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Duke Togo

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Everything posted by Duke Togo

  2. In other words, toys, games, etc... and still no domestic release of DYRL. Merchandising doesn't equal rights to the movie, which means that we're still stuck.
  3. In 2 months it will be selling for 19.99. I can wait, I have Front Mission 4 and KotOR to play, along with Armored Core Nexus coming in August (or is it July?).
  4. The original Star Wars release did not contain the "Episode IV" title.
  5. It could be worse, he could have digitally added nipples to Darth Vader's outfit.
  6. No, the UK release is not widescreen. Not sure how this rumour started, I've read it many times, but it is not true. I've seen the screen caps to go with the "rumor". That's odd...
  7. *raises hand*
  8. Because Spiderman sucked sour frog's ass.
  9. Waste of time. 2 and 3 don't come with any extras (and really aren't worth watching anyway), and if you have the Criterion release, there is no reason to buy it for the original.
  10. Much like Transformers The Movie, yet I still hear fans asking for a widescreen version of that. That was made tv aspect? Strange, but it does make the fact that there are no widescreen versions available make a whole lot more sense. From what I understand, the UK release is widescreen, but artificially so. They are missing part of the picture, obviously.
  11. Much like Transformers The Movie, yet I still hear fans asking for a widescreen version of that.
  12. I'd like to see one devoted to personal masturbation techniques.
  13. Is it just me, or does the baby look like Agent One...?
  14. How exactly would Harmony Gold pay for the music rights for Macross 7? Or are they just going to steal that, too?
  15. I think this clearly shows a lack of Big West involvement, as both Macross 2 and Macross Plus have Big West marking on the packing, along with Manga's.
  16. Or the website is...
  17. ...the robot's wearing a trenchcoat? Well, its cold in space... Um, is it just me, or does it look like he has an eye patch?
  18. So, is there any Gunbuster news to go along with this? I just showed the original OAV to my fiancee a few days ago, and she loved it. My old US Renditions tapes are getting a bit worn, though. We need this on DVD!
  19. My first thought was, "oh God, please no", then I thoguht to myself, this is Gainax we are talking about. It might turn out to be bloody brilliant.
  20. Hey, I just ordered a new computer. Its got the AMD Athlon 64 3200+ processor with 1MB L2 Cache. Welcome to the world of 64Bit computing!
  21. "Homeworld 2 Macross Total Converstion: The Mod Without End""
  22. Its not Macross related. There is no news on any Macross projects following Zero. Let us hope for a re-animation of the original series.
  23. I think this just means someone else will pick it up and release it.
  24. That girl has no ass. 5 bucks says its a guy.
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