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Duke Togo

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Everything posted by Duke Togo

  1. You really need to watch it again. Or try watching the OVA.
  2. From everything I've seen, only the GoDaiKin line used the name "God Marz". I am guessing "God Mars" is the correct name as well.
  3. Are you sure about this?
  4. ゴッドマーズ It is "do", that was my bad.
  5. So, the toy name "GodMarz" is just one of those silly Japanese things, and it really should be "GodMars".
  6. This is old news/no news... Nothing has changed, and this has NOTHING to do with DYRL.
  7. Harmony Gold employees can shampoo my crotch.
  8. I don't know how many of you remember or have heard of the GoDaiKin and anime "GodMarz/GodMars". What I am trying to figure out is which name is right. The GoDaiKin box clearly gives him the name "GodMarz" in english, while the anime title translates from katakana (ゴットマーズ) into (I think) "Gotsudo Maasu". The english release of the anime calls it GodMars. Anyone know for sure?
  9. An easter egg in a film is ALOT different from the crap Harmony Gold tries to pull.
  10. Not every one has the patience of budda my friend. And the way you guys aact I'm surpised he hasn't taken many more jabs. Turnabout is fare play, you gave lumps he gave you some back don't whine about or cry he's not playing fare just suck it up and move on. The difference being that he ran away from the only forum where we could debate him, here. No such thing as debate on Robotech.com.
  11. We ran those bastards off of this message board for a reason.
  12. There is no reason why we can't confirm that they have settled with Big West. "The simplest explanation" for Harmony Gold usually means they just decided they owned the rights to it.
  13. I wonder who they are going to get to do the music for Robotech 7?
  14. They leave them alone because of their weak legal standing.
  15. If somebody asked me if we should have bombed Japan, a simple, "Yes, by all means. Drop that frakker... Twice!"
  16. Anything with the Harmony Gold logo on it is fair game to me.
  17. Ya, Harmony Gold is now violating US Copyright law. If they aren't willing to abide by it, why should we respect their rights, especially the ones that they may or may not actually have.
  18. We need to do something to try to notify Big West about this. Either by Graham through Yamato, or by Egan Loo directly to BW.
  19. Completely understood. I just wanted to raise the issue. If Harmony Gold can break US copyright laws...
  20. Many of us have seen the records. The US Copyright Office recognizes Big West's legal claim to Macross Plus and Macross II. Its registered, you can look it up. This is a clear violation of US copyright law.
  21. We've done it before, Roy. Got websites behind us, too. The main MW page even featured the MFA logo for a time.
  23. I am partially to blame for their strictness, I was the first one to really make an issue about it, and asked that it be stopped. At this point, I see no harm with open discussion on the topic. I am not asking to set up a distribution ring on MacrossWorld.
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