Still, he spends his money keeping this place going, I would hope he'd find someone to run it.
  19. Its looks horrible, LOL. Part Dracula, part Vampire Hunter D, part Blade... you already know what is going to happen. It'll get horrible reviews, but it will make 100 million anyways. Teenage boys will love it, everyone else won't bother.
  20. I don't want to see happen to this forum that I have seen happen others. The attitude "it'll be closed in a day or two anyways" is no excuse for posting crap that doesn't belong there. I have every right to post this sort of thing in the feedback forum, that is what it is here for. Had I ever noticed the "Report this post" button, it would not have bene posted. The forums have rules, try following them.
  21. MacrossWorld seems to be sliding down a slippery slope itself. there are still quality folks around here. There is more to MacrossWorld than this unfinished forum. Everyone seems to have forgotten about the bulk of MacrossWorld, that its actually a website, not just a message board. Shawn needs to find administrative help for the page, or start saving himself some money by shutting down the rest of the site.
  22. MacrossWorld seems to be sliding down a slippery slope itself.
  23. I'd like to see a complete re-animation of the original series, using the original vocal track.
  24. Incase nobody else had noticed, the timestamping for posts is all screwed up. Not only are the hours way off, so are the minutes. Changing time zones doesn't fix this.
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