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Duke Togo

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Everything posted by Duke Togo

  1. I concur. I'd go as far to say that its possibly the "gayest" thing I've ever witnessed in my life.
  2. That's why its called "Macross Zero", because it has ZERO to do with Macross.
  3. Ok, I've been playing the game on and off for about four hours now, and am halfway through the SP portion of the game. I'm not much for shooters, but I've been having fun. Once I get used to the running and gunning, I'll give the online portion a try.
  4. So, the million dollar question is, does she take it in the can (and like it)?
  5. Done right, or just really really wrong? I can't tell from this trailer.
  6. Its not easy when you haven't seen squat released outside of Japan since Macross Plus.
  7. From the IGN Star Wars DVD review, on the Lucas commentary: He does explain the replacement of Sebastian Shaw with Hayden Christiensen in RotJ, so consider it a spoiler for Episode III. There ya go...
  8. I dunno, I think asking who saw Resident Evil: Apocalypse is a little like asking who peed their pants and sat it in for 4 hours just because it felt good. Who would want to admit something like that?
  9. How is the quality on these?
  10. I'm under the impression that Lucas officially said: "All the other crap besides the first three movies doesn't count" when he started making the new ones. So, Zahn is out the window. Could be wrong. But I'm pretty sure that the novels are now non-canon. H Yes, he has stated that he only concerns himself with the films. Only the movies are cannon.
  11. Oh God, not one of these discussions. I always thought we Macross fans left silly poo like this to the techies.
  12. I had the Leader-1 and Cy-Kill models.
  13. Your signature is VERY annoying. It need not be so big.
  14. Lets burn him, and be done with it.
  15. Another POS movie that should never be made.
  16. To me, film IS art. I'm a film buff, its something I enjoy immensely. And yes, many movies are great without being deep or high art, but it is true the Hollywood system has become greatly flawed.
  17. So you're saying that movies should be status symbols? "What? You were entertained by a movie I did not like? You must have a disease.." Honestly. Better movies get buried by crap like this because the mind numbed public goes for it. The good scripts get buried by stupid poo like The Exorcist The Beginning, Aliens vs Predator, and Catwoman. I'd wager over the past decade, I've seen a higher percentage of great movies than most.
  18. Could not pay me to see it. I think you have to be just a little bit brain dead enjoy it. Though, judging by the kind of movies that hit big these days, I think that tends to be a large portion of the movie going public.
  19. It started with a picture of Shin at AnimEigo and some other employees.
  20. I guess that would explain why it didn't appear in Macross 7.
  21. What the hell is wrong with all of you people? How old are you all, 12?
  22. There have been some questions as to what takes were used in the theatrical releases, what were used on the various VHS releases, and what we are getting on DVD. Who knows which audio is right.
  23. Ah yes, I see that now.
  24. It is just me, or is the baby's helmet growing out of Milia's chest?
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