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Duke Togo

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Everything posted by Duke Togo

  1. I want to make it clear, I mean only discussing these products, and providing links to auctions and sites distributing them. I do not believe members themselves should be participating in the production and distribution of these products.
  2. Seeing as Harmony Gold no longer seems to care about copyright law and have made it clear they will steal whatever they want, I am calling on MacrossWorld to lift the ban on discussions involving the bootlegging and pirating on these illegally licensed Macross products by Harmony Gold. I understand that there are certain legal reasons behind the ban as well, but I see no harm in its discussion, as long as no members are actually distributing it or producing it. Discussing the quality of said products, and providing links to sites that distribute them should be allowed.
  3. This is stealing. Its time to start stealing back.
  4. That's not a glitch, its just a bad movie.
  5. I thought they called them "Reflex Weaponry".
  6. I have a fiancee, thanks. I prefer real women.
  7. If it was discovered that Hamrony Gold aquired the rights to DYRL? from whatever backwards company that currently owns them, and Harmony Gold released a Region 1 DVD of the movie, would you buy it?
  8. If it was discovered that Hamrony Gold aquired the rights to DYRL? from whatever backwards company that currently owns them, and Harmony Gold released a R1 DVD of the movie, would you buy it?
  9. Lucas doesn't do anything "bare bones". There will be enough here to satisfy the fans until the big box set comes out in a few years.
  10. Am I the only one who finds it odd that we are the largest english speaking Macross fan community, and our only official contact is with Yamato?
  11. ....
  12. Rogue Squadron
  13. They can't broadcats Robotech in Japan, we know that for certain. And I have no idea how exactly they would go about getting the footage of Macross Zero. Unless the stole it from official DVD releases.
  14. As noble as that might sound.... it would be hard to take 2 stablished franchises and simply fuse them together. Remember, Abombz, that you're talking about the company that fused Macross, Southern Cross, and Mospeada and got away with it for this long. Considering how little attention Southern Cross gets, and how seperate MOSPEADA and Macross are, I would say you are incorrect. Look at how many continuity questions are constantly brought up by Robotech fans. Harmony Gold did a horrid job.
  15. You don't seem to understand the fact that they don't own the rights to DYRL?. As to your other comments baout Robotech fans, no, they aren't stupid, they are simply ignorant. Most of us who have been in the community for a long time have dealt with plenty of Robotech fans who INSIST that their version of the story is the correct version. God knows how many fights have been fought because of their insistance that the SDF-2 does indeed appear in the animation. So I'd say, no, most Robotech fans are ignorant of the true Macross.
  16. If there was a deal, we would have known about it by now.
  17. No, Harmony Gold does indeed hold the rights outside of Japan to the original SDF Macross. They can't create a new series using the characters, but they can develop merchandise based upon the series.
  18. We need to know what Yamato has to say about this, G-Funk, and you are our Yamato man.
  19. I think you hit it on the head, O Master Sniper. I'll bet that, after Robert Woodhead's jawdropping announcement a few months back (which was, IYEAPN, the catalyst to my going R2 to get DYRL) HG's lawyers went all out to try to discern if they could get the license themselves. If we're lucky these hideous Super Posables are just HG's attempt at a Sunwards in reverse. Which announcement was this???? Robert has stated many times during the last few years that DYRL would probably never see a US release due to all the complications involving who really has the rights to DYRL. Oh, ok, I thought you meant there was some new announcement.
  20. I think you hit it on the head, O Master Sniper. I'll bet that, after Robert Woodhead's jawdropping announcement a few months back (which was, IYEAPN, the catalyst to my going R2 to get DYRL) HG's lawyers went all out to try to discern if they could get the license themselves. If we're lucky these hideous Super Posables are just HG's attempt at a Sunwards in reverse. Which announcement was this????
  21. Macross Fan Association 100% Pure Macross - Accept No Subsitutes
  22. I dunno, I think this calls for a re-assembling of the MFA. Who has the logo these days?
  23. In another forum, this might be missed by alot of people. This is the biggest news we've had in quite some time.
  24. This is too big of a story to just stick in the Toys forum.
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